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112 Cards in this Set

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Virginia Company
Who: investors
When: 1607
Where: London
What: sent ships to Chesapeake Bay
Why: colonists built a fort named Jamestown in King’s honor. Ist permanent Eng. settlement in N. America
Indentured Servants
Who: migrants to the colonies from England
When: 17th century
Where: Chesapeake (VA)
What: poor men and women who would contract labor for 2-7 years in exchange for passage to the New World (mostly young, unskilled males)
Why: treated like slaves → ran away/causing them to die. often cheaper than slaves, but in late 17th century they migrated to PA for more land opportunities
Mayflower Compact
Who: MA Bay Colonists--mostly families and few hired men
When: 1620
Where: Plymouth, MA Bay, formerly Patuxet
What: 1st document of self gov in N. Am.
Why: hired men began to grumble about Pilgrim authority, and to reassure them Bradford drafted agreement to “combine into a civil body politic”
Proprietary Colonies
Who: the English colonists
When: 17th century
Where: New Eng.
What: a colony created by Eng. monarch → granted tract of land to individual or group, who became “lords proprietor”
Why: pay off debt or encourage settlement
Frame of Gov't
Who: William Penn
When: 1682
Where: PA
What: guarantee of religious freedom, civil liberties and elected rep. (& dealt fairly w/ NA)
Why: most effective colonization effort of the 17th century
King Philip's War
Who: Wampanoags, Narragansetts, English settlers
When: 1675-76
Where: New Eng.
What: King Philip (Metacom) of the Pokanokets wanted alliance w/ Narragansetts → Eng. wanted territory of NA
Why: the Iroquois attacked other NA tribes → Covenant Chain
Covenant Chain
Who: Iroquois & NY colonists
When: 1677
Where: NY
What: an alliance to est. Iroquois dominance over other tribes
Why: put NY ahead econ./pol.. compared to other colonies
Bacon's Rebellion
Who: Settlers & Susquehannock NA
When: 1675-76
Where: Chesapeake (VA)
What: violent conflict led by Nathaniel Bacon !st against NA, then Gov.
Why:afterwards, colonial authorities → armed expansion into frontier to gain support of backcountry men in gaining more territory
Middle Passage
Who: African Slaves
When: 18th century
Where: The Atlantic
What: the voyage between Africa and the N. World slave colonies
Why: filthy conditions, many died (1/6), very cramped
Enumerated Goods
Who: English colonists, Parliament
When: 18th century
Where: English colonies
What: items produced in colonies and could only be shipped to places specified by Parliament
Why: improved English and colonial eco.
Who: Euro. philosophers (Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Hobbes)
When: early-mid. 1700s (18th century)
Where: Europe → colonies
What: argument if universe was governed by natural laws that could be understood and applied
Why: ppl. questioned the church and state → challenged traditional views
Who: Benjamin Franklin
When: 1732-57
Where: Philadelphia
What: a calendar, astrological guide, and sourcebook for med. farming (i.e. Poor Richard’s Almanac)
Why: reference that covered concerns of traditional culture. (demand for literature rose in N. Eng.)
Great Awakening
Who: Anglican minister D. George Whitefield (sermons in colonies)
When: 1700s (18th century)
Where: English colonies
What: inspired Old Lights (Enlightened wealthy elite) and New Lights (revivalists, poorer classes); New Lights: big fans of Calvinism
Why: increase of interest in politics; unification of colonies
Ben Franklin's Plan for the Union
Who: Benjamin Franklin
When: 1754
Where: NY
What: prop. that NA affairs/W. settlement/etc. be under colonial rule (mutual) w/ Br. president-general & Grand Council/legislature
French and Indian War
Who: France, Eng (colonies, and NA
When: 1754-1763
Where: Nova Scotia, Acadia, frontier between NY & N. Fr., upper OH R.
What: aka the 7 Years War; it was the war between Eng/Fr&NA for the frontier
Why: the Fr. lost → Treaty of Paris/Conflict between colonists and Eng. begun → Revolution. Proclamation line of 1763
Royal Proclamation Line
Who: NA
When: 1763
Where: W. of the Appalacians
What: set aside “Indian country” where NA could reside
Why: colonists wanted to push west but the Br. wouldn’t allow it → Am. Rev.
Who: Br. colonists
When: 18th century
Where: colonies
What: belief that the best society would provide individuals the most liberty
Why: influenced Am. pol. behavior → elected reps.
