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59 Cards in this Set

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joint aspiration in gout? tx?
- see negatively birefringent, needle-shaped crystals (monosodium urate)
- tx: NSAIDs, indomethacin; however if pt has hx of GI bleed or CRI then give intra-articular corticosteroids
tx of gout
- allopurinol - decreases uric acid production; prevents gout flares
- colchicine: tx acute gout, serious toxicity so not 1st line; avoid in renal failure
- indomethacin and NSAIDS: first line tx of gout; avoid in GI bleed and CRI
- intraarticular corticosteroids if C/I in the above
next step if suspect gout?
- always do arthrocentesis (not xray)
- r/o infectious process
work up if suspect pagets?
- get Ca and alk phos
- to r/o other causes of increase alk phos get GGT or 5-nucleotidsase (biliary etiology)
hearing loss in Paget's disease
- very common
- most likely secondary to boney overgrowth
- tx w/ bisphos or calcitonin may slow progression but it is otherwise permanent
tx of raynaud's?
dihydropyridine CCB e.g. nifedipine and amlodipine and dilt
- verapamil does not work
- if severe can add nitro
work up of pt presenting with raynauds
- first tx with CCB and avoid environmental factors
- if sx persist and other signs of systemic disease (arthralgias, myalgias) then evaluate further with ANA, RF, CBC, C7, UA, complement
ankylosing spondylitis
- back pain with morning stiffness that improves with exercise
- reduced range of forward flexion
- can't dx unless presence of sacroiliitis --> get xray of sacroiliac joint
- next step is get ANA and RF - should be neg
- HLA-B 27 is >90%; absence of this marker makes dx unlikely

- monitor disease progression with xray every 3 months or ESR

- search for extraarticular manifestations: restrictive lung disease due to fibrosis or limited costovertebral joint motion; uveitis, aortic regurg, MVP, varicocele, IgA nephropathy, cauda equina

