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181 Cards in this Set

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What cytokines are induced by the Teichoic Acid in a GRAM POSITIVE membrane?
-IL-1= fever
Where are the Beta-Lactamases stored in a GRAM NEGATIVE bacteria the allows them to escape B-Lactam antibiotics?
Which is the only Capsule that is NOT made from Polysaccharides?
Bacillus Anthracis= D-glutamate
What is the SPORE made from that makes it very resistant to heat, dehydration, chemicals?
Di-picolinic acid
What allows bacteria to bind to surfaces?
1. Glycocalyx =made from polysaccharide
2. IgA Protease= "PiGM"
-S. pneumoniae
-H. influenzae
-N. Gonorrhea
-N. meningitidis
What bugs will you not see with a GRAM STAIN?
-Treponema= need Darkfield + fluorecence
-Rickettsia/legionella/chlamydia= inside cells
***use Silver stain for legionella
-Mycobacterium= too much lipids on wall= need ACID FAST STAIN
-Mycoplasma= NO cell wall
What is occurring in the different stages of the the bacterial growth curve?
Lag= metabolic activity

Log= cell division

Stationary= out of food= slow growth

Death= too much waste products
What type of toxins do GRAM NEGATIVE bacteria have?
Exotoxin [peptide] + Endotoxin [Lipo/sugar]
Gram Positive= only EXOtoxin
Dangerous at LOW dosages= EXOtoxins
EXO= Tetanus, Botulism, Diphtheria = induce high-titer anti-toxins (antigenicity)
What is the only SECRETED EXOtoxin that is NOT destroyed by HIGH Temperatures?
Staph= ENTEROtoxin = because they are detected by Ab you can use toxoids as vaccines
most ENDOtoxins are sable at HIGH temperatures = IL-1/TNF= NOT secreted or detected by Ab's in the body => fever/shock=> meningococcemia
Techoic Acid(+) and LPS(-)= ENDOtoxins
What type of antigen causes LARGE amounts of IFN-gamma + IL-2 by activating T-cells (via binding to TCR + MHC-II)?
SUPERantigens from:
1. Staph a. =>
-TSST-1= fever + rash + shock
-Enterotoxins= food poisoning
2. Strep. pyogenes
-Scarlet Fever= kinda like toxic shock
What bugs use the ADP ribosylating AB Toxin?
B= attaches to cell
A= ADP Ribosylation= alters function=>
-Diphtheria: blocks EF-2=> pharyngitis + pseudomembrane in throat
-Cholerae: cAMP=> secretes Cl- in GI = rice water diarrhea
-E. Coli: cGMP=> watery diarrhea (toxin can resist heat)
-Bordetella Pertussis: cAMP= Whooping cough + increases lymphocytes
Which two bacteria release SHIGA TOXIN= destroys the host's rRNA, causes release of cytokines= HUS?
1. Shigella,
2. E. Coli= O157:H7
What is the main EXOtoxin with these bugs?
Clostridium Perfringens= alpha toxin=GAS gangrene= double zone of hemolysis on blood agar
C. tetani= blocks release of Glycine= lock Jaw + floppy baby
C. Botulinum= spores in honey= blocks ACh release
S. pyogenes= Streptolysin O= ASO Ab target= rheumatic fever
What are the different ways that ENDOtoxin Lipid A works?
IL-1(fever), TNF(fever,hermorrhagic tissue necrosis), NO(hypotension)
Compliment=> C3a(hypotension), C5a(PMN)
Hageman Factor=> DIC
What is HUS?
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome= hemolytic anemia, renal failure, lowers platelets
The Nisseria Family ferment different sugars. What are they?
Only Glucose= Gonococci
Glucose/Maltose= MeninGococci
Which bugs produce pigment that allows indentification?
Yellow= staph a. -------VS----- Green= Pseudomonas ---VS---- Red= Serratia marcescens
Gram Stain
Positive= Purple
Negative= Pink
What does catalase positve mean?
Posses Catalase which breaks down H2O2
How do the various Streptococci react to blood?
Change color via hemolysis:: Green= S. pneumonia + viridians streptococci
Clear= S. Pyogens + S. agalactiae
no hemolysis= Enterococci= E. faecalis
Which GAS is sensitive to optochin and soluble in bile ?
S. Pneumonia
viridians which is not
Which GBS is sensitive to Catalase and Bacitracin?
S. pyogens
Which are some GRAM POSITIVE bugs that are not Cocci BUT RODS?
Clostridium, Bacillus, Listeria
Which one cannot live with O2? Clostridium
How do you differentiate between Gram NEGATIVE Cocci?
N. Gonorrhoeae is NOT able to ferment MALTOS
N. meningitidis which can
Among the Gram NEGATIVE RODS that can ferment Lactose which ones are FAST vs. SLOW?
FAST= Klesbiella + E. Coli
SLOW= Serratia (red pigment)
Among the GRAM NEGATIVE RODS that CANNOT ferment LACTOSE but CAN use oxygen becaue they have cytochrome c oxidase (=oxidase positive in test)?
