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22 Cards in this Set

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Treaty of Westphalia
1. ended the 30 year war
2. birth certificate of the modern state system
3. religion ceased to be a factor in European foreign relations. (religion was a domestic issue not foreign)
4. state became most important Inter. Relations (Westphalia state system)
League of armed neutrals (1780)
(anti-Brits action) Austria Denmark Sweden Prussia Portugal Russia 1775-1785
Treaty of Paris 1780 USA & Britain
1. Britain recognizes USA indepen.
2. northern boundary Great Lakes, St Lawrence, current NE boundary
3) western boundaries Mississippi River
4) southern 31° parallel
5) Brits promise to relinquhish fortifications in the USA
Constitution 1789
1. Established a central gov. legislative, judicial, executive
2. president cannot make treaties w/ out Senate's approval/ consent
3. regulated state tariffs/ foreign commerce
4. standing army/ navy
5. congress declares w/ Authority hostilities
6. created national market
Treaty of Neutrality
introduced by George Washington (voids the treaty of alliance w/ France and bumps his powers) 20/10 approved for the US to stay neutral for 20 years and it would survive on its own.
Treaty Of Alliance 1778
1. France gives the US MFN (most favorable state)
2.both countries recognize territory gains of the other
3. No USA peace w/ France consent
4. no new a french territory with NA
Pickneys Treaty (1796) sent to Spain
1. Spain grants to US free navigation of the Mississippi and right of deposit in NOLA
2. Spain recognizes 31° parallel of US - SPANISH border.
Treaty of Ghent 1814
Ended the war between the US and Brits, restored relations between the 2 countries. quo ante bellum, restored the borders between the countries as it was before the war.
convention of 1817
1. set warship limits on Great Lakes (quantitative) 1 ship a piece- Lake Chaplain/ Lake Ontario. 2 ship on all other Great Lakes
Convention of 1818
1. set northern boundary at 48° parallel from Lake of the woods and rocky mountains
2. Joint occupation of Oregon Territory.
war of 1812 consequences
1. US nationalism
2. increase European respect for the USA
3. Europe (Britain) recognized US as the strongest country in the WH/ secondary power
Adams Onis Treaty/ Trans Continental Treaty (1819-1821)
1. Spain ceded Florida's to the US
2. Spain and USA agree to border of Louisiana from GoM to the Pacific Ocean.
Treaty of Paris 1815
(ended the napoleotic wars) Austria, Britain, Russia, Prussia these allies defeated France promised to maintain peace by holding conferences. Great power of war, leads to revolutions, to killing of kings. they all act together in concert of Europe acting in unity, trying to run Europe.
Holly Alliance 1815
[Austria, Prussia, Britain, Russia] Promised to support monarchial govt. and supress revolutions.
Congress (conference) of Troppav 1820
[Austria, Prussia, Russia, restated their promise suppress revolu. in Naples and Piedmont. Austria acts as suppressor in Naples revolution. 1820 France joins rehabilitated.
(Congress of Verona 1822) Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia sanctions/authorizes French force to suppress revolut. in Spain.
Monroe Doctrine
Unilateral statement of the US govt. (not law) concerning US foreign policy interests.
1. non colonialization principle in the WH no new European colonies in WH.
2. US abstain in Europe wars foreign policy
3. no European monarchies in the WH and no European alliances w/ the western hemisphere (political system) trying to prevent conflict. Europe can't take part of alliances w/ South American countries, bad for trading.
Treaty of Velasco (b/t Houston and Santa Anna)
1. Mexico recog. Indepe. in Texas
2. agrees to sw/w boundaries of TX at the Rio Grande to its source.
3. end to the Mexican/Texas war.
Oregon Treaty 1846
1. extends 49° parallel to the Pacific Ocean except for the southern end of Vancouver Island
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848
1. US obtain California
2. Mexico recognizes US annexation of Texas and Texas border at the Rio Grande.
3. Mexican cession ceded Nevada, Utah, Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming.
4. US gives Mexico $15 million.
Ostend Manifesto
Ostend, Belgium- US ministers to Spain, Brit., France
Oct. 1854 offer Spain $120 million for Cuba and if it refused, the US would be justified by taking it from Spain. "US a thug".
Clayton - Bullard Treaty/ Treaty of 1850
US -B relations from the Caribbean.
1. both countries would share a central American canal.
2. neither would "colonize or assume or exercise dominion over any part of central America.
Gadsden Purchase (treaty) 1854
1. US bought almost 30,000 miles from Mexico for $10 million. southern part of N. Mexico
2. only approved by US Senate after senate reduced the number of land purchased
3. Santa Anna is overthrown.