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142 Cards in this Set

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A policy that the British followed toward the colonies mother country buys cheap raw material and they sell the finish product (making twice as money)

Salutary Neglect

The British pretty much left the Americans alone in their day-to-day lives,as long as raw materials kept being shipped to England and as long as Americans bought only British-made products

-they couldn't do that in England

You couldn't do that in England

Mayflower Compact

Example of self government

- the first step towards representative government

First step towards representative government


They from the region of England , they settle in Massachusetts because they wanted their religion to be pure.

-crops (in the south) Virginia

Crops (in the south) Virginia

House of Burgesses

The first elected legislature in the American colonies

-life liberty and the Pursue of happiness

Life, liberty, and Pursue of happiness


Large farms where slaves did most of the work

Natural rights

The rights you are born with

Protection from danger

Loyalty to the government.

Unalienable rights

You can't take them away

People are in power

Social contract

The government has to give the people something and the people has to give the government something.

-government gives protection people are loyal to them

Consent of the governed

The people give the government permission to be governed

They the one that makes decision


Rule by the people

James Maddison wrote most of the constitution


Vote for representatives

He was an enlightenment thinker

Thomas jefferson

He wrote the Declaration of Independence

Because they feared a government that was too strong

John Locke

Is from England, he came up with the natural rights

They rebelled against the government.

Articles of Confederation

Weak government

Northwest Ordinance

A law that defined the procedure for adding new states into the nation

Shays' rebellion

People who were not getting paid for fighting in the revolutionary war

Executive, legislative, judicial

Constitutional Convention

A place where the American leaders wrote a new document to build a stronger government

Limited government

The idea that the government should not have to much power

Separation of powers

There are three branches

Checks and balance

Each branch has the power, the limit the power of the others.

Great compromise

The small and big states reached a compromise

Bicameral legislature

A true house congress with a House of Representatives (proportionate representation) and senate (equal representation)

Equal representation

A senate

Three-fifths compromise

A compromise between northern states and southern states that 3/5 of slaves are counted toward representation.

Federalists & anti-federalists

Federalists wanted a strong government. Anti-federalists wanted a weak government

Anti-federalists demanded that a bill of rights be added to the constitution to protect people against government abuse

Federalists papers

A paper written to support the constitution


The president rejects a law that the congress passes


Are additions to the constitution

Elastic clause

You allowed to change the constitution

Electoral college

People representing the states of us, who formally casts votes for the election of the president and the Vice President

Bill of rights

They protect your rights.

Foreign policy

Relationships between America & other countries.


Us stays neutral --> no allies, no wars. George Washingtons idea

Hamilton vs Jefferson

Hamilton was federalist (loose interpretation of constitution) , started national bank and Jefferson was anti- federalists (struck interpretation of constitution) disagreed with national bank

Unwritten constitution

Certain traditions that the government followed even thought they aren't in the constitution

-president can only run 2terms

-president cabinet

Judicial review

Supreme Court can decide that laws are unconstitutional


A law that disagrees with the constitution

John Marshall

Chief Justice of Supreme Court. He gave more power to the government


Their call interest groups that try to influence congress to pass laws in their favor

Marbury vs Madison

Court case that created judicial review

Manifest destiny

Believe that America should expand westward

Foreign policy

Relationships between America & other countries.

Louisiana purchase

Thomas Jefferson bought land west if Mississippi from France.

- gave port New Orleans

- gave control of Mississippi River

Erie Canal

One of the Great Lakes (all the Great Lakes are connected.5)

-connected Hudson River to Lake Erie

-created more trade/growth


Us stays neutral --> no allies, no wars. George Washingtons idea

Hamilton vs Jefferson

Hamilton was federalist (loose interpretation of constitution) , started national bank and Jefferson was anti- federalists (struck interpretation of constitution) disagreed with national bank

Unwritten constitution

Certain traditions that the government followed even thought they aren't in the constitution

-president can only run 2terms

-president cabinet

Judicial review

Supreme Court can decide that laws are unconstitutional


A law that disagrees with the constitution

John Marshall

Chief Justice of Supreme Court. He gave more power to the government


Their call interest groups that try to influence congress to pass laws in their favor

Marbury vs Madison

Court case that created judicial review

Manifest destiny

Believe that America should expand westward

Foreign policy

Relationships between America & other countries.

