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116 Cards in this Set

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What UTI causing bacterium is associated with struvite stones?
proteus mirabilis
Chlamydial infections (PID) can have these 2 syndromes as a complication
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome- infection of the liver capsule and violin string adhesions of parietal peritoneum to liver
Name the syndrome and etiology: infection of the liver capsule and violin string adhesions of parietal peritoneum to liver
What is the sign name when checking for cervical motion tenderness?
Chandelier sign
Nosocomial infection associated with hyperalimentation?
Candida albicans
Name 2 bacteria responsible for nosocomial urinary cath infections?
Proteus Mirabilis
PCP in Aids starts at what count?
<200 CD4
Osteomyelitis in most people is caused by S. aureus, but in pts with sickle cell anemia it is often what bacterium?
Triad of toxo gondii in infants
choreoretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
Branching rods in oral infection?
Actinomyces Israelii
What test is positive during Lymphogranuloma venereum
Frei test

Chlamydia trachomatis (LK)
When superantigens bind to MHCII outside the antigen pocket and stimulate polyclonal T cells, what 2 major cytokines are mass released?
Scarlet fever is caused by?
Strep Pyogenes
Group B
Urease positive bugs
H. Pylori
Proteus (struvite stones Hello?!)
Obligate anaerobes

ABC mnemonic
Obligate Aerobes
Nagging pests must breathe
Mycobacterium tb
Group A Strep
beta hemolytic
strep pyogenes
Clostridium has which exotoxin?
exotoxin a, which is a lecithinase, breaks down tissues
Gram positive rods that are filamentous, branched?
Nocardia- sulfa- soil
Actinomyces-anaerobe, sulfur granules, penicilin drugs

SNAP mnemonic for tx
a test performed to confirm a diagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum. Killed antigen, originally derived from infected patients, is injected intradermally in one forearm, and a control material is injected into the other arm. If a red, thickened papule develops at the site of injection of antigen, the test result is positive. See also Chlamydia./ Lymphogranuloma venereum
Frei test
Frei Test
a test performed to confirm a diagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum. Killed antigen, originally derived from infected patients, is injected intradermally in one forearm, and a control material is injected into the other arm. If a red, thickened papule develops at the site of injection of antigen, the test result is positive. See also Chlamydia./ LGV
What ricketsia will not give a positive Weil-Felix test?
Coxiella Burnetii
Discriminate between endemic and epidemic typhus and what are the causative organisms, as well as where does the rash start
endemic, fleas, R. typhi
epidemic, louse, R. prowazeckii
Rash starts on the trunk in Typhus, but in the rest of rickettsia it starts on soles and palms, except Q fever, which has no rash
Which Rickettsia does not cause rash?
Q fever
C. burnetii
animal placentas, soil, inhaled aerosoles, pulmonary symptoms
Rickettsial test Weil-Felix may cross react with Ag of what bacterium?
with Proteus Ag
Facial flushing, diarrhea, 3cuspid regurgitation. DX?
carcinoid syndrome
commonly arises in appendix, but does not metastasize to liver
if arises in terminal ileum, then metastasizes to the liver
What primary cancer commonly metastasizes to the left supraclavicular lymph nodes and the ovaries?
Stomach cancer

(Virchow lymph nodes)
A boy with a complain of pain in the knee, blood in the urine and palpable lesions/rash like/purplish on his legs and buttocks. DX?
Classical Henoch-Schonlein purpura

IgA anti IgA immune complexes deposition in small vessels and in nephrons, joints
Schilling test?
Reabsorption of B12 after orally administering intrinsic factor

(speaking of pernicious anemia)
anti-gliadin antibodies
dermatitis herpetiformis
celiac disease
Hemochromatosis test and presentation?
DMI, bronzed skin, liver cirrhosis, history of diarrhea
do a ferritin test, should be increased
it's autosomal recessive
Oligoclonal bands?
gamma globulin bands indicative of demyelination
lesions in th white matter
generalized pruritus, increased ggt and alkaline phosphatase,
non-tender hepatomegaly
autoimmune billiary cirrhosis
look for antimitochondrial antibodies
COOL: pruritus is due to the deposition of bile salts under the skin
If you give an elderly with type A a type AB transfusion by mistake and he does not hemagglutinate, nor does his blood do so in vitro, what's going on?
Elderly often lose the isohemagglutinins such as IgM anti B in this case
normal aging
Name two enzyme deficiencies responsible for hemolytic anemia, in other words, directly affecting health and life of RBCs
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (for the shunt)
and deficiency in pyruvate kinase, so glycolysis is not possible in the RBC, which does not have mitochondria and does not do TCA
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
restricted to RBC
mild to severe chronic hemolytic anemia, which req. blood transfusions
Pyruvate to lactate is the final pathway in which organs/ tissues
RBCs, lens of the eye, medulla of the kidney, testes, leukocytes, cornea
Fate of lactate in myocardium
myocardium exclusively oxidizes lactate to CO2 an H2O via the citric acid cycle.
B1 thiamine f
Component of thiamine pyrophosphate, cofactor in:
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (glycolysis)
α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (TCA cycle)
Transketolase (HMP shunt)
Branched chain amino acid dehydrogenase
List 2 treatments for hyperammonemia
A 6 mo old child that presents with mental retardation/deterioration and cherry red spot on the macular, but no hepatospenomegaly

