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18 Cards in this Set

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what did many soldiers expect to be a problem after WWII


List three things the GI bill provided

year of unemployment

financial aid

gave loans

what two problems did truman face

restless labor unions

angry republicans

what did the taft hartley act theory outlaw

closed shops

who ran for for the dixiecrat party in 1948

strom thurman

what was executive order 9981

integrated military

who was the popular candidate in 1952


who was william levitt

developed a way to build homes fast and affordable

what happened to family income


who was betty friedan

wrote feminine mystique and talked about what life was like for suburban housewives

name two popular shows during this time

i love lucy

leave it to beaver

who cured polio

jonas salk

fair deal

presidents truman’s programs to expand new deal reforms

what is interstate highway act

1956 law that authorized the spending of 32 billion to 41000 miles of highway

what is sunbelt

name given to region of states in south and southwests

what is AFL-CIO

in 1955 the american federation of labor and the congress of industrial organization labor unions united

who is benjamin spock

an american pediatrician whose baby book “baby and cold care” is one of the best selling books

what is beatnik

small group of writers and artists in the 1950s who were critical of american society