Virtual Representation
Who: Br. colonist
When: around 1765
Where: the colonies
What: Parliament members rep. nation as a whole, not of just the ppl who elected them
Why: → “no taxation w/o rep.”, Parliament/Eng. was controlling colonists w/o their best interests necessarily
Stamp Act
Who: George Grenville/Parliamnet, colonies
When: 1765
Where: colonies
What: raised revenue in Am b/c a stamped paper was required for legal docs, publication, cards etc.
Why: colonists → ‘no taxation w/o rep.’, nonimportation movement
Committees of Correspondence
Who: white male colonists
When: pre-rev. ~1775
Where: MA and other colonies
What: committees that kept Americans informed about Br. measures & how they affected the colonies
Why: believed Br. had plot to destroy Am. Liberty/ Am. Rev.
Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
Who: Parliament and colonies
When: 1774
Where: colonies
What: Boston Port Act (compensation for Boston Tea Party due) MA gov. act (King appt.’d rep.) Admin Justice Act (Br. Officials protected from Col. Court) Quatering Act (housing of soldiers)
Why: colonists felt liberty = restricted
First Continental Congress
Who: delegates from colonies
When: 1774
Where: Philadelphia
What: in response to Coercive Acts  declaration of resolves, organized militia companies
Why: linked colonies together, unification against Br. Restrictions
Declaration Of Independence
Who: colonial delegates
When: July 4, 1776
Where: Philadelphia
What: doc. That 2nd Cont. Congress used to announce/justify Am.’s renouncement of allegiance to Br.
Why: little struggle about principles (support of equality/ordinary ppl, right of revolution)
Articles of Confederation
Who: Richard Henry Lee, Cont. Congress
When: June 7, 1776
Where: Philadelphia
What: no national judiciary, no separate executive branch, Congress = only nat. authority, no Congressional authority to raise troops/taxes
Why:1st nat. gov. of U.S.
NW Ordinance of 1787
Who: Congress
When: 1787
Where: N. of the Ohio
What: 5 states made from NW territory once free white male pop = 5,000  could choose assembly
Why: model of incorporation of future territories as co-equal states
Shay's Rebellion
Who: Daniel Shay, farmers
When: 1786-87
Where: w. MA
What: armed movement of farmers in debt (took land of wealthy poor)
Why: conservative nationalists  not happy under A of C gov.
Great Compromise
Who: delegates
When: 1787 (Con. Convention)
Where: Philadelphia
What: House = rep proportional to pop
Senate= rep equal/ state
Why: creation of strong nat. gov. but still w/ important role for states
Who: opposers of Federalists
When: 1780s
Where: NY, VA, NC
What: opposed Constitution (initial refusal to ratify)
Why: Bill of Rights promised  important persuasion factor (individ. Rights)
Tariff of 1789
Who: Congress
When: 1789
Where: America
What: Compromise btwn. Ppl who wanted protective tariffs & those who wanted moderate tariffs
Why: 1st tariff that was to raise revenue (for fed. Gov.) not protect Am. manufacturers
Intercourse Act
Who: Congress, NA
When: 17890
Where: America, backcountry
What: stated regulation of trade & interaction w/ NA
Why: licensing sys.  trading houses for NA to get goods @ reasonable prices
Jay's Treaty
Who: Br. And U.S. (Chief Justice John Jay)
When: 1794
Where: U.S.
What: agreement to avoid war/seizure of Am. ships
Why: U.S. no position for war (small army, no navy) & showed U.S. neutrality
XYZ Affair
Who: Am. & Fr.
When: 1798
Where: France
What: Am. Upset b/c Fr. Wanted bribe in order to negotiate w/ Am. diplomats
Why: continuation  undeclared naval war (Quasi-War) w/ Fr. 3 more yrs. (1797-1800)
Alien and Sedition Acts
Who: Congress
When: 1798
Where: U.S.
What: 4 acts  freedom of speech & liberty of foreign residents in U.S.
Why: aliens could be imprisoned/deported @ wartime; anyone convicted of speaking false against gov. = imprisoned
Marbury vs. Madison
Who: Chief Justice John Marshall
When: 1803
Where: N. Eng ?
What: Jefferson refuses to recognize Adam’s ‘midnight judges’  Justice Marshall: Court’s duty = ‘say what law is’  ruling = Sup. Court powerful
Why: precedent of judicial review (ruling = unconstitutional part of Judiciary Act of 1789)
Embargo Act
Who: Thomas Jefferson
When: 1807
Where: Foreign ports, Br. & Fr.
