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43 Cards in this Set

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Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was based on the theory that the Confederate states...

had never actually left the union.

Both President Lincoln and Johnson wanted what for the former Confederate states?

to bring the states back into the Union as soon as possible.

The 14th Amendment was important to former slaves because it guaranteed them...

the rights they deserved and citizenship.

Sharecropping was commonly found in...

The South

Jim Crow laws attempted to restrict...

the civil rights and liberties of African Americans.

The Supreme Court Decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson was important because...

blacks and whites separate.

The main reason why competing corporations combine is to...

Form monopolies.

Social Darwinism is the idea that...

profit indicates success and the poor are poor because they are lazy.

The first major U.S. industry controlled by federal regulation was...

the railroad.

The Main purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890:

To restore competition in American business.

Civil service exams to get government jobs were passed to...

make applicants for government jobs pass examinations.

In the late 1800s, the outcome of most strikes showed that labor unions...

Lacked popular and political support.

What group supported William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech?


Bryan's speech supported what economic policy?

The policy that the silverites and goldbugs wanted to save silver and gold to back up the U.S. dollar.

The Populist Party reforms came about when...

They were trying to reform and restore the government power back to the people.

Most immigrants coming to the U.S. came to...

Obtain the American dream and economic opportunity.

One reason many immigrants were not welcome to the U.S. was because of...

over employment and there were not enough jobs for people who actually needed it.

Both the Homestead Act and the completion of the transcontinental railroad helped the U.S. fulfill its...

"Manifestry". Moral obligation and to expand across the pacific ocean.

After the Civil War, what most helped with the settlement of Western U.S.?


Main goal of the Granger movement.

To stop railroad abuse such as high priced shipping.

Native Americans living in Western States from 1860-1890 were forced to...

Move to reservations.

Primary Goal of Progressive Movement...

Return government power back to the people.

Trustbusting, suffragettes, and the Pure Food and Drug Act associate with what?

The progressive movement.

Primary stimulus for social and economic reform during the Progressive Era came from...

Social activists and authors, also known as Muskrats.


Journalists and writers who exposed corruption in politics and business.

Jacob Riis and Jane Adams brought attention to the need of...

the poor and their living conditions.

Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act came about from...

Teddy Roosevelt's presidency.

Initiative, Referendum, and Direct Primary intended to...

Increase participation of the people in the government.

Teddy Roosevelt's greatest accomplishment as president was...

The 3 C's conservation movement.

Major purpose of the Federal Reserve Act was...

to strengthen the way banks run.

Congress dealt with the issue of taxing citizens fairly by passing...


U.S. interested in overseas expansion in the late 19th century mainly because...

They wanted to expand their markets.

U.S. supported the Open Door Policy to...

Open trades for China.

One major result of the Spanish-American war was the U.S. acquired...

the Phillipines

Main objective of Wilson's 14 points...

to end all future wars.

"Clear and Present Danger" ruling in Shneck vs. The U.S. confirmed the idea that...

Constitutional rights are not absolute.

Factor that contributed to the Red Scare in the 1920s...

Fear of Communism.

Trial of John T. Scopes showed a conflict between...

The education of evolution and religion in schools.

The Red Scare, increase in the KKK, and Sacco and Vanzetti Trial showed an increase in...


President Hoover's refusal to provide direct relief was based on his idea that...

Government assistance would destroy his individualist beliefs.

1930s New Deal Programs showed a belief in...

Relief for the needy and economic well-being of the people.

Fundamental economic problems of farmers that the New Deal tried to resolve was...

The Great Depression.

The New Deal program was designed to...

correct abuses in stock market.