Louisiana purchase

Thomas Jefferson bought land west if Mississippi from France.

- gave port New Orleans

- gave control of Mississippi River

Erie Canal

One of the Great Lakes (all the Great Lakes are connected.5)

-connected Hudson River to Lake Erie

-created more trade/growth

Andrew Jackson

He remove Indians so white settlers could have land

-got rid of the national bank

Indian removal act

Law that removed native Americans from land & placed on reservations.

-scotus (supreme court) said law unconstitutional, but Jackson didn't listen.


Us stays neutral --> no allies, no wars. George Washingtons idea

Hamilton vs Jefferson

Hamilton was federalist (loose interpretation of constitution) , started national bank and Jefferson was anti- federalists (struck interpretation of constitution) disagreed with national bank

Unwritten constitution

Certain traditions that the government followed even thought they aren't in the constitution

-president can only run 2terms

-president cabinet

Judicial review

Supreme Court can decide that laws are unconstitutional


A law that disagrees with the constitution

John Marshall

Chief Justice of Supreme Court. He gave more power to the government


Their call interest groups that try to influence congress to pass laws in their favor

Marbury vs Madison

Court case that created judicial review

Manifest destiny

Believe that America should expand westward

Trail of tears

Name of route Native American took from home to reservation


Land given to Native American tribes to live on. Separation from us government

Texas Annexation

Texas broke away from Mexico because of slavery ; became a us state 2 years later.

James Polk

He was a believer in manifest destiny and he started the Mexican-American war

Mexican-American war

Fought over land; America won and hey gained land in Arizona New Mexico and California and Nevada

Mexican cession

Mexico lost 1/3 of its land to America

Homestead act

The federal government gave free land to settlers who moved west.

Transcontinental railroad

Railroad that connected east coast & west coast

California gold rush

Many people moved to California to try to find gold


Division between north &a south over slavery, fighting over whether new states would allow slavery


To get rid of slavery.

Abolitionist-Frederick Douglass

Sojournor truth

Harriet Tubman

-(white) William Lloyd garrison

Missouri compromise/compromise of 1850/Kansas - Nebraska act

New states added to the USA, keep equal free states and slave states.

-Missouri = slave Maine = free, line that divided free and slave

-1850- California = free. Fugitive slave act= runaway slave were sent back

- Kansas- Nebraska= popular sovereignty-> people vote if state should be free or a slave state

Fugitive slave act

If a runaway slave reaches a free state, they can be capture & return to their owners

Dred Scott vs. Sanford case

Slaves aren't citizens. Created tension between the north and the south.

Abraham Lincoln

Main goal as president was to keep union together during civil war, ended habeas corpus

- wrote emancipation proclamation to free slaves in the south. Wanted to forgive southern states after war.

Secession/ secede

Means to leave/ separate.

The south seceded from the north

Secession/ secede

Means to leave/ separate.

The south seceded from the north


Name of the southerner states, when they seceded

-they had their own president, flag, etc


Means freedom

Freedmen's bureau

A government agency to help freed slaves after civil war

-education, job, housing


Time period of rebuilding after the civil war.

- president Lincoln /Andrew Johnson (president after Lincoln was shot) he wanted forgiveness for the south.

-congress (radical republicans) they wanted to punish the south & help free slaves


Black freedmen work on farms owned by white people.

-black workers would get paid for the crops they grew. However they were constantly in debt to the land owner.

Civil war amendments

13th: slave illegal

14th: all citizens are treated equally by the law

15th: black men have the right to vote (suffrage)

Equal protection.

14th amendment.

No law can treat differently types of people differently

Jim Crow laws

Segregation laws in the south.



Plessy vs ferguson

Supreme Court said that the 14th amendment "equal protection" clause (supreme court) means "separate but equal " is legal.

Gilded age

A thin layer of gold.

A few people who were very rich many were very poor.

Laissez-faire capitalism

"Let it be " - government is not involve in the economy, so business can do what they want.

Words like unregulated (government has no rules)

Social Darwinism

Applying "survival of the fittest" to society.

-the result was that poor people are being blamed for being poor


Businesses that are treated like a person under the law many more during gilded age

Monopoly/ trust

Business that has control over an entire industry.

Robber baron

Business leader who often used unfair business practices, in order to make money.