Do NOT have Oxidase= Shigella, Salmonella, Proteus
What would you use to plate H. influenza [-/CR]?
V(NAD) and K(hematin) factors in chocolate agar
What would you use to grow N. Gonorrheae[-/C]?
TM media
What would you use to grow Bordatella[-/CR]?
BG = potato agar
What would you use to grow Diphtheria[+/R]?
**one of the [+R= CBLD] ***
hats O2= Tellurite plate with Loffler's medium and blood
contains METACHROMATIC GRANULES and looks like a club
Toxins come from Beta-prophage--> block ADP-Rybosylation of EF2=> cause Pseudomembranous Pharyngitis w/ large lymphnodes
Clostridium DIFFICILE= Pseudomembranous COLITIS
What would you use to grow Mycobacteria Tuberculosis[AF]?
Lowenstein-Jensen agar
How can you grow enterics that can fermentate Lactose like enterobacteria[-/R/L]= also Kleb/E.coli?
MacConkey= turn PINK
How would you grow Legionella to verify diagnosis?
Charcoal yeast with a lot of Fe++ and CYSTEINE
In what type of medium does FUNGI grow on?
What are some special stains used to identify cellular components and bugs?
Congo Red= Amyloid= turns apple-green= Beta sheets
Giemsa= Borellia, plasmodium, trypanasomes, chlamydya= stains DNA-----
PAS= glycogen, mucopolysaccharides= diagnose Whipple's Disease(#1 mal-abs)
Ziehl-Neelson= Acid-Fast bacteria
India Ink= Cryptococcus neoformis= yeast(AIDS)
Silver Stain= Fungi/PCP/legionella
What are the only methodes EUKARYOTIC cells can change their genetic makup?
1. Transformation (picks up pure DNA)
2.TRANSPOSITION= jumping genes= one chromosome to another= does not leave cell
methods involving pathogen invasion=>
1. Transduction= phage
only prokaryotes= sex pillus= conjugation
Which types of bacteria carry their toxin via genetics I.e. they need the host in order to make it (LYSOGENY)?
Botulinum, Cholera, Diphtheria, S. pyogenes (erythrogenic toxin)
Where do you see obligate aerobes= they NEED O2 to live?
Apex of the lungs= highest O2= Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Burn wounds + airways= exposed to O2= Pseudomonas a.=> cause of pneumonias
Also in this group: Nocardia, Bacillus[+/R]
Which bugs cannot be killed by Aminoglycoside (need O2 to enter cell) because bugs are obligate ANAerobes = hate O2?
Clostridium, Bacteroides, Actinomyces= live in GI= cannot deal with O2 derived free radicals because they do not have: SOD/Catalase => produce gas (CO2/H2) + smell bad because of the short-chain FA
What bugs CANNOT make their own ATP and thus MUST live inside cells who do?
Rickettsia + Chlamydia
Facultative ones=
[Francisella, Yersenia, Brucella] Niserria[-/C],
Salmonella [-/R],
only + is Listeria [+/R]
Which bugs because they are ENCAPSULATED allow us to create vaccines without the bad response?
H. influenzae= TYPE B
N. meningitidis= meningiococcal vaccines
S. pneumonia= PNEUMOVAX= quellung reaction is positive because of capsule= swells up
Which bugs are the only ones that form SPORES(dipicolinic acid + no metabolism) when no food is available and thus require instruments to be AUTOCLAVED?
1. Bacillus (anthrax),
2. Clostridium= hate O2=>
-perfringens= alpha toxin= necrosis of muscle, gas gangrene, hemolysis
-difficile= kills enterocytes= pseudomembranous colitis= after Clindamycin/ampicillin use= Tx: metronidazole
-botulinum= blocks ACh release=flaccid paralysis in babies
-tetani= blocks glycine release= paralysis
Which is the only +/R that shows tumbling motility and the source of newborns with meningitidis typically from unpasturized milk?
LISTERIA also happens to be BETA-hemolytic= clear
What bug is escapes from the myeloperxidase system by destroying what it needs?
Staph because they have Catalase which breaks up the substrate for the myeloperoxidase system= H2O2
What type of toxins are associated with Staph. a.?
Protein A= binds to the Fc portion of the IgG=> prevents compliment activation + phagocytosis of the bacteria:
Results in two different disease pathways:
1. Inflammatory Disease= skin infections, abscess, pneumonia
2. Toxic Diseases= Toxic shock syndrome, scalded skin syndrome, rapid food poisoning (pre-formed toxin)
How are you able to detect a RECENT Strep. Pyogenes infection?
ASO titer
What is advantageous to our defense systems regarding S. pyogenes?
-We can attack its M Protein
What kind of diseases are caused by the GBS?
-Pyogenic= pharyngitis + cellulitis + impetigo
-Toxigenic= scarlet fever, TSS,
-Immune: rheumatic fever, acute GN
What bug is responsible for the MOST COMMON presentation of:
Meningitis in Kid
Otitis Media in kids
Pneumonia= rust color sputum
Streptococcus Pneumonia
also the cause of sepsis with sickle cell anemia
meningitidis + NEWBORN= Listeria
How would you determine the cause of a UTI or subendocarditis caused by the GGB[+R/Gamma]?
