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110 Cards in this Set

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Socail Securities Act provided for all of the following
Assistance to elderly, disabled and unemployed
When FDR was frustrated with the Suporeme Court dismissing his programs, he tried passing what?
Court Packing Bill
What did Roosevelt use to communicate with the American people about his New Deal programs and WWII?
Fireside Chats
What does FDIC do?
Insures bank deposits
Which program created the Codes of Fair Practice?
National Recovery Administration
What did the Emergencey Banking Act do?
Declares Bankd holiday- closes all banks, only opens good ones
What causes of the Great Depression best describes the problem fixed by the Agricultural Adjustment Act?
Overproduction and underconsumption
The Crash of the Stock market, a problem the led to the Great Depression, was solved by which program?
Securities and Exchange Commission
What caused the recession of 1937?
FDR and congress cut back New Deal Programs
All of the following were part of FDR's New Deal...
Relief, Recovery, Reform
Which ammendment repealed prohibition?
What program helped plant millions of trees accross the nation by signle men?
Civillian Conservation Corps.
What program created dams to provide energy to farms in the east in the U.S.?
Tennessee Valley Authority
What critic supported the Old Age Pension Plan?
Francis Townsend
What is rugged individualism that was used by Hoover?
Succeed by your own efforts
Which critic was specifically against gov't regulation and deficit spending?
American Liberty Legue
What does the Wagner Act do?
Right of unions to organize and collective bargaining
How is the PWA different from the CWA?
PWA- gives money for states to build
CWA- Gov't hires directly
How is communism and facsim different?
Communism- absense of private property
Facism- highly nationalistic and protectionof private property
The Casablanca Conference leads to the attack on which area?
Sicily and Italy
What was Hitler's "final solution" for the Jews and other undesireables?
Mas Extermination
Which Neutrality Act said that America will not take sides during the Spanish Civil War?
What did the Europeans decide at the Munich Conference?
GErmany is allowed to keep Sudentland if they promise not to take more
What nation did japan invade first?
What was a reason why we dropped the atomic bomb?
Shortened war, save American lives, intimidate USSR
What is the date that will ive in infamy asccording to FDR?
Dec. 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor
Why is the Battle of Midway a turning point in the Pacific?
Sunk large portion of Japanese ships and planes
Which conference created the United Nations?
San Francisco
What is the first state to become Facist?
What does Kamikaze mean?
Divine Wind
Operation Overlord was the code name for which attack by which general?
D-day, Eisenhower
All of the following are goals outlined in Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
Unite all German speaking people, Racial purification, Lebensraum- expand living space
Which is the most famous group of all-blakc fighter pilots?
Tuskegee Airmen
What is the law passed during this time that allowed the first peacetime draft in America?
Selective Service Act
Executive Order 9066 targeted which group of Americans?
What was Nixon's Checkers speech about?
Accused him of slush fund. "I like Ike"
The GI Bill provide for all of the following
Veterans hospitals/rehab, unemployment benefits for vets, low interest loans, and financial aid for education
What was the idea called to give money to Europe in 1947 in order to help prevent the spread of communism?
Marshall Plan
Who was the communist leader of China after WWII?
Mao Zedong
Which group is best known for armed self defense in the civil rights movement?
Black Panthers
Why did China support North Korea in the Korean War?
They want North Korea as a buffer state
Who won the first televised presidential debate?
John Foster Dulles supported which following programs that came from the idea of America threatening extreme measures to get what they want from the communists?
Offensive Weapons
What did America promise to do if the Soviets pulled their nukes out of Cuba?
Not to take Cuba and take missles out of Turkey
The baby boom was caused by what?
Reunion of soldiers and sweethearts, decreased marriage age, desire for large families and advances in the medicine
Who shot JFK?
Lee Harvey Oswald
Which of the following court cases stated that police officers must tell the accused of their rights?
Miranda vs. Arizona
Which civil rights event happened first?
Brown vs. Board of Education
Which of the following did Martin Luther King do?
Poor people's march- I have a Dream
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did which of the following?
Outlaws discrimination in public facilities, porhibits literacy tests, prohibits discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or gender
Who was shot on April 3rd, 1968 that spraked racial riots accross the country?
Martin Luther King Jr.
How did McCarthy end his anti-communist accusations?
Accused democrats for allowing communist infiltration
Who was the first American in space?
In Johnson's War on Poverty, which program targeted the youngest group?