- pts have normal life expectancy, work normally
best antihypertensive to give to pt with risk of gout?
- ARB e.g. losartan - uricosuric effect
- avoid furosemide and HCTZ (hyperuricemia)
reactive arthritis
aka reiter's syndrome
- usually a preceding GU or GI infection prior to flare
- tx infx, exercise, sulfasalazine or methotrexate
work up of RA?
- clinical dx but get RF (only positive in 70-80%) or CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide for confirmation
- get hand xrays (MCP, PIP), avoid steroids
- tx symptomatically with NSAIDs and DMARDs (disease modifying antirheumatic drugs)
- sulfasalazine, methotrexate (first therapy), antimalarials, infliximab
- start immediately early on in the disease even if sx are improving to prevent bony destruction
which Ab is very specific for SLE dx?
- anti-ds DNA
complications of rhabdo
- CK > 10,000
- cell breakdown --> hyperK, hyperPhos, hypoCa
- renal failure
etiology of rhabdo
- NMS, hypothermia, hypoTH, polymyositis
tx of rhabdo
- IV fluids
- followed by alkalinize urine (pH >6)
- if hydration doesn't work to correct AKI, then dialysis may be indicated
most common cause of acute mono and oligoarthritis in young healthy adults?
- gonococcal arthritis
- confirm dx with culturing not just joint fluid but must also do mucosal surfaces (urethral, cervical, rectal, oral)
unique characteristics of gonococcal cause of arthritis versus other infectious causes of joint disease
- painful tendons along ankle, toe joints i.e. tenosynovitis
- pustular or vesiculo-pustule skin rash that disappears spontaneously
sausage digits
- spondyloarthritis
classic pattern of pain seen in rotator cuff tendonitis/tear, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder?
- lateral shoulder or deltoid pain, aggravated by reaching or lifting the arms up
- think tear if weakness with external rotation or abduction of shoulder
anterior shoulder pain vs posterior shoulder pain vs lateral shoulder pain
- anterior: acromioclavicular or glenohumeral joint OA, biceps tendonitis
- posterior: referred pain from cervical spine from disc herniation or spinal stenosis
- lateral: rotator cuff tendonitis/tear
pt with SLE presents with AKI with RBC casts?
- also see HTN, proteinuria, hematuria, hypo-complementemia, increased anti-DsDNA
- immune complex mediated glomerular injury
- renal involvement of SLE --> get renal biopsy before treating b/c type of involvement dictates treatment
- type I, II: no tx
- type III, IV: immunosuppression with IV methylprednisolone or cyclophos if steroids don't work
- monitor the disease with anti-DsDNA and complement levels
- Anti-DsDNA (subtype of ANA): SLE
- anti-centromere: CREST variant of scleroderma
- ANA is positive in SLE but can also be positive in other dz and healthy pts
- Anti-mitochondrial: primary biliary sclerosis
- Anti-Smith: SLE (specific but not sensitive)
- Anti-Ro/SSA: Sjogrens, some SLE (Anti-DsDNA is more specific)
tx of SLE
- low dose prednisone for short term
- hydrochloroquine for arthralgias, serositis, cutaneous sx
- cyclophosphamide for more serious sx of SLE e.g nephritis, CNS involvement, vasculitis
- methotrexate for significant organ involvement with little response to prednisone
- rituximab; however can cause PML
young pt with pseudogout (positive birefringment rhomboid crystals), DM, and hepatomegaly?
- hemochromatosis can cause arthropathy usually in 2nd and 3rd MCP, and knees, ankles, shoulders, morning stiffness
- just pseudogout affects older pts (>65y.o.)
which diseases affect which joints?
- DIP and spares MCP: OA, gout, reiters
- MCP: hemochromatosis
tests for hemochromatosis
- ferritin (high), transferrin (high), serum iron (high)
pt s/p viral URI w/ MCP and PIP swelling, mildly +RF?
- parvovirus
- tx with NSAIDs, self limiting
viral arthritis vs rheumatic fever?
- viral: small joint
- rheumatic: migratory joint involvement
pt presents with proximal muscle weakness and decreased DTR... next step?
- get EMG to confirm myopathy and then get muscle biopsy to determine underlying cause
most common cause of knee pain in young pts (<45y.o.)?
- patello-femoral pain syndrome
- etiology: overuse injury e.g. athletes
- sx: anterior knee pain provoked by walkin stairs or prolonged sitting
- exam: retropatellar pain, crepitation on vigorous right patellar compression
- histologic: chondromalacia patellae
osgood schlatter
- epiphysitis of tibial tuberosity
- pts <19y.o.
asenine bursitis
- medial knee pain and local tenderness at medial aspect of knee joint
painful arc test
- shoulder pain when arm is abducted 60 -120 degrees
- rotator cuff impingement
clinical dx of carpal tunnel is made, what other test can be done to confirm?
- nerve conduction studies (not MRI) to r/o other causes --> will see slowed conduction from axonal loss
tx of carpal tunnel?
- nighttime splinting
- if above doesn't work, then inject steroids
- last resort is surgical decompression
- NSAIDs don't help
symmetrical prox weakness and elevated CPK?
- ddx dermatomyositis vs polymyositis
- other less likely ddx: drugs, glucocorticoids, hypoTH, malignancy
- tx inflammatory myositis with glucocorticoids
- will also see increased ferritin
most common cause of MI in SLE pts?
- coronary atherosclerosis
bilateral pain and morning stiffness involving shoulder, neck, and thighs
- polymyalgia rheumatica
polymyositis vs polymyalgia rheumatica
- polymyositis is usually muscle weakness
- PMR is usually muscle pain
- Aldolase and CK r/o polymyositis
which test for giant cell arteritis?
- ESR >40
pt is on chronic glucocorticoids... what else should they be on?
- vit D and Ca
- GC decrease intestinal absorption of vit D and Ca and increase Ca excretion in urine and accelerate bone resorption
- get bone density scan q1year
- can give bisphos if post-menopausal (caution in premenopausal b/c teratogenic)
gottron's sign
eczematous, erythematous, scaly lesion that affects knuckles bilaterally
- sign of dermatomyositis w/ prox muscle weakness with is an AI disease that can be secondary to malignancy if occurs in older men
- look for solid tumors e.g. lung ca
dry eyes and extensive caries?
- sjogrens- abnormal tear production and xerostomia
- check anti- Ro/SSA and anti-La/ SSB
which cancer is associated with Sjogrens?
- B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma from polyclonal B cell activation in salivary glands (5% risk)
- submandibular lump
woman with long hx of steroids use now with limp?
- osteonecrosis of femoral head aka avascular necrosis or osteochrondritis dissecans
- most sensitive test: MRI for early detection
- tx: core decompression, osteotomy, joint replacement, joint replacement if reaches stage 4
- associated with long CS use in hx of SLE, SSC, antiphospholipid ab, chronic renal insufficiency and hemodialysis, truam, gaucher, renal transplant
cyclosporin is associated with what joint disease?
- gout
gout versus pseudogout in joint presentation?
- gout: first metatarsophalagneal joint
- pseudogout: nee
painless ulcers over glans penis?
- reiter's syndrome aka reactive arthritis - triggers are GI disease, GC infection
- look for back pain/limited spine movement to dx spondyloarthropathy (do Schober test - measure spine flexion)
work up of back pain
- if no concerning sx then physical therapy and nsaids
- if persists then get ESR/CRP to check for general inflammatory disease and lumbar xray
- mri only indicated if suspect tumor, infx, disc herniation, or bac pain >12weeks
- liver dysfunction, central hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus, arthropathy, skin pigmentation, arthritis in 2nd and 3rd MCP w/ hooked osteophytes on xray
- fasting transferrin saturation >50%
- gold dx: liver biopsy
pt with dry eyes and patches in her mouth?
- sjogren's
- patches are oral candidiasis which is common; also check for dental caries
- to screen for xerostomia: do you wake up atnight feeling dry and drink water?
heberden vs bouchard's nodules?
- heberden: swelling of distal interphalangeal joints; in OA
- bouchard: prox interphalangeal joints; in OA and RA
70 year old woman on simvastatin with shoulder and pelvic muscle pain and pex with tenderness in muscles of pelvic girdle
- measure CPK to r/o statin induced myopathy
- check ESR to dx polymyalgia rheumatica
shoulder and pelvic muscle pain?
- polymyalgia rheumatica
patient with sicca?
- dry mouth, dry eyes
- do Schirmer test to confirm secratory deficiency
- ab workup: Ro- and La- antibodies, RF, ANA
pt with diffuse MSK pain without joint swelling or muscle weakness?
- fibromyalgia
- tenderness to palpation over 11 of 18 predefined areas
- r/o other dz that mimic fibromyalgia: CBC, ESR, TSH, CPK
proximal muscle weakness?
- polymyositis- check CPK
what addictional evaluation should you do with pt with fibromyalgia
psych! 30% have depression