- Andrew Carnegie: he made his money from steel; end of life said rich people should donate lots of money.

- john D. Rockefeller: made his money from money, donated money to charity

Robber baron

Business leader who often used unfair business practices, in order to make money.

- Andrew Carnegie: he made his money from steel; end of life said rich people should donate lots of money.

- john D. Rockefeller: made his money from money, donated money to charity

- J.P. Morgan: same thing.

Interstate commerce act

A law that regulated the railroad companies

Railroads over charge to send product on trains; and this law stoped that. To make it more fair and more competition.

Sherman antitrust act

Regulated business and it try to prevent monopolies. It was enforced by president teddy Roosevelt

Mass production

Making a lot of something. In a factory.

Change from making products at home to buy cheap products made in factory.

Assembly line

Put something together

Labor union

Workers join together to ask for better work conditions. (Collective bargaining)


When workers refuse to work to force company to listen to them.

Railroad strike of 1877/ haymarket riot/ homestead strike/ Pullman strike

Major events in the labor movement.

-8 hour work day

-safe factories

-living wage


A group of people who were farmers who dislike the railroads because the railroads charge them so much money to send their crops. Dislike government for favoring monopolies.

-populist party -> William Jennings Bryan (ran for president 3 times and lost all 3)


The change from rural (farms) to urban (cities)

-this was caused by industrialization

-1920s, the was more people in cities than in farms

Old & new immigrants

Old -> came from north and west Europe (England, Ireland)

They were Protestant christians

New-> came from south and east Europe ( Italy, Greece, Poland) they were catholic or Jewish


Is the fear/ dislike of immigrants because they fear/think immigrants will change America for the worst.

Chinese exclusion act

Is an example of nativism, it limited immigration from china.

Reforms/ reformers

Reformers of the progressive era wanted the government to fix many of the problems caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization

Reforms/ reformers

Reformers of the progressive era wanted the government to fix many of the problems caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization


Journalists that wrote about the wrongs that is happening in society

Teddy Roosevelt

Demands new consumer protection laws.

- proclaim himself the "trust-busting" president

- tell America that it's natural resources and forests must be protected




Franklin Delano Roosevelt; president 1932-1945 expected 4x, get more federal government more power.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt; president 1932-1945 expected 4x, get more federal government more power.

Relief programs

I the new deal relief programs gave $ directly to people in need.

-social security


Franklin Delano Roosevelt; president 1932-1945 expected 4x, get more federal government more power.

Relief programs

I the new deal relief programs gave $ directly to people in need.

-social security

Bank form

Bank went bankrupt during the Great Depression. FDR wanted to stop this from repeating, more regulations on banks.


Federal deposit insurance commission, gives people their money if their banks fails.

Social security

A relief program that gave money to the elderly disabled. Anyone who can't work.

Court packing

FDR wanted to add justices to the Supreme Court because scotus ruled against his new deal

Neutrality acts

WWII began, USA was neutral. Because we didn't want another war

Lend-lease act

USA sold weapons to Great Britain and delivered them. One step closer to joining WWII

Cash and carry

USA sold weapons to Great Britain but Britain had to pick them up

Cash and carry

USA sold weapons to Great Britain but Britain had to pick them up

Pearl Harbor

Japan bombed our ships in dec 7 1941 Hawaii, we had oil embargo (we wouldn't sell them oil) effect USA joins WWII

Cash and carry

USA sold weapons to Great Britain but Britain had to pick them up

Pearl Harbor

Japan bombed our ships in dec 7 1941 Hawaii, we had oil embargo (we wouldn't sell them oil) effect USA joins WWII

Manhattan project

Program in New Mexico where scientist created the atomic bomb

Rosie the riveter

Symbol of women working during WWII, they took men's places in factories making weapons.

Internment camp

Where Japanese American were kept during WWII, they were thought to be a treat - possible spies

Korematsu v United States

Japanese American sued the government for putting him in internment call without a trial; scotus (Supreme Court) internment calls were constitutional; liberties can be restricted during war.


Limiting everyday materials to save for the war effort; "home front"

-victory garden- making food to help the war effort

Atomic bomb

Dropped by president Truman on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, casualties were 100,000s

Nuremberg trials

Trials of nazis after WWII for war crimes, example of holding people accountable for human rights.