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77 Cards in this Set

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Pluripotent hematopoietic cells give rise to what three lineages?
1. RBC,
2. Myeoloid= NEB + Monocytes + Platelets,
3. Lymphoid= B cells + T cells
What WBC are most abundant? N, B/T-cells, Monocytes, E,B
anything over 10K leukocytes is HIGH
Erythrocyte= 120 days= trades Cl- for Bicarb in lungs via antiporter
**buffers H+ near the muscles
Anisocytosis= various sizes
Poikilocytosis= different shapes
Energy= anerobic= lactate is end product
Differential for Bisophilic stippling?
1. Thal,
2. Anemia (chronic or iron)
3. Lead poisoning
What does the Bisophil contain inside?
Heprarin, Histamine, LTD4
Mast Cell= Heparin, Histamine, and attracts Eosinophils = degranulation prevented by Cromolyn Sodium
Eosinophilia degrades Histamine and arylsulfatase after they are called over by Mast Cells. What do Eosinophils love to destroy?
Helminths and Protozoa
What is the differential for too many Eosinophils?
Neoplasms, Asthma, Allergies, Collagen Dx, PARASITES
Where do you see HYPERsegmented PMN?
B12/Folate def. in alcoholics
What regulate B cells and Macs?
T cells
Where do B cells(CD20) migrate too?
Follicles in Lymphnodes + White pulp of SPLEEN + un-encapsualted lymphoid tissue
Plasma cell= a lot of RER, Golgi, off-center nucleus== too much= Multiple Myeoloma
What has MHC-I and Fc Receptors whos only function is APC?
Dendritic Cells
What is the order of the Intrinsic Cascade?
*** All pathways require Ca++ to function
PTT= 12-11-9-10
Extrinsic=PT= 7 + Tissue factor
common pathway= 10a-thrombin-fibrin-CLOT
How would you prevent clotting?
PTT= Protein C/S= blocks 8a + 5a= need Vitamin K= Factor V Leiden= Protein C cannot block 5a= excess clotting
PTT= Heparin=>Antithrombin 3= blocks 11,9,10=No thrombin= no clotting
Collagen, basement membrane, and activated platelets activate FACTOR 12 which causes what?
Clotting cascade activates KALLIKREIN via 12a ==>
1. Kinin Cascade= Bradykinin(vasodilation, permeability, PAIN) ==>
2. Fibrinolytic system= +Plasmin
Plasminogen activates compliment cascade
What is the only Blood group with antibodies against A and B on the plasma?
Type O= universal donor because RBC do not have A or B on surface
Type AB= has no antibodies against either so it can accept either one
What is the differential for Helmet cells and Schistocytes?
DIC + traumatic hemolysis
What does a TEARDROP rbc indicate?
Myeoloid metaplasia with myeloid fibrosis (no BEN,M,P)
spiky rbc= aBETAlipoproteinemia
target cell= HALT=HbC Dx, Aspleenia, Liver Dx, Thal.
What is the differential for RBC that are Poikilocytes + Burr cells?
Psammoma bodies= Ca++ collection differential?
Thyroid (papillary adenocarcinoma),
Ovary(serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma),
Microcytic Anemia
Fe++ low= HIGH TIBC
Thal= target cells
Lead Poisoning= Basophilic stippling
Sideroblastic anemias
Macrocytic Anemia
Blocked DNA synthesis= Vitamin B12/Folate (HYPERsegmented PMNs) + Sulfa drugs + AZT
Normocytic Anemias=normochromic= ADAM
-Acute Hemorrhage,
-Deficiencies (G6PD,PK), Anemias(aplastic,autoimmne[+coombs],Chronic disease[LOW TIBC]),
-Membrane(spherocytosis, sickle cell disease)
What blood markers aid in the diagnosis of Hemolytic Anemia?
Low Haptoglobin + High LDH
What infectious agents cause Aplastic Anemia=Pancytopenia + fatty infiltration?
= overcome with G-CSF + GM-CSF + BM transfussion
What precipitates sickle cell anemia= BM expansion?
Dehydration + Low O2 + Parvovirus(=aplastic crisis) + No spleen(=>salmonella osteomyelitis)
---------Tx-------- Hydroxyurea=>+HbF=prevents sickeling
What are the outcomes of Beta-Thal?
Bone deformaties from BM expansion, anemia, 2* Hemochromatosis
What cells destroy RBC via extrahemolytic anemia?
Liver: Kupffer cells + Spleen Macs
How is Hereditary spherocytosis confirmed?
osmotic fragility test
Autoimmune anemias= extravascular= agglutinate at different temperatures depending?
Warm=IgG=chronic= SLE,CCL, alpha-methyldopa
Fetus attacked by mother's IgG= Reythroblastosis fetalis
Hereditary Spherocytosis has 2 membrane defects= round, small, no central pallor?