Only Enterococci can survive 6.5% NaCl
What commonly infects prosthetics and lab cultures?
Staph. Epidermidis = normal flora of skin
What Bug causes Tooth caries + subacute endocarditis?
GAS= Viridans which include:
mutans= teeth
anguis= valves
What are some indications that an individual has Bacillus Anthracis [+R]?
-contact with WOOL--> painless ulcer--> BLACK Eschar --> death from bacteremia
Woolsorter's Disease= inhalation of SPORES= flu --> FEVER, Lung hemorrhage, Shock
only Spore that has a PROTEIN CAPSULE
What 2 bacteria bugs look like FUNGI but are NOT?
[+R] ==>NO SPORES==>form Branches:
1. Actinomycis = SULFER GRANULES= facial abscess/sinus=> Penicillin
2. Nocardia= AIDS= lung infection => Sulfa drugs
Why are Gram Negative bugs not killed by Penicillin G or even Vancomycin?
Outer wall prevents entry of drugs==> try Ampicillin
Which gram negative bug causes NEONATAL conjunctivitis because an infection from the mother during a vaginal birth?
Nisseria Gonococci= gonorrhea infection=>
No vaccine available because it DOESNOT have a polysaccharide capsule
in women= gonorrhea can progress to PID, SEPTIC arthritis
Meningococci= polysaccharide capsule= VACCINE available => w/o=
-Meningiococcemia=> Waterhouse-Friederichsen Syndrome:
-Bilateral Adrenal gland hemorrhage
-DIC --> Sepsis
-No meningitis
What gram negative bug can cause similar symptoms to S. pneumonae(MOPS) WITHOUT sinusitis that makes you MOPE around sick?
-Otitis Media
[-R]=> H. Influenza = DOES NOT CAUSE THE FLU (which is influenza virus)
vaccine is available: 2-8 months
you can treat the meningitis with: Ceftriaxone or if family members have it you can prophylactically treat with Rifampin
What part of the [-R] CAPSULE is recognized by our immune system?
The only [-R] that has Oxidase is Pseudomonas a.
[-R] = enterobacteria= Sal/Shi/Prot + E.coli/Klesb=>
O= endotoxin
k= virulence
H= flagella
Alcoholics and Diabetics tend to aspirate a lot of stuff into their lungs that causes them to cough up RED CURRANT JELLY from their Pneumonia. What bug is it?
Klesbiella [-R/L]
Also causes UTI while in the hospital
What bug causes BLOODY DIARRHEA, enters the circulation because its motile and spreads but requires a lot of them to cause the symptoms?
[-R/]= Salmonella=>animal contact=> invade intestinal mucosa and gets worse with antibiotic treatment until MONOCYTES come and kill it
Shigella= bloody diarrhea= NOT-MOTILE but more powerful= comes form dirty individuals
What bug do you get from a puppy Poo which lives in a DAYCARE CENTER where your KID ate dirty MILK and PORK?
Yersinia Enterocolitica=> pain similar to Crohn's Disease and FAKE-Appendicitis
What are some sources of FOOD POISONING?
-SEAFOOD= Vibro species, Staph a. (fast onset/recovery)
-Custard + Mayo= Staph a.
-Old RICE= Bacillus cereus
-Old meat= Clostridium perfringens
-Raw meat= E.Coli= O157:H7
-Old cans= Clostridium botulinum
-Poultry= Salmonella
Which bugs give you a BLOODY DIARRHEA?
-Campylobacter= loves heat to grow
-C. Difficile
-E. Coli (enterohemorrhagic [shigga-like] + Enteroinvasive [invasive to mucosa])
-Entamoeba histolytica = protozoa
-Shigella= dysentery
-C. perfringens= w/bloated stomach full of gas
-E. Coli= Enterotoxigenic= traveler's diarrhea= NO PRE FORMED TOXIN
-Vibro Cholera= Rice water diarrhea
-Protozoa= Giardia and in AIDS=Cryptosporidium
-Virus= RAN= Rota/Adeno/NORWALK
What are 2 bugs that are COMMA SHAPED and cause different types of Diarrhea?
Bloody= Campylobacter= loves heat
Watery= Vibro Cholerae
2 commas= N. Gonococci = NO diarrhea though
What bugs ACTIVATE cAMP?
-E. Coli [-R/L] = via ADP-R= permanent on
-Bacillus anthracis [+R]
-Bordatella Pertussis [-CR/BG]=blocks Gi= never turns off
-Vibrio Cholera= Gs= always on
How does Legionella get transmitted?
water habitat to air:
-grow it with charcoal, Fe++, CYSTEINE and stain it with SILVER
-Tx: Erythromycin
Which gram NEGATIVE bug has an ENDOtoxin + EXOtoxin?
Pseudomonas a.