What: Forbade Am. ships to sail to foreign ports
Why: Intended to force Br. & Fr. to accept neutral rights → eco. failure
War Hawks
Who: Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun
When: prior to 1812
Where: South and West
What: members of Congress who pushed for war
Why: War of 1812
Who: Federalist reps from 5 New Eng. states
When: 1814
Where: Hartford (Convention)
What: constitutional doctrine: states have legal right to declare national laws null&void
Why: less fed. gov. power, more to the states.
Era of Good Feelings
Who: John Quincy Adams
When: 1812-1823
Where: America
What: Disappearance of Feds → Republicans govern in nonpartisan harmony
Why: tidied U.S. borders → unification
American System
Who: Henry Clay
When: 1816
Where: America
What: Program to promote Am. eco. growth/domestic manufacturers from foreign competition
Why: Eco. develop., national bank, tax on imp. goods.
Transcontinental Treaty of 1819
Who: John Quincy Adams/Onis
When: 1819
Where: Florida
What: U.S./Spanish agreement → Spanish gives FL/claims to Pacific to U.S., and sets boundaries for Sp. SW and U.S. LA purchase. & U.S. no claims on TX/responsibility to Sp. $5 mil
Why: more opportunity for expansion
Monroe Doctrine
Who: Monroe
When: 1823
Where: America
What: Declaration of W. Hemisphere closed off to Euro/no Am. involvement in Euro. affairs.
Why: Treaties with Rus., Br. Sp. → more opportunity for Am. expansion
Missouri Compromise
Who: Congress
When: 1820
Where: America
What: Admission of MO as a slave state and ME as a free state, and decision that slavery prohibited north of 36 degrees 30’ latitude
Why: Majority of the LA would be free states.
Gang System
Who: Slaves
When: mid 1800s
Where: the South
What: Organization of slaves into gangs of 20-25 that were supervised by overseers w/ whips
Why: Conditions for a slave were very cruel, sunup to sundown
Second Great Awakening
Who: Mostly Af. Am. slaves, some white southerners
When: 1790s
Where: the South
What: Religious revival, with many Af. Am. converts/churches built
Why: Slaves saw Christianity as a way to express desire for freedom/justice
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Who: Nat Turner
When: 1831
Where: VA
What: Rebellion w/ 5 other slaves against masters → plantation to plantation killing a total of 55 white ppl.
Why: Exposed truth that force was what was keeping slaves under control, and there was always the possibility of revolt
Black Codes
Who: State legislatures
When: 1830s
Where: South
What: Rules concerning free Af. Am.’s, like no firearms, no buying slaves (outside of their family), no testifying against whites, holding office, voting, or serving in the militia
Why: Emphasis on white=free, black=slave
Nullification Crisis
Who: States’ rights party
When: 1830s
Where: SC
What: Sectional crisis b/c of attempt to nullify federal law regarding slavery
Why: The idea of secession was forming in the South over the conflicting beliefs about slavery between the states’ laws and the federal law
Indian Removal Act
Who: President Andrew Jackson, Congress
When: 1830
Where: NA land
What: State officials allowed to override federal protection of NA
Why: NA forced off of land, like Trail of Tears—forced march in 1838 of Cherokee NA from GA  W.
Bank War
Who: Andrew Jackson
When: 1830s
Where: Am.