1. Spectrin
2. Ankyrin
increased urine hemosiderin==> membrane defect= increase sensitivity to compliment system at night= Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Microangiopathic anemia is caused by DIC= intravascular hemolysis= What does DIC do?
too many microthrombi= uses up all the platelets, fibrin, coagulation factors=>
-High PT and PTT(Intrinsic)
-high D-dimer= fibrin split products
-low platelets
=trauma on RBC= schistocytes=helmet cells
Caused= STOP MNT
S; sepsis= gram negative
T; trauma
O: obstetrics= #1
P: pancreatitis
M: malignancy
N: Nephrotic syndrome
T: transfusion
What BLEEDING disorders are associated with PLATELET abnormalities?
-ITP= Ab against platelets= get large megakaryocytes trying compensate for loss=#1 ini kids= non-blanching purple skin lesions= follows viral infection
-TTP= Microangiopathic anemia=FEVER, high LDH, schistocytes=> renal problems, neuro problems
-DIC= schistocytes + a lot of D-dimers
-Aplastic Anemia= pancytpenia= Ab against multipotent MYELOID germ cells
-Immunosuppresant Rx=
What bleeding disorders are associated with CLOTTING FACTOR defects?
A= No Factor 8 (activates factor 10: needs Ca++; normally blocked by Antithrombin=heparin and C/S)
B= no Factor 9 = also works on Factor 10
#1 bleeding disorder= no vonWilibrand= causes platelets to adhere to each other=> decrease Factor 8 survival
What is the difference between Macro and Micro hemorrhage?
Platelet Disorder= MICRO= mucous membrane bleeding, nose bleeds, petechiae, purpura= bleed for a lone time
Coagulation=MACRO= bleed into joints, easy bruising, Long PT/PTT
What level of platelets is considered THROMBOCYTOPENIA?
below 100K
generalized bleeding= 10K
PT= 2,5,7,10= extrinsic
PTT= NOT 7= Intrinsic
How can you differentiate amongst the differential for an INCREASED BLEEDING TIME?
**with the exception of Hemophilias that DO NOT have increase bleeding time
Only Long Bleeding Time=
-Qualitative platelet defect=Glanzmann/Bernard-S=problems with clumping
LOW platelets=
1. Thrombocytopenia
2. DIC= high PT/PTT
Only increase PTT= Hemophilias
PT increase= vW
How can you distinguish between Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma?
H= fever, night sweats=>Reed-Sternberg cells= CD30+= 1 group of node w/o spread to others= Mediastinal=spread to other people=>EBV association=Young and old=> good prognosis if there is little Reed-Sternberg cells
NH= HIV/i= multiple nodes + spread to other nodes NOT other people=>peak #'s in adulthood
Young women with Fever, night sweats, previous history of MONO (EBV), and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, increased Lymphocytes with few RS cells(from B cells)= Owl Eyes(2 nuclei with halos). Prognosis?
#1=Excellent= nodular sclerosing type=LACUNAR CELLS(kinda like RS)
RS> lymphocytes= poor= often found in older male individuals with mixed cellularity=MONOnuclear RS cells
What is the #1 1* tumor that originates in the bone of adults, has BM cells that look like eggs(blue cytoplasm), associated with Amyloidosis?
Multiple Myeloma= high IgG>A
-XR= punched out lytic lesions
-U/A= light chains=k=Bence-Jones protein=> toxic=renal insufficiency
-RBC= Roleau formation= stacked poker chips
-Hypercalcemia= bone lysis= vertebral compression fractures
-M spike in electrophoresis= M protein
IgM spike in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia= hyperviscosity
What are the 2 most common NH Lymphomas in CHILDREN?
1. Burkitt's= B cells= t 8:14 =starry sky(stars=macs, sky=B cells)= EBV= jaw lesions (endemic in africa) vs. Pelvic lesion (sporadic)
2. Lymphoblastic lymphoma= immature T cells = Aggressive= ALL
Which is the only ADULT NH lymphoma not associated with B cells 100%?
Diffuse Large Ce11= 80% adults= 80% B-cells= t 11:14 = Aggressive= 50% cure rate
What is the most common NH Lymphoma in adults?
Follicular lymphoma=B cell= t 14:18=bcl-2(apoptosis)= hard to cure
Mantle Cell= also has bad prognosis but associated with CD5+= t 11:14
What is a leukemia?
Increased Leukocytes= wbc=BEN,M= MYELOID origin
Lymphoma= increased B/T-cells=Lymphoid origin
What is the cause of the symptoms associated with LEUKEMIA= swollen BM?
-anemia= decrease RBC due to increase lymphocytes in BM
-infections= low MATURE wbc
-hemorrhage= low platelets
hepatospleenomegaly= infiltration of excess wbc into tissues= chronic only
Age stratification of Leukemia by age:
*Young/really old= drastic effects
*adults= more mature cells= milder
<10= ALL=spread to CNS + balls= also associated with lymphomas (Lymphoblastic lymphoma=T-cell)
Adults= AML= Auer Rods
<60= CML= high PMN's= Philly trans.