-Endotoxin= fever, shock
-Exotoxin= A=blocks EF2
What bug that responds to Aminoglycosides + Piperacillin + Ticarcillin that caused EXTERNAL OTITIS in a swimmer found to releases PYOCYANIN pigment?
PSEUDOomonas a. = [-R/L] =>
External Otitis
Diabetic Osteomyelitis
What bug is a risk factor for PUD and gastric carcinoma that responds to triple therapy: Bismuth, METRONIDAZOLE, Tetracycline/amoxicillin and creates an ALKALINE environment with its UREASE by making more AMMONIA?
H. Pylori = [-R/U]
Proteus= [-R/U]
What bacteria are given to you by TICKS?
-Lyme Disease= Borellia Burgdorferi= ixodes tick
-Tuleremia= rabbits
-Brucella= undulant fever= dairy products or contact with animals
-Yersenia pestis= FLEAS from prairie dogs= causes the plague
Your young son get bitten by his DOG and CAT and develops cellulitis. What bug is causing this?
Pasteurella multocida
What infections can your deer give you?
Tick= Borrelia burgdorferi= Lyme Disease
Tick= Francisella tularensis= tularemia
How do you treat a woman with GREEN vaginal discharge that smells like FISH and is NOT painful but under the microscope you have CLUE cells?
Gardnerella vaginalis= treat with METRONIDAZOLE
What is the differential for a + PPD Test?
1. BCG vaccine
2. Past exposure to TB
3. Current infection
1. No infection
2. Anergy= current use of steroids, immunocompromised, malnutrition= no Ab response
Children that have never had the BCG vaccine and currently present with a Ghon complex in the Hilar nodes of the lower lobes of the lung present with what bug?
Symptoms= FEVER, NIGHT SWEATS, WEIGHT LOSS, vomiting blood
[AF]=Mycobacterium tuberculosis= Primary TB
Depending on your immunological state what can happen:
1. heals= fibrosis
2. Progresses in lungs of immunocompromised (HIV/malnutrition)= but rarely die
3. Severe bacteremia= spreads=Milary TB= DEATH
4. lymphatic spread to organs= dormant tubercle bacilli ===> later in adult life re-activates if immune compromised=
-CNS= parenchymal tuberculoma/meningitis
-SC= Pott's Disease= curvature/fractures of spine
-LUNGS: secondary TB= FibroCASEOUS filled caviity in APEX of lung
What do you call a person with loss of eyebrows, nasal collapse, lumpy earlobes?
Leonine facies= [AF]=mycobacterium leprae= LOVES cool places like your nose + superficial nerves
How do you grow it? YOU CAN'T!
Comes from Armadillos in the US
Treat with DAPSONE
Two types:
1. Lepromatous= REALLY bad because CMI is gone! =die
2. Tuberculoid
A man from new mexico who raises armadillos suffers from shortness of breath, bloody urine, anemia=> He has a +PDD and has Mathemoglobinemia + Hemolysis. What is he taking?
TB and taking Dapsone ===> change over to:
Rifampin + Clofazimine
Triad of Headache + Fever + vasculitis-RASH and organism is INTRACELLULAR (needs your NAD and CoA)?
Rickettsia= anthropod vector = tetracycline
Coxiella= airborn and causes pneumonia
Rickettsia Vectors= headache, fever, rash
RSMF= rickettsii= Tick= rash in hands/feet= migrates inward
Endemic (regional) typhus= typhi= FLEA= rash spreads OUT to limbs
Epidemic(global) typhus= prowasakkii= Body lice= rash spreads INwards
Q fever=Coxiella burnetti= inhaled= can live outside for a long time= no Weil-Felix test result=NO RASH=NO VECTOR
What is the differential for a rash in your palms and soles?
1. RSMF= east coast intracellular bug
2. Syphilis= secondary
3. Coxsackievirus A= hand-foot-mouth disease
What does a POSITIVE Weil-Felix reaction indicate in someone suffering from headaches, fever, rash?
RSMF + typhus NOT for Q-fever
military recruits and prisoners develop PNEUMONIA very slowly, np-cough, and CXR looks REALLY bad but not the patient. What type of titer will this patient have and where would you grow it?
high titer of IgM and grow it in: Eaton's agar:
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae= NO CELL WALL w/ Cholesterol membrane ==> Penicillin will NOT work= use Tetracycline
Describe the life cycle of Chlamydiae?
Enters host cell= elementary body
Inside= forms Reticulate body and divides via FISSION = forms cytoplasmic inclusion
Inside cytoplasmic inclusion= changes into Elementary Body => BURSTS open= re-infects
Test= Giemsa + ELISA= cytoplasmic inclusions
wall has NO MURAMIC ACID = allows it to target mucosal sufaces
What type of Chlamydia exist?
trichomatis= reactive arthritis/urethritis(non-gonococcal)/conjunctivitis
pneumoniae/psittaci= air=pneumonia
TX; erythromycin
How do the different Serotypes of Chlamydiae present?
