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94 Cards in this Set

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Columbian Exchange
the transatlantic trade of crops, technology, and culture between the americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia tha began in 1492 with Columbus's first voyage to the Americas
triangular trade
trade between the AMericas, Europe, and Africa
economic theory that a country should try to get and keep as much bullion, or gold and silver, as possible, by exporting more goods that it imported
person who enters a new country to settle
great awakening
religious revival in the American colonies during the 1730s and 1740s
indentured servant
a person who works for another person fro a specified period of time, usually seven years, under a contract in exchange for transportation, food, and shelter
mayflower compact
agreement in which settlers of Plymouth Co;ony agreed to obey their government's laws
to trade goods or servies without money
people who favored the purification of England's Anglican Church
large farm on which crops are raised mainly for sale
proprietary colony
a colony granted by a king or queen to an individual or a group who has full governing rights
revolutionary war
american coloniost' war of independence from Britain, fought from 1775 to 1783
first continental congress
assembly of representatives from the colonies that first met in Philadelphia in September 1774
declaration of independence
1776 statement, issued by th eSecond Continental Congress, explaining why the colonies wanted independece from Britain
french and indian war
war from 1754 to 1763 between France, with allied Indian nations, and britain and its colonists for control of eastern North America
louisiana purchase
purchase byh the United States of the Louisiana Territory from Franch in 1804
missouri compromise
1820 agreement calling for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and outlawing slavery in future statesto be created north of 36o 30' N latitude
bill of rights
first ten amendments to the Constitution
a ban or restriction on trade
balance of trade
the difference in value between imports and exports (more exports than imports)
people who move their homes regularly in search of food
oral history
made up of people's verbal accounts and recollections of former tiems and events
attitude for land with the Native Americans
Native Americans never traded land; in their view land could not be owned; people had a right to use land or to allow others to use it
encomienda system
Native Americans were forced to work for the profit of an individual Spaniard. In return, the Spaniard was supposed to ensure th ewell-being of the workers; system did not work because many workers died of disease
northwest passage
sea route through the Arctic Ocean, along the northern coast of North America via waterways amidst the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
salem witch trials
trial when three woman were accused of being witches in Salem, Massachusettes. as a result of this, MA authorities ordered 20 men and women to be executed
salutary neglect
- beneficial
- leave them alone
beneficial policy left alone
this is the policy Britain used on the Americas before the Revolutionary War
new france
the area colonized by France in North America during a period extending from the exploration of the Saint Lawrence River, by Jacques Cartier in 1534, to the cession of New France to Spain and Britain in 1763
religious persecution
systematic mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs of affiliations
new england colonies
include Conncecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine
middle colonies
include New york, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
southern colonies
include Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia
battle of new orleans
remarkable victory for the US in the war of 1812; the british force started this battle, but andrew jackson stopped him; final battle of the war of 1812
a tax imposed on goods when they are moved across a political boundary
treaty of ghent
ended the war of 1812
battle of tippecanoe
neither side won this battle of 1812; the indians were drawn back after this though
alien and sedition acts
act that made it against the law to criticize government officials unless all charges could be proven and the act used to silence Republican opposition; john adams passed this act
refusal to buy a certain product, or use a certain service
battles of lexington and concord
first battles of the revolutionary war on April 19, 1775
checks and balances
system in which each of the branches of the federal government can check the actions of the other branches
judicial review
power of federal courts to review state laws and state court decisions to determine if they are constitutional
government run by the people through their elected representatives
separation of powers
the Constituional allotting of powers within the federal government among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
articles of confederation
plan that establisehd, in 1781, a limited national government in the United States, later replaced by the Constitution of the United States
supporters of the Constitution during the debate over ratification; favored a strong national government
opponents of the Constitution during the debate over ratification; opposed to the concept of a strong national government
political party
group of people who seek to win elections and to hold public office in order to control government policies and programs
war of 1812
war between the United States and Great Britain and the US mainly won
ralph waldo emerson
leader in the Transcendental movement; lecturer and writer
eli whitney
inventor; developeed the cotton gin in 1793, which rapidly increased cotton prodcution in the South and led to a greater demand for slave labor
jefferson davis
president of the Confederate States of America; ordered attack on Fort Sumpter, the first battle of the Civil War
