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25 Cards in this Set

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throughout the years after the war of 1812 , the population of the united states _______

increased rapidly

many of the settlers of Missouri were slave owners who _______

had migrated from the south

the bitter confrontations between pro-slavery and antislavery factions earned the Nebraska territory the name ______

bleeding kansas

the northeast wanted a high tariff to protect its factory productrs from ___________

competition with foreign goods

the emergence of sin into the world not only separated people from god but _________

divided people from each other

the cotton gin was invented by ?

Eli whitney

the fertile central valley is loctated in?


united states ships were forced to stop transporting goods to and from Europe because of ______

the embargo act

the economy of the united states boomed because of _____

the tariff

president Lincoln urged the south to reconsider _______---

its action before seceding

Lincoln did not want to send more troops to fort sumter because of the possible ________________________

secession of Virginia and other loyal states

the battle of fort sumter began?

April 12, 1861

general grant and admiral porter tried five times to ______________

capture Vicksburg before succeeding

in 1819, an ecomics panic occurred resulting in the first

"modern" depression in the history of the united states

the Missouri compromise was introduced by?

Henry clay

many northerners were upset over the adoption of A ________---

strict fugitive slave law

the issue that divided the united states more than any other was _______


the need for black slaves increased because the demand for consistent labor could not be met with ______________

white servants and with indians

the only state with a law limiting the slave workday was______________


united states seamen were taken into custody as deserters from ______

the british navy

the tariff was thought by many to free the united staes from the need for __________-

foreign products

the panic or 1819 was _________

the first depression to ever occur in the united states

the commander at fort sumter was ______

major Robert anderson

the confederacy needed control of fort sumter located in__________---

Charleston harbor

after 36 continual hours of fighting ________-

fort sumter fell to the south