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18 Cards in this Set

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Na 126
- does patient look euvolemic, hyper/hypo-volemic?
- calculate plasma osmolality:
2 x serum Na + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8
etiology of euvolemic hypovolemic hyponatremia
- hypoTH, adrenal insufficiency, SIADH
tx of asymptomatic pts with chronic, mild hyponatremia?
- 125-135 mEq/L - correct the underlying cause
tx of mild or moderate SIADH
- 115-124 mEq/L: water restriction
pt with severe hyponatremia?
- <115 mEq/L at rate of 1.5 to 2meq/L/hour for first 3-4 hours, avoid raising more than 12 meq/l in first 24 hours
- sodium replacement with hypertonic saline
tx of chronic, persistent cases of SIADH or antipsychotic-induced hyponatremia
- demeclocycline
Chvostek's sign
- feature of hypocalcemia- contraction of facial muscles when facial nerve is tapped.
sx of hypocalcemia
- chvostek's or trousseau's, hyperpigmentation, seizures, muscular weakness, hypotension
SIADH etiology
- CNS disorder, tumors (especially small cell lung cancer,) drugs (SSRIs, carbamazepine), pulmonary disease, HIV, pos-op pts, thoracic surgery
electrolyte abnormality associated with hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
- hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia
leading cause of hypophos in hospitalized patients?
- continuous glucose infusions
- pts are usually alcoholic or debilitated
- can cause muscle weakness severe enough to prevent weaning from mechanical ventilation
hypocalcemia clinical manifestations and etiology
- neuromuscular excitability: hyperreflexia, tetany, seizures
- cardiac effects: vasodilation, hypotension, prolonged QT
- etiology: sepsis and hypomg and hypoparathyroidism
zing deficiency
- common in ICU
- causes infections, skin rash
- need plasma zinc levels for dx
complications of rapid correction of hyponatremia?
- pontine myelinolysis: permanent neurological deficits that can be fatal
EKG changes in hyperkalemia
1. tall peaked T waves --> 2. loss of P wave --> 3. widened QRS with 'sine wave' pattern
lab findings in SIADH
- decreased plasma or serum osmolality, elevatd urinary osmolality (due to excessive fluid retention), urinary sodium concentration of more than 40mEq/L and normal adrenal, renal, thyroid fuctions
labs in primary polydipsia
- very dilute urine and urine osmolality of <100 millimoles/kg
refeeding syndrome
- hypophos
- phosphate depletion secondary to decreased vit D and phosphate intake but serum phosphate levels are maintained until pt received IV fluids and glucose --> insulin secretion --> phosphate shifts intercellularly --> unmasks phosphate depletion
- muscle weakness, rhabdomyolysis as many have an underlying myopathy