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58 Cards in this Set

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kid swallow's battery?
- do xray
- if in esoph, take out endoscopically
- if in stomach, 90% will pass ok
meconium ileus vs plug?
- fhx of CF = ileus => increased risk of perf
- no fhx = plug => no increased risk
- abd pain, red current jelly
- seen in CF around age 2
double bubble sign?
- duodenal atresia => bilious vomiting
anemia of prematurity
in premature or low birth weight infants
- see normal smear, low retic, normal bili
- 2/2 transition of erythropoiesis sites, shorter RBC life
- giving Fe doesn't help
signs of alpha or beta thal?
- see hypochromic, microscytic anemia, +fhx
- work up for sickle cell disease
mcCune albright?
- precocious puberty, cafe au lait spots, bone defects
- sporadic, G protein cAMP kinase defect
ddx cafe au lait?
- large irregular borders = McCune
- associated with axillary or genital freckles = Von Recklinghausen syndrome
- GI polyposis, mucocutaneous pigmentation
- some with estrogen secreting tumor => precocious puberty
Sturge Weber
- port-wine stain over trigeminal region => MR, seizures, visual impairment
- intracranial calcifications
MCC of heterosexual precocious puberty?
- e.g. male genitalia in female = adrenal tumor
tuberous sclerosis?
- adenoma subaceum cutaneous abnormality, seizures
- 2/2 galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiciency
- bilateral cataracts, jaundice, hypoglycemia, increased urine galactose
- increased risk of E coli neonatla sepsis
- liver cirrhosis
- tx: eliminate dietary galactose
baby with bilateral cataracts, jaundice?
- galactosemia
child falls on outstretched hand, see anterior fat pad displacement?
- ischemia of forearm tissue
- supracondylar fx of humerus => Volkmann's ischemic contracture = type of compartment syndrome => fasciotomy
- even though distal pulse is palpable, there may be brachial artery injury
GI malformation in Down's? Cardiac?
- duodenal atresia, hirschprug, esoph atresia, pyloric stenosis, malrotation
- heart: endocardial cusion defect, VSD, PDA
2 y.o. with painless vs painful rectal bleeding?
- painless = meckel
- painful = intussusception
tetralogy of fallot?
- cyanosis that doesn't improve with O2
- squat => decrease peripheral resistance => decrease right to left shunt => improves cyansosi
- tet spells: hypoxic episodes with paroxysms of deep, rapid breathing 2/2 increased pulm vascular resistance precipitated by crying, infx, exercise => give O2, knee-chest position, fluids, morphine, propranolo
- left to right shunt, spontaneously heals, else eisenmenger => cyanosis
- left to right shunt, v. beneign, rarely eisenmenger
- doesn't lead to endocarditis
systolic murmur radiating to back
- coarctation => noteced ribs
eisenmenger tx
lung transplant
cyanosis that doesn't resolve with O2?
- tetraology of fallot
tuberous sclerosis
- hypopigmented macules = ash leaf spots, infantile spasm = brief symmetrical contractions of body, cortical tubers on head CT
- ACTH for infantile spasms
tx seizures?
- cabamazepine = tonic clonic, partial
- ethosuximide = absence seizures
- phenobarbital = generalized tonic clonic
- phenytoin = primary, secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures, partial, status epilecticus
hypopigmented macules?
- ash leaf in tuberous sclerosis
enuresis in 7 y.o.
- always do urinalysis even if bedwetting entire life
- IV pyelogram only if recurrent UTI or hematuris
- if all benign, behavior modification, if doesn't work then imipramine or desmpressin
ddx scalp swelling in newborn?
- overlies on scalp bone, benign lokoing = cephalohematoma, no tx
- pulsations, increased pressre with crying, bony defect = cranial meningocele
biggest worry with baby getting into vitamin pills?
- iron poisoning => corrosive to GI mucosa, mit injury => cellular damage, systemic tox => increased lactic acid, liver cirrhosis
- long term = gastric scarring, pyloric stenosis
- xray = radioopaque iron tabs
- tx: ipecac or deferoxamien (Chelator), no lavage
edward's syndrome?
small jaw, small head, rocker bottom feet, overlapping fingers, no creases
- MC heart defect = VSD
heart defect in congenital dz?