ABC= African Blindness, Chronic infection
D-K: urethritis (PID)--> ectopic pregnancies--> neonatal pneumonia/conjuctivitis(erythromycin eye drops)
L1,2,3= swollen lymphnodes in groin area= lymphogranulomas= + Frei Test
Small Chlamydiae has no peptidoglycan wall= cannot respond to peniciilin= often asymptomatic cause of urethritis/PID= cause of infertility
Only Spirochete visualized through Wright's or GIEMSA stains?
Borellia Burgdorferi= ixodus= BULL'S EYE rash that spreads in summer montsh in New England area=> huge compared to other spirochetes:
Leptospira, Treponema (only via Darkfield microscopy)
What are the 3 stages of Lyme Disease which respond to Tetracycline?
1= erythema chronicum migrans + Flu,
2= neurologic (Bell's Palsy) + heart problems (AV block/palpitations),
3= Autoimmune: arthritis =hot, swollen, painful joints spreads throughout body and neurological damage
If you fail to grow gonorrhea in a patient persistant dysurea what is the default daignosis?
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis;
1. Chlamydia
2. Ureaplasma urealyticum
What happens when a newborn is born with Treponema Pallidum=Spirochete=> Syphilis?
Saber chins, saddle nose, DEAF
Painless chancre + highly sexually active teen?
Primary Syphilus
Rash in palms/soles + previous history of painless chancre + highly sexually active?
Secondary Syphilus
Previous history of painless chancre years ago + Gummas + aortitis + tabes dorsalis signs(no vibration/propioception) + Argyll Robertson pupil (accomodates but is NOT reactive to light)?
Tertiary Syphilus= Positive Romber's sign(UMN deficit= Tabes Dorsalis), ataxia, strokes in the absence of HTN! ===
Treat with Penicillin G
How would you test for Syphilus?
FTA-ABS + VDRL= both positive indicates that disease is ACTIVE
negative VDRL and positve FTA= successfully treated
FTA-ABS: more specific, widespectrum detection,
What is the differential diagnosis for a positive VDRL= cardiolipin-ab?
1. Virus (mononucleosis, hepatitis)
2. Drugs
3. Rheumatoid Arthirits
4. Rhuematic fever
5. SLE
6. Leprosy
What type of FUNGAL spore is INHALED in a asexual phase?
coccidioidomycosis + histoplasmosis
What type of individual gets Candida Albican infection in the esophagus which requires Nystatin mouth wash?
Immunocompromised individuals=
-steroid use
Candidiasis= budding yeast with pseudohyphae at 20*C but forms tubes at higher temperatures
What FUNGAL infection does an IV drug user get in his heart?
Endocarditis from Candida Albicans= treat with Amphotericin B
Following antibiotic treatment women tend to get vaginits
Cause of Diaper Rash
Certain fungal infections are endemic+ SYSTEMIC to certain regions. All which are Dimorphic= at low temperatures they are MOLDS but in the warm body=YEAST
***Coccidioidomycosis= spherule in tissue full of endospores*****
Coccidioidomycosis=inhaled= SW USA=> sphere full of spores that are inhaled=> San Juaquin Valley Fever
PARAcoccidioidomycosis= rural latin america= looks like a captain's wheel
Histoplasmosis= along the Mississippi river=Ohio=> Bird-Bat/poop=> inhaled= goes inside your macrophages
Blastomycosis= East Coast Basin+ Mexico=> Big, Broad, Budding
What are some CUTANEOUS mycoses and their associated features?
Tinea Versicolor= HYPOpigmentation=micanozole
Tinea nigra= Cladosporium werneckii= brown spots =salicylic acid
Tinea pedis=Trichophyton=itchy=circular=NOT dimorphic
What is a MOLD that is NOT Dimorphic and branches at acute angles and form a FUNGUS BALL?
Lung Cavity= Aspergilloma => Aspergillus fumigatus
Name the NON-DIMORPHIC fungus that can be grown on Sabouraud's agar, stained with INDIA INK and a LATEX AGGLUTINATION of the polysaccharide capsule detects it?
Cryptococcus neofromans = > Cryptococcal meningitis= heavily encapsulated yeast= looks like a white halo on india ink
Which fungal infection can cause Rhinocerebral + Frontal Lobe abscess in Diabetics Type I and Luekemic patients?
Mucormycosis=> MOLD= irregular + non-septate, wide angles
What INFECTIOUS and ASYMPTOMATIC Yeast must be treated with: TMP-SMX + Dapsone + Pentamidine as CD4+ counts fall below 200?
Pneumocystis carinii= inhaled= attacks Lungs in AIDS patients=> diagnose via lavage or lung biopsy followed by SILVER STAIN
(also works with fungus, legionella)
A gardener pokes himself in the finger with a rose and then develops a row of ulcers along the arm (lymphatic drainage). What type of treatment will work for this man?
Spirothrix schenckii= DImorphic Fungus=> unequal budding=> TX: Itraconazole + KI
Individual comes in with bloody diarrhea, a palpable liver abscess and RUQ and responds to Metronidazole/Iodoquinol after serology is positive and TROPHOZOITS are found in stool?