What: Jackson/Westerners distrust banks, Jackson talks of not rechartering Bank of U.S.  Jackson victory (Bank = unconstitutional)
Why: political/eco. Problems resulted. End of Am. Sys.  laissez faire. Heat of Bank War  two party system
Who: colonists; Henry Clay supporters
When: 1760s-70s; 1830s
Where: Am. colonies
What: resisted Br. Measures; anti-Jackson, heirs of Federalism
Why: promoted Am. Sys. And commercialization
Specie Circular
Who: Andrew Jackson
When: 1836
Where: Am. frontier
What: only gold/silver could be used to buy public land
Why: lead to six year recession, Panic of 1837 b/c of the collapse of baking system
Market Revolution
Who: American factory owners and workers
When: mid-late 1800s
Where: America
What: outcome of transportation, commercialization, and industrialization developments
Why: growing middle class, more jobs for women/children but bad pay  strikes, unions, cash economy (not barter system)
Tammany Society
Who: artisans, Delaware chief=Tammany
When: began in 1780s
Where: NYC
What: fraternal organization of artisans that met in a hall (Wigwam) and elected officers (sachems)
Why: affiliation with Democratic Party, parades, rallies, songs, newspapers
Seneca Falls Convention
Who: women
When: 1848
Where: upstate NY
What: 1st women’s equality convention
Why: became annual, and resulted in political/legal advancements for women
Who: followers of Mother Ann Lee
When: founded in 1774, grew between 1820-30
Where: America, around PA
What: offshoot of Quakers, preached strict celibacy/communal living
Why: highly structured lifestyle/isolation from changing world/beliefs of equality drew many new members esp. women
Liberty Party
Who: abolitionists, James G. Birney = Prez. Candidate
When: founded 1840
Where: North
What: 1st antislavery pol. party
Why: Abolitionist movement/moral reform  1st step in pol.  Civil War
Oregon Trail
Who: American settlers
When: 1850s
Where: Midwest to Oregon/California/Utah
What: Overland trail >2,000 miles
Why: trail that eased settlement; many offered help even to complete strangers
Who: Texans
When: until 1850s?
Where: Texas
What: people of Spanish/Mexican descent born in Texas
Why: small farmers/common laborers who faced threat of Comanche Indians. Americans, NAs, and Tejanos all wanted to fight and defend their land
Mexican American War
Who: Mex/Am
When: 1846-48
Where: Mexican Territory; Texas
What: War to fight for territory in SW N. Am.
Why: Am. Victory  more expansion/imperialism
Wilmot Proviso
Who: Dem. David Wilmot
When: 1846
Where: acquired Mexican Territory
What: the proposed amendment that no slavery should exist that territory
Why: very controversial, couldn’t get N. and S. to agree, regardless of pol. Party.
Wilmot pressured by practical politics b/c of rise of Lib. Party, not ideology
Compromise of 1850
Who: Clay, Calhoun, Webster
When: 1850
Where: CA, NM, UT
What: Four-step compromise, CA: free state, NM/UT settlers decide, end of slave trade in DC, Fugitive Slave Law
Why: compromise between N., S., and W. regarding slavery. Fugitive Slave Law forced abolitionists/Northern authorities to turn in fugitive slaves to their owners in the South.  sometimes helped escape to Canada.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Who: introduced by Stephen Douglas
When: 1854
Where: Kansas and Nebraska
What: law passed allowing slavery to be decided by state residents
Why: b/c it repealed the MO Compromise, it lead to a lot of N. vs. S. compromise
Know Nothing Party
Who: American Party (ex. whigs)
When: 1854
Where: New England
What: when questioned about beliefs: response was ‘I know nothing’
Why: anti-immigration, party split by 1855 b/c of slavery/sectional differences
Dred Scott Decision
Who: Dred Scott
When: decided on March 6, 1857
Where: free states IL & WI
What: decided that the fed. gov. didn’t have power to interfere with property movement throughout states → dismissal of cases
Why:Showed southern bias within the Supreme court and the supreme court justices.
John Brown's Raid
Who: John Brown
When: 1856
Where: Kansas
What: Brown slaughtered many pro-slavery men. He wanted a slave uprising, and believed he’d get support once slaves’ interest sparked.