vs a child that presents with the above but with the hepatosplenogmegaly
cherry red spot in the macula can be seen in Tay-Sachs (Hexoaminidase A def) and Nieman Pick's (sphyngomyelinase def.) but the latter one Neimann Pick's also presents with hepatosplenomegaly
Differentiate between Hurler's and Hunter's disease
Hunter's has no corneal opacities
but it is also x-linked recessive
a mucopolysaccharidosis
iduronate sulfatase deficiency
hepatosplenomegaly, kyphosis,short stature, valvular and ischemic heart disease, CHF, flexion contractures
How do you differentiate hemolytic anemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency versus G6P dehydrogenase deficiency, which is more common
Pyruvate kinase def. caused anemia will not have Heinz bodies
it is also autosomal recessive
HOwell Jollie bodies
sickle cell autosplenectomy
in rbc dots
Pale infarcts in which organs?
In the ones with single supply

heart kidney spleen
Differentiate between gangrenous necrosis: wet and dry
wet (with bacteria)
dry (coagulative ischemic)
fibrous tissue formation in response to neoplasia
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
atrophic glossitis
iron def. anemia

all due to iron deficiency
premalignant syndrome

high risk for esophageal squamous carcinoma
Tumors associated with tuberous sclerosis
cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma
follicular and undiff. lymphomas
lung cancer
follicular and undiff. lymphomas
gastic carcinomas
colon carcinoma
Carcioembryonic antigen
produced by 70 percent of pancreatic and colon cancer
also by gastric and breast carcinomas
Lambert=Eaton Syndrome
neuromuscular weakness due to the antibodies against pre-synaptic Ca channels
these antibodies are produced by thymomas and small cell lung cancers
ventricular preexcitation syndrome is also known as what?
Wolfe-Parkinson-white syndrome
look for delta wave at the onset of qrs
Bundle of Kent=accessory pathway between atria and ventricles bypassing AV node
can lead to SV tach
Congenital syndrome of long QT with sensorineural deafness is knows as what?
Cushing's triad
hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression
Turner's syndrome is associated with what congenital cardiac abnormality?
coarctation of aorta
Infant of a diabetic mother has a high risk of what heart abnormality?
transposition of great vessels

RtoL cyanotic shunt
Friction rub post MI after 3-5 days?
postinfarction fibrinous pericarditis
Dressler's syndrome
autoimmune phenomenon resulting in fibirinous pericarditis several WEEKS after MI,

Several weeks after an MI, autoimmune fibrinous pericarditis is called what?
Dressler syndrome
Roth Spots
diagnostic of bacterial endocarditis
are white spots on the retina surrounded by hemorrhage
Janeway Lesions
can be seen in bac. endocarditis
small erythematous lesions on palm or sole
Osler's nodes
can be seen in bact. endocarditis
tender raised lesions on finger or toe pads
what is marantic thrombotic endocarditis?
secondary to hypercoagulable state
Loffler syndrome
endomyocardial fibrosis with a prominent eosinnophilic infiltrate
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
the most common manifestation of cardiac SLE
verrucous sterile vegetations on mitral valve, may cause regurg, or stenosis uncomonly

SLE causes LSE
type 4 hypersensitivity
antimicrosomal, antithyroglobulin antibodies
Hurthle cells
In Hyperparathyroidism (primary), hypercalcemia predisposes to?
peptic ulcer!
Albright's Hereditary Osteodystrophy
autosomal dominant kidney unresponsiveness to PTH
Hypocalcemia, shortened 4th/5th digits, short stature
Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules
This is nodular glomerulosclerosis (the Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion) of diabetes mellitus. Nodules of pink hyaline material form in regions of glomerular capillary loops in the glomerulus. This is due to a marked increase in mesangial matrix from damage as a result of non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins
alfa 2 agonist such as clonidine would have what effect on insulin release?
inhibition of insulin release
b2 agonism stimulates the release
IN DKA, hydroxybutyrate: acetoacetate ratio is
usually hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate are produced 1:1
but in pathologic cases
such as alcoholism or DM
you get more b hydroxybutyrate than acetoacetate
in good pastures, describe renal findings
linear immune complex deposits
NEPHRITIC syndrome (minor amounts of protein)
Discuss Ghrelin
D1/P cells in stomach
lost with gastric bypass surgery
regulates appetite
increases growth hormone, prolactin, ACTH, cortisol
Ghrelin is increased when fasting
Ghrelin is decreased after a meal
Loss of Ghrelin is associated with hyperphagia in Prader-Willi syndrome
What hormone is responsible for churning and turning sounds in the intestines when one is hungry?
motilin, secreted by small intestine
produces migrating motor complexes
What hormone's loss is associated with achalasia?
Copious diarrhea would be seen with what tumor?
increases intestinal water and electrolyte secretion
relaxation of intestinal smooth muscle and sphincters
Somatostatin is used to treat what tumors?
VIPoma and carcinoid tumors
In cholelithiasis, pain worsens after fatty meals. why?
secretion of CCK which increases contractions of the gall bladder
(but decreases gastric emptying)
Warthin's tumor
benign salivary tissue trapped in the lymph node , heterotropic
multiple nonmalignant hamartomas throughut the GI, along with hyperpigmented mouth, lips, genitalisa, hands. Associated with increasedd risk of CRC and other visceral malignancies
Differentiate Boerhaave's syndrome versus Mallory Weiss
In Boerhaave's: rupture of distal esophagus (mostly 75 percent due to endoscopy, complication is pneumomediastinum and Hamman's crunch on PE)

