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27 Cards in this Set

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What's the situation in Kansas in 1856?
You've got free towns and slave towns
What happens to the free state town of Laurence?
A pro-slavery mob comes in, burns shit down, and destroys the printing press.
What is the sack of Laurence?
The destruction of the town of Laurence by pro-slavery group in Kansas.
Who was John Brown?
Eccentric abolitionist who, in response to the sack of Laurence, and kill some pro-slavers in Pottawotomie Creek
Damage of violence in Kansas? What is this violence named?
200 murders, 2million dollars in damage.

Bleeding Kansas.
Where does the American Civil War start?
"Bleeding" Kansas 1856
Who does Charles Sumner focus his anti-slavery speech on?
A. P. Butler
What does Preston Brooks do to Charles Sumner
beats the SHIT out of him
Buchanan does what?
Makes a platform with half-Southerners and half-Northerners.
What is Dred Scott?
A slave.
What is Roger B, Taney's judicial explanation for his ruling?
1. Dred Scott lacks citizen status
2. No state had granted blacks citizenship.
3. "Negroes have, for more than a century, been so inferior that the white man has no rights to respect"
What is the Freeport Doctrine?
Slave owners can enter free states but they will be heavily hated
Republican party has what 4 platforms?
1. No expansion of slavery
2. Protective tariff from manufacturing
3.liberal/easier naturalization
4. internal improvements (trains)
How do Secessionist argue that secession is legal?
-United is an adjective
-We joined the union by ratifying the US constitution
-Repeal the ratification and they are no longer in the Union.
How do opponents of Secession argue that secession is illegal.
-United is a noun
-Once you join, you're in.
How many original states joined the Confederate States of America?
VP of the Confederacy?
Alexander H. Stevens
What are the 3 changes to the Confederate constitution from the original?
1. Confederate president serves a 6 year single term.
2.International slave trade is outlawed
3. Confederate has line-item veto power.
What is line-item veto?
The ability to veto a single line of a bill.
Why is Fort Sumter important?
1. It's seen as the start of the war.
2. Lincoln can now argue that they are being attacked.
Which states that originally did NOT secede, secede after Lincoln asked for volunteers?
Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina
The two opposing capitals were how far apart from each other?
100 miles
What is the Cordon Defense?
No expansion, no backing up.
Why did Davis NEED to use the Cordon Defense?
How do you have central control if your nation is made up of sovereign states? Do that by making every state important.
What's the Anaconda Plan?
Blockade the South's imports and exports, then go up rivers
Who predicted WW1?
Ivan Bloch
What does the Revenue Act do?
1. Increase income tax from one to two percent.
2. Creates new taxes on corporation surpluses/capital
3. Lifts surchage to 13% on incomes over 2 million dollars