Project Head Start- Preschoolers
In the election of 1968, who won in the Democratic Primaries and why?
The PATRIOT Law does which of the following
Allowed gov't to keep suspected terrorists up to 7 days without charging them
What directly lead to the creation of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
North Vietnam attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin
Nixon performed all the of the following things to cover up Watergate
Shredded all evidence, asked FBI to stop investigating and spend $450,000 to keep burglars quiet
HWta is the best example of Carter's foreign policy?
Panama Canal, camp David Accords, Iran Hostage Crisis
How many Americans served in the Vietnam War and how many died?
Served-3.3 million. Died- 58,000
What is detente and who was it specifically used in?
How did the Supreme Court help decide the election of 2000?
Republicans take recount to Supreme Court, decide (5-4)to stop recount
What is Agent Orange LEaf used for?
Leaf killing chemicals
What happened at Woodstock?
3 day festival that was a symbol of Hippie culture
Which policy was used by Kissinger to negotiate with important political powers?
Le Duce Peace Plan
Why was Ford criticized whenhe sent troops to rescue the US MAyaguez captives in Cambodia?
More people were killed than were saved
What was the end result of the Saturday Night Massacre?
Cox was fired
What caused the Great Recession in 2008?
Housing Bubble
How is Carter seen in the election of 1976?
Moral Outsider
Why was Ford struggling with Congress?
Ford wants to deal with the recession and congress wants to help with unemployment
Which of the following reasons was Clinton impeached?
Illegally using money for election campaign and lying under oath about a relationship
What is the name of the conservative Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court appointed under Reagan?
William Rennquist
What was Bush Jr. looking for in Iraq?
Hussein's Weapons
The Kissinger/Le Duc Peace Plan did all of these
Withdraw American troops, exchange POWs, Free elections in Vietnam, Northern troops remain in South Vietnam
When did the Soviet Union break up?
Dec. 1991
Why did George HW Bush lose in the 1992 election?
Early 1990's recession
Which of the following did Nixon use in his domestic policy?
Revenue sharing, reduce programs from Great Society, Family Assistance Plan
What did the Contract with America do?
List of 10 thing republican promised to work on
Which of the following nation was part of the NAFTA?
Canada, Mexico, and US
Why did the terrorists attack the Pentagon?
It was a militarty information base
Whaty did Iran want to trade the hostages for in the Iran Hostage Crisis?
What did the No Child Left Behind do?
Education reform based on standardized tests
What did the SALT 1 treaty do?
Limits the number of nuclear missles
Why weas there such strong support for the 26th ammendment?
Voting age moved to 18
Nixon was charged with all of the following?
Obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of congress
What were the impacts of the New Deal?
Power, protect, promote, prevent and provide
What program was declared unconstitutional by Butler vs US?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The Federal Republic of Germany was run by which kind of gov't?
What was the earliest version of German persecution?
Holocaust and Nuremburg Trials
Who is known as the first black Supreme Court Justice?
Thrugood Marshall
What part of the Geneva convention did America and South Vietnam try to prevent from happening?
Stops election to prevent Ho Chi Mihn from winning
Francis Perkins
Developed Social sercurities Act
Dorothea Lange
Photjournalist during the Great Depression
Mary McLeod Bethune
Member of FDR's black cabinet, supported education
Marion Anderson
African American singer, sang for President Roosevelt
Ethel Rosenberg
Accused and killed with her husband for giving information to the Soviets
jacqueline Kennedy
First Lady and fashion icon, remodeled the White House
Betty Friedan
"Feminine Mystique"- encouraged women to work outside of the home
Linda Brown
Brown vs Board of Education
Rosa Parks
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Shirley Chsiholm
Elected for congress and ran for President
Phyllis Schafly
Anti-feminist, opposed equal rights ammendment
Rachel Carson
Marine Biologist
Sally Ride
First American woman in space
Sandra Day O'Connor
First Supreme Court Justice- appointed by Reagan
Geraldine Ferraro
First Vice President nominee- 1984 for Democratic party
Hillary Clinton
Support health care bill and became senator. Current Secratary of State
Great Society Programs
Education Acts, medicare, medicaid, Immigration act of 1965, Department of Housing and Urban development, Environment Acts, Department of Transportation, Highway/Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Gradual withdraw of US troops, Train and equip the ARVN, Bomb North Vietnam
Burger Court
Upholds court order busing, Agrees with afirmative action, limits capital punishment, Allows abortion in Roe vs Wade