Mallory-Weiss syndrome: mucosal tear of distal esophagus
VATER syndrome
vertebral abnormalities
Anal atresia
TE tracheoesophageal fistula
Renal disorder plus absent radius
Riley-Day Syndrome
Familial dysautonomia
autosomal recessive
mostly in Jewish children
unstable blood pressure, difficulty feeding, abnormal sweating, orthostatic hypotension, progressive sensory loss
results from loss of neurons in the autonomic and sensory ganglia
Shy-Drager syndrome
preganglionic sympathetic neurons form the intermediolateral cell column
it is characterized by orthostatic hypotension, anhidrosis, impostence, and bladder atonicity
Migratin thrombophebitis

or lung
Heyde's Syndrome
syndrome of aortic valve stenosis associated with gastrointestinal bleeding from colonic angiodysplasia. It is named after Dr. Edward C. Heyde, who first described the association in 1958.[1] It is due to the induction of von Willebrand disease type IIA by the valvular stenosis.[2]
When aortic stenosis is associated with lower GI bleeding (colonic angiodysplasia) what is the syndrome's name?
Heyde's syndrome
Megadoses of what vitamin are associated with reduced synthesis of K-dependent clotting factors and thus are synergistic with warfarin?
vitamin E
Excess of what vitamin in the mother can cause hemolytic anemia and jaundice in a newborn?
vitamin K
Effects of vitamin E deficiency
hemolytic anemia
spinocerebellar tract/ dorsal column degeneration and peripheral neuropathy plus ataxia
Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms
angular stomatitis
corneal neovascularization
vitamin deficiency and vision
corneal neovascularization in vitamin b2 riboflavin deficiency

corneal squamous metaplasia in vtimain A deficiency plus since it's a componenet of rhodopsin you get night blindness
Biotin deficiency symptoms
dermatitis alopecia
lactic acidosis
SE of niacin supplementation in hypercholesterolemia?
intrahepatic cholestasis
diabetes insipidus
bone lytic lesions
dermatomyositis in a middle aged man is associated with what?
epithelial cancer
like lung carcinoma
inclusion myositis or polymyositis are not associated with malignancy
inclusion body myositis is resistant to what tx?
corticosteroids, but really to none
eaton lambert syndrome assn
ab to ca channel releasing ach
muscle weakness
does not improve with ache inhibitor unlike with myasthenia gravis (which often has a thymoma, which resection is curative)
eaton lambert is associated with small cell lung carcinoma
Neimann Pick's
progressive neurodegenerative
cherry red spot on macular

Autosomal Recessive

Sphingomyelinase deficiency
Fabry's disease
painful neuropathies
corneal opacities
renal/cardiac problems
angiokeratomas/ diffuse violaceous skin rash

alfa galactosidase A
(ceramide trihexoside accumulates)

X linked recessive the only one
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
arylsulfatase A
Krabbe's disease
globoi cells in degenerating white matter
peripheral neuropathy
developmental dealy
what enzymes are defficient in Neiman Pick's vs Krabbe's
Neimann Picks sphyngomyelinase
Krabbe's galactocerebrosidase

Mr. Neimann
DX: pot-bellied, pale, puffy faced child with protruding umbilicus and protuberant tongue
cretinism due to hypothyroidism (endemic goiter/ no iodine in the diet)
Jod-Basedow phenomenon
thyrotoxicosis if a patient with iodine deficiency goiter is made iodine replete
Hypercalcemia is co-present in these 2 disorders
zollinger-ellison (co present hyperparathyroidism)

addison's (evidently normal physiological levels of cortisol are necessary to decrease bone resorption and activate vitamin D)
Hypercalcemia can be a result of excess of these 2 vitamins
Vit D of course

Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy

autosomal dominant
unresponsiveness to PTH
short stature, shortened 4,5 metatarsals/ digits, hypocalcemia (and I think mental retardation mild often)