Entamoeba histolytica= get it from Cyst in water
Hiker comes in with BLOATING, FLATULENCE, and really bad smelling Poop while eating a pear. TROPHOZOITS are found in stool and responded well to Metronidazole?
Giardia lamblia= get it from cyst in the water => looks like a PEAR with 2 nuclei
AIDS patients comes in with REALLY bad diarrhea and his partner without HIV has a watery but milder diarrhea attack. BOTH showed CYST on Acid FAST stain. No treatment was given?
Cryptosporidium= got it from Cyst in gay WATER baths in SF
Not to be confused with Crytpococcus neoformans which is a fungal infection from PIGEON poop.
An HIV patient who has tons of cat feces in her hands is diagnosed with a Brain abscess and her newborn has RING ENHANCING lesions. Biopsy confirmed. Treatment?
SulfaDIAZine + Pyrimethamine for TOXOPLASMA
What is the treatment for an Afrikan man who has CYCLIC FEVERS, headaches, anemia and spleenomegaly and tons of Anopheles mosquito bites?
Malaria (vivax, ovale, malariae, falciparum=WORST) =>
-Primaquine= prevents flair ups due to ovale/vivax
Histrionic Woman with FOUL smelling, green sometimes gray discharge from her vagina. She complains of BURNING and ITCHING while turning Trichs in the corner. Wet mount shows MOTILE TROPHOZOITS. What is the treatment?
Metronidazole for TRICHOMONAS vaginalis
BRAZILIAN man presents with a dilated heart, giant colon, and a giant esophagus and admits that he was bitten by his pet Reduviid Bug. How would you treat him?
NifurtiMOX for Trypanosoma Cruzi
gambiens + rhodesiense = African sleeping sickness transmitted via the Testes fly ==>Tx:
Suramin= blood
Melarsoprol= CNS
A SANDFLY shits in your arm and then AMASTIGOTES are found INSIDE your macrophages from aspirates from your LIVER,SPLEEN, BM. How would you treat this #2 world wide killer?
Sodium stibogluconate after K39 Dipstick is positive for; Leishmania Donavani
The IXODES tick also carries this protozoal bug in addition to Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease) but this one presents with a MALTESE CROSS on blood smear and causes FEVER + ANMEIA. How would you treat it?
Quinine and Clindamycine for the BABESIA slut
A FRESH WATER naegro-swimmer dies RAPIDLY from MENINGOENCEPHALITIS. On biopsy the spinal fluid is FULL of AMEBAS which entered via the CRIBRIFORM PLATE in your nose. What protozoal bug is it?
What are two tapeworms or cestodes that commonly affect humans?
1. Taenia solium= undercooked pork 2. Echinococcus granulosus = dog poop contains eggs
Why does consumption of DOG poop cause anaphylaxis in a child?
CYST in LIVER= Echinococcal antigens are released from the eggs of Echinococcus granulosum= quickly treat with Albendazole
Eating undercooked PORK can predispose you to what tapeworm that causes multiple cysts in your brain?
Taenia solium=> SEIZURES= causes Cysticercosis= treat that with Albendazole and also Praziquantel/niclosamine
There are 3 types of FLUKES that you can get at a sushi restaurant. All treatable with Praziquantel.
1. SNAILS: crawl to you feet and penetrate your skin--> go into your LIVER + SPLEEN and cause inflamation, granulomas and fibrosis:portal hypertension= SCHISTOSOMA
2. FISH: go up into your BILIARY TREE and cause inflammation: CHLONORCHIS sinensis,
3. CRAB: causes inflammation and secondary baterial infection of your LUNG= Hemoptysis=PARAGONIMUS westermani
Which Shistosoma can cause BLADDER CANCER?
Schitosoma HAEMATOBIUM= makes you bleed in your urine
MANSONI which causes liver fibrosis
Which two Helmiths respond to Ivermectin?
1. Strongyloides
2. Onchocera
Brain cyst + seizures
Taenia Solium
Cyst in liver= Echinococcus granulosus
Helminths + B12 deficiency=
Diphyllobothrium latum
Helminths + Jaundice=
Clonorchis sinensis= Biliary tract disease
Portal hypertension= Schistosoma
Helminth + Hemoptysis
Which is the only DNA Virus that is NOT double stranded?
Parvo virus
the only DNA virus that is circular= Hepadnavirus
What is the only RNA virus that is NOT single stranded?
Reo virus
A virus that has no envelope and is + are INFECTIOUS:
most DNA= NOT Pox + HBV + Parvo + Hepadna
RNA= only + ssRNA= mRNA= Calicivirus + Picornovirus + Reovirus
most require special enzymes to be translated first
Which is the only virus that aquires their ENVELOPE not from the plasma membrane BUT from the NUCLEAR membrane?
Herpes virus
Which is the only virus that is DIPLOID and has 2 ssRNA's?
