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154 Cards in this Set

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Walbash v. Illinois

Overturned Granger Laws. Relief to farmers was provided through the Homestead Act.
Knights of Labor
Union that accepted unskilled, skilled, black, and female workers. Declined rapidly after the Haymarket riot
Gospel of Wealth
The idea, shared by Andrew Carnegie, that wealth should be used to help society
Interlocking Directorate
Strategy used by JP Morgan to control companies by putting officers of his bank on their board
United States v. Knight Company
Diminished the effectiveness of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by ruling that manufacturing was not interstate commerce.
Sherman Anti Trust Act (1890)
Prohibits anti-competative business and requires federal governments to investigate and pursue trusts.
Social Gospel Movement
The belief that Christians should save the world and the industrial system
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but equal
Platt Amendment (1901)
Allowed the US to intervene in Cuba
Pendleton Act
Allowed some government jobs to be filled on the basis of a competitive exam
Hepburn Act
Strengthened interstate commerce act by giving it the power to set the maximum rates railroads could charge
Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom” and Teddy Roosevelt’s “New Nationalism”
Expanded the government’s role in regulating businesses and business monopolies.
Sedation Act
Punished those who criticised the war effort
Zimmermann telegram
Proposed an alliance with Mexico if the US declared war on Germany
Schenk v Us
The government can restrict freedom of speech in times of war
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
tariff reprisals from a number of foreign countries
21st Amendment
Repealed Prohibition
13th Amendment
Ended Slavery
14th Amendment
Civil rights act
Compromise of 1877
Ended reconstructionism by removing federal troops in southern states
Targeted republicans
Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871
Briefly stopped the KKK
Vertical Integration
Owning all aspects of production
Horizontal Integration
Big Firms buying up small ones
Homestead Act
160 acres of free land withing public domain to head of household who would settle on it and improve it over 5 years.
Dawes Act
Gave land to indians if they became farmers and acted white. Didn't work.
The Cattle Boom Ended
Severe weather conditions and overgrazing wiped out many ranchers
The Book "A Century of Dishonor" - by Helen Hunt Jackson was about
Broken treaties and injustices against american indians
Tammany Hall
name given to the Democratic political machine that dominated New York City politics from the mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854 through the election of Fiorello LaGuardia in 1934.
Whiskey Ring
a scandal, exposed in 1875, involving diversion of tax revenues in a conspiracy among government agents, politicians, whiskey distillers, and distributors.
Gilded Age Republicans favored
high tarrifs, low spending, paying off national debt, and reducing the amount of greenbacks
Gilded Age Democrates were often linked to
New York bankers
Civil Service Act(1883)
Created a merit system for 10% of political employees.
Grange movement
Farmers hoped to achieve fair railroad rates and warehouse charges. Became the Farmers Alliance.
Sub Treasurey Plan
Farmers would store crops in government warehouses and get low-rate loans to buy seed using the stored grain as collateral (way to bypass banks).
Populus Party
Stemmed from the grange movement and sub treasury plan. Struggled to unify to due racism.
The populus party ended
When republican Mc'Kinly was voted into office
"The Guilded Age" of politics
A book written by Mark Twain critized early 20th centruy politics
Dealing with social issues as a result of industrialism and immagration
The Pure food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was a response to
Uptin Sinclair's The Jungle
Union for unskilled immigrant workers founded 1906. Socialist.
A method of organizing work and school days to maximize efficiency
17th Amendment
Allowed senators to be elected directly by the people rather than the state legislatures
Jim Crow laws
Legalized discrimination. Allowed because the 17th amendment said nothing about the ability to read.
Plessy vs. Fergueson
(1896) Separate but equal
Booker T Washington
Freed slave that urged freed slaves to learn a skill to become respected while living in segrated societies
WEB DuBois
Advocated for full civil and political equality. Helped to found the NAACP
New Imperialism
The US's version of imperialism (outside the continental US).
The cause of american imperialism
America needed a place to sell its goods to get out of a depression.
"The Influence of Seapower upon History"