john brown
abolitionist crusader who massacred proslavery settlers in Kansas before the Civil War; hoped to inspire slave revolt with 1859 attack on Virginia arsenal; executed for treason against the state of Virginia
henry clay
statesman from Kentucky; accused by Jackson of giving votes to John Q. Adams in return for post as secretary of State; endorsed government promotion of economic growth; advocate of Compromise of 1850
harriet tubman
"conductor" on the Underground Railroad, which helped slaves escape to freedom before the Civil War
samuel slater
english textile worker who brought the Industrial Revoluytion to the United States by duplicating British textile machinery from memory
john c. calhoun
statesman from South Carolina who held many offices in the federal government; supported slavery, cototn exports, states' rights; in 1850 foresaw future conflicts over slavery
henry david thoreau
trancendentalist author known for his work Walden (1854) and other writings
abraham lincoln
16th president of the United States, 1861-1865; known for his effective leadership during the Civil War and his Emancipation Proclamation declaring the end of slavery in Confederate-held territory
treaty of paris 1783
ended the Revolutionary War; GB recognized US as independant and a border was set between US and British Canada
stamp act
law that placed a tax on newspapers, legal documents, and most other printed materials before the Revolutionary War
sugar act
marked the start of a new British policy desgined to raise more income from colonies in 1764
taxation without representation
US was getting angry that they were getting taxed by the British through Congress since no US members were allowed to be in congress
one that serves merely for wages ; especially : a soldier hired into foreign service
legislative branch
"makes the law" congress makes the laws, creates agencies, and programs, appropriates funds to carry out laws and programs, may override veto with 2/3 vote, may remove Presidenty through impaeachment; Senate approves treaties and presidential appointments
pontiac's rebellion
a number of Indian peoples in the Great Lakes region rebelled against the British
battle of trenton
boosted the Patriot morale and convinced more Americans to support the Patriot cause; in the Revolutionary War
battle of saratoga
mid-September of the Revolutionary War and the Americans won this
to ban a law or something by the president usually
common sense
written by Thomas Paine; convinced many readers to support a complete break from Britain
proclamation of 1763
order to help restore pace by Britain's King George III; closed the region west of the Appalachian Mountains to all setllement by colonists
battle of bunker hill
battle in the Revolutionary War that the British won at a high cost and George Washington was general
whiskey rebellion
rebellion against the tax placed on whiskey which lead up to the Revolutionary War
shays rebellion
rebellion where Daniel shays, a Massachusetts farmer, was rebelling against taxes raised by Massachusetts
jeffersonian republicans
is supportive of a smaller role for the federal government, of States' rights issues and is largely anti-war, calling for limited intervention in foreign matters; strict confederates
election of 1800
tensions between Federalists (Adams) and Jeffersonian Republicans (Jefferson vs Aaron Burr) Jefferson won the popular vote and Burr won the electoral vote Jefferson ended up winning
three-fifths compromise
a compromise between Southern and Northern states reached during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 in which three-fifths of the population of slaves would be counted for enumeration purposes regarding both the distribution of taxes and the apportionment of the members of the United States House of Representatives. It was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman.
lewis and clark expedition
two men who set out in 1804 reached all the way to the Pacific Ocean and found info about he West
dred scott
an enslaved man living in Missouuri; filed suit against his owner; thought he should be free
daniell boone
became a symbol of the personal qualities needed to explore and settle those lands in the west with courage, practical know-how, and bottomless determination
frederick douglass
african american abolitionist leader who spoke eloquently for abolition int he United States and Britain before the Civil War
elizabeth cady stanton
women's rights leader in the 1800s; helped organize first women's convention; wrote the Declaration of Sentiments on women's rights in 1848
spoils system
informal practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party—as opposed to a system of awarding offices on the basis of some measure of merit independent of political activity; Jackson did this
rice and sugar cane
cash crops that created a sulprus; caused slavery to become more popular because slaves were needed to work on these plantations; located in the south such as GA and SC
a hard dark shone that th eNative American used for spearpoints or sharp edges
New France
the place where th fur trade took part in; includes Canada and the Louisiana Purchase area
Slave trade
trade with Africa were many slaves were taken from Africa and brought to the Americas
joint stock colony
colony set up where the companies invested in the people; this is a trend that colonists took over the Americas
royal colony
colony where the King owns it and is charge; this is how most colonies were run
New England colonies
located in the North; they traded for their goods and they used ships a lot
Middle colonies
located in the middle; very diverse economy between the North and South
Southern colonies
located in the South; way of life was slaves and cash crops on plantations
soldiers that fought for another country that really fought for money
Great Compromise
stated that the representatives for each state for the House would be by population and that senators for the Senate would be 2 for every state