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19 Cards in this Set

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agricultural stagnation
landlords could only squeeze so much out of the peasants. the more they tried, the more they depleted their natural resources. 1300s agricultural output was declining
peasant wars
1300 and 1400s, the peasants started revolting.
europeans came for america for?
who figured out that they could use agriculture to get money out of America?
Portugal and Spain
importance of new world sugar?
can't be overstated. the british had never had sugar, so they pretty much got addicted to it.
beginnings of slave labor?
Portuguese-first to enslave Indians, but they couldn't fill the need, so by the end of the 16th century, quarter million africans were in america against their will.
15th->18th century, 6 out of every 7 immigrants were african slaves.
west africa pre-slavery
thriving economy created through bartering surplus, university in timubktu. they grew stuff in fertile land, had livestock, and had sophisticated iron tools. women were active.
"Old slavery"
Africans themselves occasionally used slavery, but it wasn't heriditary, and it wasn't bsed on race. greece, western europe did it too.
first slave market
at first, african chiefs were willing to sell africans. in 1444, the portuguese opened a small market for african slaves.
legalization of slave trade
1510, spain legalized the sale of west africans. they carried the first ship of africans to america.
effect of slave trade on africa
12 million africans to america, devastating on africa, forcing hundreds of men to flee to interiors, leaving exteriors to be gutted by slave traders. One out of every 6 slaves died in route to America
South Atlantic system
Extremely lucrative.

Europe (cheap goods, cotton, alcohol, weapons, metals)---->West Africa (dropped off goods, picked up slaves)----->various locations in America (dropped off slaves, picked up sugar and tobacoo)----->Europe.
slaves, predictably, resisted.
British Colonization
England was a relative latecomer to colonization and New World. Spain dominated until defeat of Spanish armada 1588
New settlers that weren't spanish
English, Jamestown 1607
French, Quebec-1608
Dutch, New Amsterdam 1624
80,000 British to North America
Upper and lower classes in America
merchants, landowners, wanted America to make them rich

peasants, lots more of them, wanted a better life.
peasant war of 1381
led to financial incentive for peasants. lord parceled out land and collected cash rents. they were still cooperative though, rather than competitive
Just price
can't charge more than the poorest person could pay
reorganization of british upper classes
gentry-aristocracy died, men of new gentry were landowners, and were capitalists. allied with urban merchants, who were involved in the textile industry. monarchy supported gentry and urban merchants.
because of the textile industry, landowners wanted to enclose land for sheep to graze on, which meant peasants lost their land, and had to walk around selling their labor. london pop. grew to 200,000. they staged riots.