Written by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan which argued that to be a great power, the US needed to dominate the seas. Lead to the creation of the Panama canal
Hawaii was Annexed in 1898 to...
Avoid tarrifs on sugar
The Spanish-American-Cuban-Fillipino War
Native cubans resulted against spain. Many cubans died of disease and concentration camps. Mc'Kinley demanded spain get out of cuba. Then he declared war. Most successful in us history. We got the Phillipinese, puerto rico, and Guam.
The Teller Ammendment
Prevented Cuba from being Annexed because of feared of competition in the sugar industry.
Sinking of the USS Maine
Used by "Yellow Press" to support the Spanish-American-Cuban-Fillipino war efforts.
The "Splended little war"
The Spanish-American-Cuban-Fillipino war. Short. Few killed.
Foraker Act (1900)
Declared that Puerto Rico would be an insular territory. Citizens wouldn't be US and there would be no path to statehood.
Anti Imperialism
The result of racism and a fear that it was incompatable with democracy
Theodor Roosevelt
Hands on domestic and international proctices. Used the Sherman anti trust act to break up monopolies. Pissed off JP Morgan a lot. Conservationist.
Square Deal
Aimed to distinguish good corporations from bad corporations
Hardcore trust-buster that broke up standard oil in 1911.
16th Amendment
Allowed congress to collect an income tax
18th Amendment
Bull-Moose Party
T. Rosevelt's progressive party used to run against Taft. Pro suffrage, federal regulation, labor and health, 8 hr days, social insurance. Lost to Woodrow Wilson because he split the republican vote with Taft.
Clayton Act of 1914
Exempt unions from antitrust laws and made it easier for them to strike.
Keating-Owen Act
Outlawed child labor in manufacturing
Adamson Act
which mandated an 8 hr workday for railroad workers
The federal reserves system
Gave government much more control of banks in response to the panic of 1907 where the us banks had to be bailed out by JP Morgan
Roosevelt Corollary
Added to the Monroe Doctrine stated that the US would defend Latin American states against Europe. Allowed for US trade.
Dollar Deplomacy
Taft's alternative to the Big Stick Policy. Capital investment is the best way to spread us influence.
"He Kept us out of war"
Wilson's slogan to get reelected.
What was the event that lead to US involvement in WWI?
1) Germans to resume unrestricted submarine warfare 2) Zimmerman Telegram 3) Fall of the Tsar in russia
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
14 point program proposed to achieve world peace
Selective Service Act (1917)
The Draft
Espionage Act of 1917
Prohibited spying, interfering with the draft, and false statements
Sedation Act
criminalized statments which were intended to cast "contempt, scorn or disrepute" on our form of government or advocated interferiance with the war effort
Palmer Raids
a serious of raids during WWI by the US Dept. of Justice to capture and deport radical leftists
Growth of blank populations in northern cities during WWI.
The US never joined the league of nations because
Congress didn't want to give up the ability to declare war.
Margret Sanger and Emma Goldman
Advocated women's right to birthcontrol
Settlement House Movement
Provided education, health care and daycare to low income women. Hull houses became an incubator for a new field of social work.
19th Amendment
Gave women the right to vote
"The cheif business for the american people is business"
Pres. Coolage
Laissez-fair Capitalism
Period of low business regulation in the 1920s
The 1920's presidents favored regulation/business
Industry that grew dramatically in the 20's
Harlem Renissance
Rejected stereotypes and predjudice and sought to celebrate Afterican American experience.
Near v. Minnesota
The suppreme court struct down censorship of newspapers
KKK Resurgence
Occurred in the 20s due to lingering patriotism
Immegration in the 1920's
Decreased due to laws that enacted quotas prevented asians and eastern europeans
The trial of John Scopes
Fight to teach evolution in schools.
Farms in the 1920s-1930s failed because
Decreased demand, no government subsity, debt
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Raised tariffs in the 1930s to the highest level they ever had to protect american industry.
Hover's economic policy during the great depression
Hands off. Let state and local governments handle it. Increase taxes. Keep the gold standard.
Revenue Act 1932
Significantly raised taxes
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Bailout program created by Hoover
Bonus March
During the great Depression, vetrans marhed demanding an early bonus.
The New Deal
A set of government programs to fix the depression and prevent. Relief, Recovery, Reform.
Prohibition ended...
In the 1930's to increase tax revenue
First New Deal