60+=CLL= smudge cells=hemolytic anemia(warm IgG)= no Ig producing B cells
An adult with AML(M3;15:17) was treated and developed DIC. Why?
Auer bodies released= found in cytoplasm of granulocytes (BEN)= peroxidase positive
Leukemia classification:
L1/L2/L3= T/B-cells
M= CFU-S=>
A young adult smoker develops Histiocytosis X=macs in skin?
Monocytes enter lung= Langerhan's cells proliferate= BIRBECK Granules=CD1+= Eczematous rashes
What is the difference in PB smear of IgM and IgG?
IgM= agglutination= cold=Raynaud's phenomena
IgG= stacked coins
Iron deficiency can cause Plummer Vinson Syndrome?
Cheliosis, esophageal web(solid dysphagia), achlorhydra(reccurent infections, IF def), glossitis
only cause of an increase in RDW?
Iron deficiency
Basophilic stippling is found in Microcytic Anemias?
Stippling= persistance of ribosomes
Causes of Sideroblastic Anemia= nucleated RBC with trapped Iron in BM= pappenheimer bodies are inside?
#1= Alcohol, lead poisoning, PYRODIXINE deficiency
How is a ringed sideroblast formed?
Iron enters mitochondria but without Pyrodixine(B6) Heme cannot be made and therefore is trapped and forms a ring inside the rbc
What is the only heavy metal that deposits in the Epiphysis of bones?
lead => causes bone infarctions = Dactylitis= swollen and painful hands also seen with SCD
Why is there an increase in Protoporhoryn and ALA?
Lead destroys: Pherochetolase + ALA D
What does Lead poisoning do to the tissues of the body?
Lead line in teeth, ATN in the PCT(prevents re-absorption), Nerve Palsy(peroneal=foot drop, Radial=hand drop, Ulnar= claw hand)
What is the differential for a TEAR DROP cell in the PB smear?
only B12 Def(think IF problem), Myelofibrosis, Thal.
Where is Folate vs. B12 absorbed?
Folate= Jejunum= alcohol and birth control pills blocks abs.
B12= Ileum= site Crohn's disease
What is an infectious cause of aplastic anemia(nothing made in BM)?
Why does Celiac Disease present with a Normocytic anemia and an increase RDW?
MCV= avg of micro + macro= form iron and folate/b12 def from malabsorption
RDW= detects variations of the sizes of RBC's
What does polychromasia mean?
Pronounced hematopoesis in the BM=> obs also spherocytes=> Brisk hemolysis= remember that spherocytes become that way because Spleen macs take a bite at them= damage
What does one black dot in a RBC indicate= howell Jowell Body?
Spleen is not working
Sickle Cell Disease can be diagnosed by what cells in the PB smear?
Sickle cells with Bull's Eye Target cells in the background
target cells also caused by alcoholism= increased cholesterol in membrane
Think Heinz Bodies with…
Hb oxidant damage= increased process if G6PD deficiency and the lack GSH= overtly stimilated with Infection(no MPO because no NADPH for Monocytes/PMN's)
DO NOT confuse with Howell Jolly Body=nuclear remnant=just on dot vs many dots in RBC with Heinz bodies
LARGE lysosomes inside a PMN in a child with recurrent infections?
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome= AR= enzymes are not transported to phagolysosomes
What does a LAP score mean?
elevated means a lot of MATURE PMN's= indication of infection found with a Leukmoid reaction(50K+ wbc's= can be Lymphocytes=whooping cough,BEN)
When do you see Monocytosis?
Malignancy + chronic inflammation= gray cytoplasm + Kidney shape nucleus + vacuoles
Lymphocytosis= found in viral infections
Basophilia= deeply staining granules= PRV and CML (LAP= 0 + Philly chromosome)
What are the ATYPICAL lymphocytes in infectious mononucleosis?
T cells= blue cytoplasm that is large= responding to infected B-cells
What is Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia?
Hematopoetic cells leave BM and travel to spleen= cause tear drops and causes fibrosis of BM
CALLA and CD10+ is?
Hairy Cell Leukemia only infiltrates ther RED pulp of the SPLEEN. What STAIN comfirms HCL?
Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain is positive in these neoplastic B cells
What AML (auer rods) variant presents in your gums?
Monocytic Leukemia
M3= DIC treat with Vitamin A
Palpable Purpura on the legs of a child?
Henoch-schonlein purpura= #1 vasculitis in kids= Antibodies(IgA) against IgA=> forms complexes bind to SMALL vessels and cause damage= Type III
What genetic disease predisposes you to Lymphomas and Leukemias because they have B/T cell defects?
Ataxia Telangiectasia= instability DNA AR=because of bad DNA repair enzymes= recurrent SINUSITIS
SXR= Waskott-Aldrich Syndrome= Eczema and similar symptoms
Malignant Lymphomas have ..
a fish flesh structure
Most common Hodgkins Lymphoma in a woman?
nodular sclerosing= anterior mediastinum= instead of RS cells you have Lacunar cells