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27 Cards in this Set

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the process of deduction in your head. Edgar Allan Poe’s character Detective Dupin uses this in his book The Murder of Marie Roget. Detectives need to use this process to solve crimes.
20th century. Nice car, machine (tommy) gun, rob banks, they’re businessmen. Prohibition-created, uses the tools of a modern corporation to make money. Scarface for example
Serial Killer
Holmes = prototype. Bundy also an example. Kills lots of people over a time interval and knows what he is doign is wrong but does it anyways
crazy Peter Prendegast is a good example of this. Shot the mayor because he was crazy because the mayor wud give him job and he was found guilty for killing mayor because of public sentamentality
knows what they are doing is wrong but they have no empathy and no morals. Didn’t come into popular culture until after in cold blood. Ted Bundy first to use sociopath to describe him. Dick and perry were socxiopaths perry knew he was killing them couldn’t empathize. Truman Capote describes wat sociopath is for the first time. Holmes knows he has to hide what he does because he knows wat hes doing is wrong and society doesn’t like this
The Birth of a Nation
D.W. Griffith, 1915. Ku Klux Klan = heroes. Aesthetically pleasing/ground-breaking. Responsible for the revival of the Ku Klux Klan – protected Mary Phagen’s memory, caused Leo Frank to get lynched.
19th century, rides a horse, uses a six gun, robs banks, stagecoaches and trains. John Dillinger was the last from the real gangsters. Outlaw gangster. media tried to shwo they were against him but they were showing his chase across the U.S. made it look fun
Al Capone stays in one place and does what he does buys his protection. Movies- American dream rags to riches, doing it illegally because it is the only way to get to a better life.
Mass Murderer
wack jobs doing something crazy that they think they will get away with.
John M. Slaton
governor in leo frank case. Later seen as a profile in courage. He was the one who believed leo frank was innocent and staked his terms on it.
Niklos Tesla
invented the AC current. Lit up the “white city.” Devil int eh white city. The lights in at the fair. Comparison to Edison’s wanting DC current.
Mickey Finn
Chicago bartender that poisoned people in his bar and in restaurants. Slang term for lacing a drink with a drug. Devil in the white City.
The Biograph Theater
where John Dillinger was shot dead. On a date with a girl who told the cops where he was.
Bruno Hauptmann
the German guy, kidnapped the Lynburg baby. He tripped and fell and the babies head was crushed 1927 started getting into it with germany (America). A lot of public sentiment. Kidnapping became punishable… kidnapping anybody there was capital punishment involoved.
J. Edgar Hoover
head of the FBI for 40 years. Law enforcement becomes more nationalized. A lot of power for being an appointed position. First person to crack down on organized crime. John Dillinger Al Capone era. Dillinger was in Chicago working on cases between state boundries
Emmett Till
shot dead by two white men. Received a very unfair trial and the two men were acquitted. Basically the complete opposite of the OJ Simpson trial.
Film noir:
Low key lighting
characteristic of film noir… female-shadows that increase angles of faces and this represents their double personality (porcelain and harsh direct sharpness).
The Dream Team
OJ Simpson’s defense team. Used all means necessary to acquit him, by playing the race card.
George Ferris
built the Ferris Wheel for the Chicago World’s Fair. Helped the World’s Fair get out of bankruptcy
Little Egypt
stage name of Fatima who appeared in cairo. appeared at the "Street in Cairo" exhibition on the Midway at the World's Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893. Salbloom bought rights at a previous fair and went to world’s c exposition they didn’t grant him permission so he made his own exhibition on midway.
Canon 35 of the ABA
American bar association that states no film cameras can be in the courtroom. Histerical atmosphere during the lynburg baby trial of Bruno Hauptman became lifted in the 1970’s (allowed it then). Oj trial was the first major case where film cameras were allowed. Affected the case negatively… politics played into it … judge Ido wouldn’t be playing for cameras and prosecution wouldnt have let him go.
John Dillinger
John Dillinger: escaped from prison. The FBI had been trying to catch him for a long time but he kept getting away. Newsreel about him showed how cool he was and how exciting it is to run away from the law.
The Black Dahlia
James Elroy’s obsession. Betty Short was murdered and her body was all cut up by a crazy dude. Her murder was solved and he was executed. She reminded him of his own mother. (both read headed). Mistreated his mom when he was younger and this was his way of sympathizing for what he had done. “LA was a boom town right for plunder.”
Beatles song from the White Album that Manson thinks is about going against the establishment. Venomous song. compared middle class people to pigs
using lighting for a dramatic effect. Common in film noir.
Forensic noir
CSI and Law and Order. It is so based on dna evidence, closure, so not really real true crime, but it also goes through every step like real true crime …even if it leads to the wrong conclusions.
The race card
Johnnie Cochren used this in the OJ Simpson trial to disprove Mark Fuhrman. Simpson claimed the victim status because of his race.
Jury nullification: looks at all the evidence, know he is or isn’t guilty but they let oit go… opposite of what evidence says
Black men not guilty and white men not guilty because he made comment or whistled at white women (emit till was black)