- edwards (18) = VSD
- downs = ASH, endocardial cushion defect
- williams' = supravalvular aortic stenosis
- DiGeorge = Truncus arteriosis, tet of allot, aortic arch
- neonatal lupus = congenital heart block
- kawasaki = coronary artery aneurysm
- PDA = congenital rubella
- cystathione synthase def = methionine met abnormality
- marfan like + thombeembolic events 2/2 vessel wall changes and increased adhesiveness of plt
- lens dislocation in downwards (upwards in Marfans)
- increased homocysteine, methionine
- tx: high dose B6 or low methionine high cysteine diet
weird metabolic d/o
- Krabbe's dz: beta galactosidase, no myelin, MR, blind, deaf, seizures
- tay sachs: beta-hexosaminidase A def, MR, blindness, cherry red macula
- fabrys: sphingolipidosis, 2/2 alpha galactosidase def; angiokeratomas, periph neuropathy, corneal dystrophy, kidney, heart failure
Freidrich's ataxia
- gait disturbance, pes cavus, ataxia, no ankle jerk
infantile spinal muscular atrophy
- muscular atrophy, normal social, language
pertussis infx?
- macrolide, e.g. erythromicin, give to close contacts too even if they are immunized
- immunize those not immune
gaucher's dz
- Aschkenazi Jews, def of acid beta glucosidsae
- bone pain and easy brusing
- dx: erlenmyerer flask = deformity of distal femure + gaucher cells = wrinkled paper appearance
erlenmyer flask bone?
- Gaucher's dz
Neimann Pick
- fatal d/o of infancy
- sphingomyelinase
GMI gangliosidosis
- beta galactosidsaes, present at birth, hepatosplenomegaly, skeleta abnormalities
Farber's dz
- lysosomal enzyme ceramidase
- accumulatse in joints
CNS tumors
- infratentorial, supratentorial = astrocytoma
- posterior fossa = medulloblastoma
- pinealoma = paralysis of vertical gaze, collier sign = eyelid retraction
- sella turnica = visual field defects, endocrine = craniopharyngeoma
meningitis with rash
= always N. meningitides, all others = no rash
- note: L. mono is transmitted from vagina to newborn as is GBS
s/p viral or trauma now with hip pain?
- transiet synovitis => pain => decreased ROM, limp, ext rotated
- ddx septic arthritis: WBC > 12, T >102, ESR > 40, no weight bearing
- do xray to r/o Legg- Calves Perthes
- tx: nsaids, rest
ehlers danlos
congenital contractural arachnodactyly
- fibrillin 1
- collagen
- multiple contractures
still birth with blue sclera, fx, limb deformities?
- osteogenesis imperfecta = type I collagen defect = perinatal death
9 y.o. girl with unsteady gait, EKG changes?
- freidrich's ataxia: increased trinucleotide repeast, poor prognosis, necrosis and degeneration of cardiac muscles => myocarditis, fibrosis, cardiomyopathy
cross and circle = age 3
- square and rectangle = age 4
- triangle = age 5
- diamond = age 6
- MCC HA in pediatric population
- only image if behavioral changes, decline school performance, decreased growth, morning HA, seizures
blue gray macule on sacral area? salmon patch? cafe au lait?
- mongolian spot 2/2 entrapped melanocytes
- flat salmon = vascular lesion, goes away
- cafe au lait = NF if > 0.5 mm and >5 lesions
cutis marmarata?
- lace like pattern on skin in response to cold/dress
- can persist in Downs or Edwards
premature infant with sudden decline in consciousness, tense fontanelles, CT shows dilation of ventricles?
- communicating hydrocephalus secondary to SAH 2/2 intraventricular hemorrhage, common in premature
von gierke's dz?
- type 1 glycogen storage dz = glucose 6 phosphatase def
- typical scene: 3-4 mo, hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, hyperlipidemia
- DOLL LIKE FACE = fat face, thin body
- acid maltase deficiency
- type II
- floppy baby, feeding difficulties
endocardial cushion defect?
- left to right shunt => pulm HTN => loud P2
continuous murmur along chest wall
MC leukemia in kids?
- ALL, see increased lymphoblasts