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20 Cards in this Set

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Which anticancer drug is known for its cardiotox? pulm fibrosis
cardiotox: Doxorubicin

pulm fibrosis: Busulfan
Complications of multiple myeloma
destructive bone lesions and consequence hypercalcemia, renal insuf, up susceptible to infection, anemia, a/w primary amyloidosis and punched out lytic bone at xray
Which collagen type is found in the following locations:
*bone and tendons
*epiphyseal plate
*main constituent of BM
*granulation tissue
*alter wound repair
*vitrous body and nucleus pulposus
*aka reticulin
boner and tendon: I
epiphyseal plate: I
BM: 4
granulation tissue: 3
late wound repari: I
cartilage: 2
vitreous body: 2
reticulin: 3
hormone responsible for prolf phase of endometrial cycle
functions of thyroid hormone? what cells secrete these hormones
brain maturation
bone growth
beta adrenergic effects

cells: follicular cells
what are the common causes of secondary hyperaldosteronism? describe why renin leves are high in secondary hyperaldosteronism
2ndary hyperaldosteronism: renal art stenosis, chronic renal failure, CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syn

body has low vol --> RAAS activated
what structure traps the inferior poles of a horseshoe kidney
which branchial arch should you consider your Ms and Ts. What strutures are derived from this arch?
frist branchial arch

Meckels cartilage
Muscles of mastication

Ts: tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, ant 2/3 tongue
Which organism is overall the MC culprit of lobar pneumonia? interstial (walking) pneumonar?
lobar: pneumococcus

walking: RSV, adeno, mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia
Main arterial baroreceptors located where? which nerves transmit information from these baroreceptors
located in aortic arch and carotid sinus

nerves: aortic arch via nerve to the medulla
carotd sinus via glossopharyngeal to the medulla
what is the MCC of death in young athletes 15-20?
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
pt awakes unable to move. arms, legs and torso don't work. progressively worsens weakens over 2 days starting in legs. peripheral sensation intact. What study confirms dx
Guillan-Barre: up CSF protein with normal cell count
Describe how fluid within the membarnous labyrinth of th einner ear is different fromthe fluid in th bony labyrinth of the iner ear.
membranous: endolymph potassium

bony: perilymph: Na
Compare the age distribution of those affected by Hodgikin lymphoma to those affected by Non-hodgkins
hodgkins : young and old

non: 20-40
compare classic presentation of RA to that of osteoarthritis. which is autoimmune related
RA: morning stiffness improves with use

osteoarthritis: pain in wt bearing joints at end of day

RA is autoimmune
What organism is most commony responsible for osteomyelitis:
S. Aureus
What is fx of Tzank test
multinucleated giant cells for Herpes
What are the diff types of epithelial cell jcts?
zona occludens:
zona adherens
gap jct
macula adherens
Compare the clinical findings of platelet disorders to those of coag factor defects.
platelet: microhemorrahge, mucus membrane bleeding, epistaxis, petechia purpura and increase bleeding time

coag: macrohemorrhage and hemophilia, hemoarthrosis, easy bruising, up PT or PTT
What structure induces ectoderm fo fom the neural plate? What is the adult remnant of this structure
notochord induces ectoderm to form neuroectoderm (neural plate). Its postnatal derivative is teh nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disk