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32 Cards in this Set

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Franz Ferdinand
Archeduke and heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne who was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serb patriot.
Central Powers
The military alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria.
Allied Powers
The military alliance that included France, Britain, Russia, and later Japan and Italy. (Italy switched sides TO the Allies mid-war.)
Kaiser Wilhelm II
He was the embodiment of arrogant autocracy in the view of the American public. He was the ruler of Germany.
Meaning "undersea boat" in German, they were submarines that were used for the first time in modern warfare.
This British passenger liner was torpedoed and sank off the coast of Iceland, costing 1,198 lives, 129 of which were Americans. Americans became infuriated against Germany.
British ship sunk in the August of 1915 that compelled Berlin to agree not to sink unarmed and unresisting passenger ships W/Out warning.
French passenger steamer sunk in 1916 by Germans, breaking their commitment after the Arabic affair. US demanded that Germany agree to sink any more ships without warning.
"He Kept Us Out of War"
Slogan that Wilson campaigned under in 1916 in his bid for re-election. It reflected the isolationist sentiments of Americans about the war in Europe.
Charles Evans Hughes
Republican opponent and former Supreme Court justice of Wilson in 1916 who was defeated narrowly.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
German policy that was announced Jan. 31, 1917, warning that they were then going to wage warfare on ALL ships, including American liners, in the war zone.
Zimmermann Note
This message by the German foreign secretary was sent to Mexico promising the US territories of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in exchange for an alliance between the two nations.
Fourteen Points
In a speech given to Congress, President Wilson delivered this set of goals for after the war.
a) Abolish secret treaties.
b) Establish freedom of the seas.
c) Establish free trade.
d) Disarmament.
e) Readjust colonial claims to land.
f) Assist oppressed minority groups.
g) Establish the League of Nations.
League of Nations
An international organization that would've provided a system of collective security and guaranteed the political independence and territorial integrity of all nations. Wilson was a huge supporter of this.
Committee on Public Information
This government organization promoted patriotic propaganda in support of Wilson and the United States' entry into the war. Headed by journalist George Creel and organized with many "Four-Minute Men," who would give pro-war speeches, it ended up being oversuccessful and set expectations too high for Wilson to ever reach.
Espionage Act of 1917
Passed under Pres. Wilson, this act prohibited any interference with the operation or success of the armed forces. It prosecuted supporters of draft-dodging. Eugene V. Debs, a socialist, was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison under this act in 1918.
Schenck v. United States
Schench was an anti-war communist who distributed letters to war draftees urging them to oppose the war. The Supreme Court affirmed the legality of the Espionage Act, reasoning that speech could be limited if it caused a "clear and present danger."
Sedition Act of 1918
This act prohibited criticisms of the government during times of war for it would cause a significan threat to morale.
Industrial Workers of the World
"The Wobblies"
"I Won't Works"
This anti-war union engineered industrial sabatoge through strikes and protests. Its leader, "Big Bill" Haywood was convicted under the Espionage Act.
Alice Paul
Quaker leader of the National Woman's Party who led hunger strikes and marches for female suffrage.
National War Labor Board
Chaired by frmr. President Taft, this government organization worked to end labor disputes that may have hurt the war effort. It successfully supported an 8-hour workday and higher wages, but NOT a government guarantee of the right to organize into unions.
"Work or Fight" Rule
The War Department threatened any unemployed male with being immediately drafted into the army under this policy.
19th Amendment
This "vitally necessary war measure" granted women the right to vote (suffrage) under this amendment to the US Constitution.
18th Amendment
Wheat, which is a key ingredient for beer, was needed to feed the country and the troops. This prohibited all alcoholic drinks in the United States by an amendment to the constitution.
Food Administration
Headed by future President, Herbert Hoover, this government organization avoided ration cards and promoted voluntary compliance to eating diets during the war. "meatless Tuesdays" and "wheatless Wednesdays" were promoted.
Liberty Loan;
Victory Loan;
Liberty Bond
This campaign by the Treasury Department netted about $21 billion, or ⅔ of the cost of the war.
Nickname for the soldiers sent to war, who were inadequately trained.
Russian communists who overthrew the Czar in 1917 and began to withdraw the country from what they considered was a "capitalist" war.
Big Four
At the Paris Conference they were the inner clique that ran the proceedings.
USA ⇿President Woodrow Wilson
Great Britain ⇿ Prime Minister David Lloyd George
France ⇿ Premier Georges Clemenceau
Italy ⇿ Premier Vittorio Orlando
Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge
He was the Republican Senator that took on Wilson's plan for the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles by attempting to sway public opinion and adding provisions that Wilson would stubbornly reject.
Treaty of Versailles
This pact was handed to the Germans in the June of 1919, forcing the country to take the blame for the war. It only carried four of Wilsons original points. It failed to be ratified the the US, as it had failed in the Senate thanks to Henry Cabot Lodge's reservations.
Solemn Referendum
The key issue during the Election of 1920 meant that a Democratic victory would be pro-League of Nations and a Republican victory would be its defeat. Republican presidential candidate Warren G. Harding of Ohio won.