Pox virus is neither infectious nor does it replicate in the _______like most DNA viruses because it has its own DNA-dependant RNA polymerase.
RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm excpet: Influenza + Retro
What 2 RNA viruses, enveloped, Helical capsid cause Hemorrhagic Fevers?
1. Filovirus= Ebola
2. Bunya= Hanta + Crimean Congo
What 2 RNA viruses, NOT enveloped, icosahedral capsid cause aseptic meningitis= not infectious irritation of the meninges?
1. Echo
2. Coxsackie
What is the origin of the 3 Hepatitis viruses?
HAV= RNA= Picorno
HBV= DNA= Hapadna
HDV=RNA= Delta
HEV= RNA=Calci
What are the sugars that allow you to identify the various RNA, enveloped, helical viruses of the Paramyxovirus?
HN= Mumps
H= Measles
DNA/RNA virus acronym
Why is it dangerous to give LIVE vaccines to immunocompromised individuals?
LIVE= Humoral + CMI = might revert back
KILLED= only Humoral= stable
LIVE Vaccines include=
-Polio= Sabin=oral
-Yellow Fever= Flavi
-Small pox
KILLED Vaccines include=
Recombinant= HbsAg= HBV
How many segments does the RNA, enveloped, helical, negative strand ORTHOMYXOvirus have?
8 segments= can undergo REASSORTMENT(high frequency) that causes ANTIGENIC shifts that lead to EPIDEMIC flu around the world.
other segmented virus= BOAR
Bunya, Orthomyxo, Arena, Reo
Which virus in a PHENOTYPIC MIXING determines infectivity?
A inside B coat = B coat rules
A/B progeny will have A coat
What Kids Paramyxovirus (enveloped, negative strand, Helical envelope) causes Bronchiolitis + pneumonia in babies?
only paramyxovirus with more than 1 serotype is:
parainfluenza= croup= 4 serotypes
What Paramyxovirus makes your Parotid glands and your balls BIG and possibly sterile later on in life !!!
Mumps and you get Meningitis
Measles= Koplik spots= blue-grey spots inside you mouth= also rash all over your body==> bad immune system can cause= GIANT cell pneumonia = Cough, Coryza, Conjuctivitis
What RNA virus much like DNA virus VZV can retrogradely go up neurons and cause a FATAL ENCEPHALITIS + SEIZURES + HYDROPHOBIA after a Skunk or raccoon bites you?
Rabies virus= BULLET SHAPED capsid
3 month incubation period
Which fevers are transmitted by bites?
Arthropods Bites=
-dengue= break-your-bones FEVER
-Yellow= Aedes Mosquito= Black Vomit + Jaundice (councilman bodies=acidophilic inclusions in liver) + HIGH FEVER
Toga= Rubella
Bunya= hanta
Neonatal herpes is more commonly associated with what Herpes virus?
HSV-2= via the mothers vagina
What is the VZV also cause besides shingles?
encephalitis + pneumonia
Which Herpes serotype can be transmitted via URINE, CONGENITAL, SALIVA, and TRANSPLANTS?
CMV= mono=NEGATIVE monospot test
EBV= infects B cells=> infectious mono (saliva)=> POSITIVE monospot test = Heterophil Ab's against EBV when mixed with Sheep blood== agglutination (positive)
Mono= large lymphnodes (B-cells multiply)=posterior auricular nodes + fever, chills, night sweats, and PAINFUL pharyngitis + Atypical lymphocytes (cytotoxic T cells circulate)
Spleenomegaly= dangerous if you fall and rupture it
What is the differential for a POSITIVE TZANCK TEST from an open skin vesicle?
1. HSV 1/2
2. VZV
What viruses have Reverse Transcriptase?
Pox= DNA||RNA pol
Which RNA virus requires a DNA derived coat in order to be functional?
RNA=Delta=HDV needs DNA=Hepadna=HBV= HBsAg as its envelope
Which Hepatitis virus is transmitted through the water and causes mortality in pregnant women infected?
Which 2 virus that target the liver are risk factors for Hepatocellular carcinoma?
What does a HBsAg mean?
Surface protein of virus=
-continued presence= CARRIER state
-Ab against HBs= immunity= after 6 months from infection
What type of antibody presents with a high titer against HAV?
IgM = active
remember that IgM= acute vs IgG= chronic/recovered
How do you know if a certain HBV infection is recent or old?
HBc Antibodies=
IgM= recent
How can you tell whether a person with a positive IgM-HBc is infectious or not?
Infectious= HBeAg => lasts about 2 months
NOT infectious= HBe-Ab
How can you tell where in the infectious life cycle of HBV you are at?
1. Incubation period= HBsAg
2. Prodrome=acute stage= HBsAg + HBc-Ab
3. Convalescence= Recovery=
-Early=full recovery= HBc- Ab
-Late= chronic= HBs and HBc Antibodies
What are the different components of the HIV virus?
Inside capsid=
-2 molecules of RNA= code for Protease + Intergrase
-RNA||DNA polymerase
Capsid markers= p24
Envelope markers= gp41 + gp120
What is the order of test that must be done to Diagnose HIV?