Before 1935, first 100 days of FDR presidency. Focused on agriculture, public works. FEMA. FDIC.
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Gave the government the power to set production quotas and pay farmers to make less food. Only helped land owning farmers.
US vs. Butler
Agricultural Adjustment Act struck down by supreme court
The second new deal
Shifted focus from recovery to economic security.
Wagner Act
national labor relations act. Guarunteed workers the right to unionize.
Social Security Act
Created during the second new deal. Included unemployment insurrance, disability etc...
Cash and Carry Policy
US would sell arms to Great Britian if they got their weapons
FDRs Four Freedoms
Speach, worship, from want, fear
GI Bill of Rights
An attempt to prevent widespread unemployment after WWII
Zoot Suit Riot
Race riot against mexicans in LA in 1943
Truman Doctorine
Pres. Truman Pledged to support freedom loving peoples from communism (Greece and Turkey). Created NSA, CIA,
Marshall Plan
Response to economic harsh winter. Plan to combat economic instability where communism was a threat
1951's Denis vs. the Unitied State
Being a communist leader is a crime
Korean War
1950-1953. Only time the US directly fought communism. Was actually considered a "UN Police Action"
38th Parallel
The line that divided north and south korea
Geneva Accord (1954)
Temporarily separated Vietnam into two zones: North and southern vietnam
Golf of Tonkin Incident
Major escalation of american troops in 1965 as a result of an attack on war ships. Johnson escalated the war.
Operation Rolling Thunder
Johnson ordered (1965) to moving more troops into Vietnam
Gradually removing american soldiers from Vietnam
Pentagon Papers
Classified documents that were leaked that showed the government lied about how the Vietnam war was going
War Powers Act
Supposed to limit the president's ability to send troops over sea without congressional approval
Paris Peace Agreement
Allowed America to withdraw troops from Vietnam
Where 10,000 identical homes were being built almost overnight
A. Philop Randolph
civil rights leader. organized an african american civil rights movement
Double V Crusade
Movement to decrease racism during WWII
Mendez v. Westminister
Ruled that Orange County had to desegregate their schools
Hart-Cellar Act
Got rid of national origin quotas from Asian countries
Loving vs. Virginia
Struck down law banning interracial marriage
when was The US was taken off the gold standard
1970s by Nixon
inflation high, growth rate low, unemployment
Wip Inflation Now - Plea for americans to be better shoppers
Accident at 3 mile Island
Radioactive waste from nuclear energy spewed into the air. Major hit against nuclear energy in us.
Camp David Accords
Deal between Israel and Egypt lead by Jimmy Carter
Iranian Hostage Crisis
During Carter's presidency, Iran was really pissed off and held members of the US Embassy hostage for 444 days.
Carter Docterine
The US, would use force if necessary to protect its interests in the Persian Gulf region
Supply Side Economics
Belief that high interest rates and low taxes would create new jobs (trickle down economics)
Start I and Start II Treaties
Limitied number of nuclear missils Russia and the US could have
Anticombination laws were a response to
Use of stockholding trusts to create business monopolies
"Pure and Simple Unionism"
Advocatedforming unions with skilled and unskilled workers
Importance of the 1896 Election
Put republicans in power
Many Mexicans migrated to the use during WWI because
Of a revolution in Mexico had caused social upheaval
FDR could not get support for
englarging the supreme court
The National Women's Party was founded by
Alice Paul
The regan revolution refers to his
ability to unite traditional republicans with working-class democrats
During the second world war, the federal government pursued all the following economic policies
Rationing consumer goods, limiting wartime wages, limiting agricultural prices, selling war bonds
After WWII, Truman couldn't continue the new deal programs due to
republicans and conservative democrats in congress
MacAurther was recalled from his command of the UN forces in Korea beause
civilian control of the military
Skokey Carmichael
approved violance for civil rights

Ngo Dinh Diem angered the US up because

He refused to carry out political reforms in south vietnam

U2 Incident
Brought US and Soviet Union closest to the possibility of nuclear war

American Indian Movement modeled itself after the

Black power movement
Ida B Wells
Active in the antilynching movement
Goals of populism
Government ownership of country railroads and telegraph lines
14th amendment
establishes the basis for citizenship and limits the power of states
The KKK of the 1920s was a ____ organization. The kkk of the 19th century was not
national organization
Betty Friedan wrote the 1963 book

The Feminine Mystique