Why: it was poorly planned, he failed to notify VA slaves of their involvement, and Brown was captured, tried, and convicted on treason/murder → hanged. John Brown’s Raid was opposed by Republicans
Confederate States of America
Who: President Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens (VP)
When: Feb. 1861
Where: SC and South
What: nation of the South, opposed the Union. new Constitution that was essentially the same, but with pro-slavery/more states’ rights
Why: led to the Civil War. France and Britain later refused to recognize it as a nation, despite its initial economic success, due to their failure in war
Homestead Act
Who: Westerners, Congress
When: 1862
Where: West
What: law passed that provided homesteads within 160 acres of free land in exchange of improving land within 5 yrs of grant (had to build house/cultivate some land/pay small fee)
Why: push toward modern commercial agriculture
Peninsular Campaign
Who: General George McClellan
When: 1861-1862
Where: Richmond
What: offensive plan to capture Richmond, which led to the Seven Days Battle/Lincoln calls for a retreat
Why: N. Virginia stalemate
Emancipation Proclamation
Who: Lincoln
When: Jan. 1, 1863
Where: Conf. States
What: slaves → “forever free”; freed slaves in Conf. States in rebellion
Why: Lincoln supported recruitment of Af. Am. soldiers → 200,000 Af. Ams. in Union army
Special Field Order 15
Who: General William T. Sherman
When: 1865
Where: southern Atlantic coast
What: gave 40 acres and a mule to freed men
Why: To reward his troops of impoverished African Americans and give them a start to new life
Congressional Reconstruction
Who: Republican Dominated Congress, President Johnson
When: 1867-1870
Where: Southern States
What: period, called the Reconstruction era, where Congress tried to repair the destruction in the South
Why: Re-united the US, but wasn't particularly successful b/c slavery wasn't completely gone (sharecropping/tennet farmers) and still discrimination (Jim Crow Laws)
Fifteenth Ammendment
Who: All men citizens
When: 1869
Where: Congress, applied everywhere
What: Garaunteed all men the right to vote, regardless of race
Why: Big step in equality, but both angered women and pushed them to fight even harder for their own suffrage
Who: Freed Slaves, White Southerns
When: mid 1860's ish
Where: South
What: Labor system where landowners provided houses and farm animals and tools in exchange for a share of their crop
Why: Very similar to slavery b/c they were tied to the land, and treated pretty badly too, so like a step backwards almost
Who: Southern whites
When: 1860's/70's
Where: South
What: Southern whites (most small farmers/planters) who supported the southern Republican party & reconstruction
Why: they wanted to return to normal and get help to fix the South from the destruction
Slaughterhouse Cases
Who: Supreme Court
When: 1873
Where: US
What: huge sweeping decision that declared that citizenship rights were under state not federal control
Why: it contradicted the 14th ammendment and overruled that, and lead to a lot of the Blacks citizenships being stripped away again
Liberal Republicans
Who: disaffected REpublicans
When: 1872
Where: US
Compromise of 1877
Who: Rutherford B. Hayes
When: 1877
Where: US
What: congressional settling of 1876, gave Democrats control of all state governments in the South
Why: completed the idea during Reconstruction that a strong federal government protected everyone
Treaty of Fort Laramie
Who: US, Sioux
When: 1868
Where: South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana
What: treaty acknowledging defeat in the Great Sioux War, and gave them land & hunting rights
Why: Finally were sort of nice to the NAI, but when gold was discovered in those lands, they completely ignored the treaty -> no progress have been made, still horrible to the NAI
Dawes Severalty Act
Who: Congress
When: 1887
Where: Congress
What: ended tribal ownership of land and gave out small plots to individual NAI with the rest open to whites
Why: it successfully undermined tribal sovereignty, but didn't give much compensation, didn't try to integrate them very much
Vertical Integration
Who: Big businesses, ie. Andrew Carnegie
When: late 1800's
Where: US, cities
What: consolidating (owning) numerous production functions from the raw materials to marketing to final product
Why: Controlled the whole process so they could make it cheaper, and therefore wipe out competition and then charge whatever they wanted to
Chinese Exclusion Act
Who: Chinese, Congress
When: 1882
Where: US
What: act that suspended Chinese immigration, limited the rights of resident chinese, and forbad their naturalization
Why: It showed the nativists discrimination, and how they didn't want "aliens" stealing their jobs
Knights of Labor
Who: Everyone basically
When: 1869
Where: US
What: A labor union that included all skilled or unskilled workers regardless of race or gender
Why: Very successful group, was unique because they included everyone, lead to more specialized unions though after ending badly in Haymarket Square
American Federation of Labor
Who: white skilled workers
When: 1886
Where: US
What: Labor union that organized skilled whites into craft lines and stressed a few workplace issues rather than a bunch of broad ones
Why: They didn't include women or African Americans, so they formed their own unions, but this was more effective because they focused on one thing
Gilded Age
Who: Mark Twain (came up with it)
When: 19th century America
Where: US
What: refers to the shallow display and worship of wealth during that period, "flaunting it"
Why: showed the new era following the civil war, lead to more big businesses and consumerism, and some public places like theaters were funded
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Farmer's Alliance
Great Uprising
Coxey's Army
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Free Silver
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Progressive Era
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Sherman Antitrust Act
Federal Reserve Act
Roosevelt Corollary
Open Door
Committee on Public Information
War Industries Board (WIB)
Sedition Act
The Great Migration
Versailles Treaty
Red Scare
Volstead Act
Immigration Act
Harlem Renaissance
Bonus Army
National Labor Relations Act
New Deal Coalition