First you want to RULE OUT HIV= get a very SENSITIVE test like--> ELISA = has a high FALSE POSITIVE rate= so if its negative then it really is negative
If ELISA is positive then choose a very SPECIFIC TEST= Western Blot=> Has a HIGH FALSE NEGATIVE rate so if its really positive then it really is positive
Why should you be skeptical about a POSITIVE (ELISA/Western Blot) in a newborn from an HIV+ mother?
These tests are overtly sensitive= Highly false positive rate because the Ag that the test pick up CROSS the placenta=>
High false negatives in the first 2 months of the infection in ADULTS
PCR can be used to assess viral load and therapy effectiveness
Diagnosis of AIDS= <200 CD4+
Indicators of AIDS=
*Pneumocystis carinii
*CD4+/CD8+= LOW
What mutation causes a RAPID progression to AIDS in a HIV+ patient?
Slower onset to AIDS= heterozygous for CCR5
Full immunity=homozygous= CCR5
-homo= CCR5= 1% of white population
the time course of HIC progresses from Acute --> Latent --> immunodeficient. At that point what drops and what rises with CD4+ counts?
-CD4+ and Ab: p24, gp120 also drop
-p24 antigen rises= means virus # are increasing
What does a MICROGLIA nodule with multi-nucleated giant cell indicate in an AIDS patient?
HIV encephalitis= occurs late
What makes a PRION disease so deadly= rapid progressive dementia?
normal alpha-helix is transformed into Beta-pleated sheets in the brain
infectious agents that do not contain DNA/RNA
Meningitis is most commonly caused by what?
Newborn= GBS
Infant= Streptococcus pneumoniae
Elderly= S. pneumonia
everyone else= N. Meningitidis
How can you distinguish between meningitis of Fungal and TB origin VS bacterial
Both= increase CSF protein + decrease glucose
TB/fungal= Lymphocytes
Bacterial= PMN's
viral= no protein and no sugar usage
What is the most common cause of Osteomyelitis in an individual with Sickle Cell Anemia?
normal= mostly kids= Staph. a
Pott's Disease= TB in vertebral system
Diabetics= pseudomonas a.
What is the most common cause of a UTI in a diabetic woman who just had kidney surgery?
E. Coli> Proteus>Klesbiella
Ambulatory: teen girl
E.Coli> Staph. saprophyticus
E.coli= EMB agar= metallic scheen
What would you use to test for a UTI?
Leukocyte Esterase= positive= bacterial
----> followed by:
Nitrite Test= positive= Gram negative
What are two STD's that affect the vagina?
Trichomonas vaginalis= strawberry colored mucosa= vaginitis
Gardenella vaginalis= smelly, fishlike discharge= CLUE cells, + whiff test
Gonorrhea= White/creamy discharge = urethritis, cervicitis, arthritis
What type of ulcers can a penis get?
PainLESS= 1* Syphilis
1. Genital herpes
2. Chancroid (haemophilus ducreyi) + inguinal lymphnodes are big
What is the difference between Conylomata lata and Condylomata acuminata?
Condylomata lata= 2* Syphilis = infectious and white on genitals
Condylomata acuminata= HPV 6/11= warts on genitals = infectious= cause cervical cancer
What is Reiter's Syndrome and what STD is this linked too?
1. Inflammatory arthritis
2. Conjuctivitis
3. Urethritis
manifestation of Chlamydia
L1,2,3 serotype=
-lymphnode swellings
What do Koilocytes predispose you too?
-large nucleus + hyperchromatin=> Precancerous
-found with Condylomata acuminata= HPV
What is PID (chlamydia[asymptomatic] or gonorrhea[acute pain]) derived SALPINGITIS (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) a risk factor for?
-ectopic pregnancy
-chronic pelvic pain
What are the most dangerous infections of pregnancy?
Hookworms= Necator + Ancylostoma=penetrate skin --> lungs--> cause Eosinophilic Pneumonia=> enter alveoli and are swallowed:
Eats your Iron= microcytic anemia
PICA people eat soil contaminated with infectious larvae
What toxin paralyses the villi and causes necrosis of the bowel wall=> death after bowel rupture and shock?
raw meat=> Clostridium Perfringens= Toxin B causes paralysis
alot of air bubbles in XR
used for home-abortion = endometritis
Does H.Pylori grow on Duodenal mucosa and does it breach the epithelial barrier?
What is the evidence for Hemochromatosis?
Hyperglycemia + Hyperbilirubinemia + increase Fe++ in serum (or Transferritin)
causes chronic liver disease + vibrio vulnificus from seafood causes septicemia with a nasty skin lesions
What are some causes of blindness in AIDS patients?
-CMV retinitis= treatable=acyclovir resistant
Which Protozoan infections can be identified via CSF which both cause Meningoencephalitis?
find spiky trophozites= Acanthamoeba=>contact lens solution= keratitis
find amebas= Neagleria fowleri= freshwater lakes= death in 6 days