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55 Cards in this Set

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What was the Seven Years' War called in the Colonies?
The French and Indian War
Who founded the Ohio Company?
George Washington's half brothers: Lawrence and Augustine Washington
What was the Ohio Company?
Company that surveyed New French land to sell to newcomers in the NW.
What did the French do in retaliation to the Ohio Company surveying their land?
French began building huge forts to protect their land
What was the first battle of the French and Indian War?
Skirmish between Washington + 160 Virginians + some Mingo Indians in 1754 in retaliation of French not leaving Virginia claimed land peacefully.
Who was William Pitt?
Britain's Prime minister who was willing to throw tons of money to fight France
What did the Mingo Indians do at the end of the first battle of the Seven Years War?
Killed and Scalped the wounded French despite the Virginians and Mingos winning the battle.
What was the Treaty of Paris?
A treaty signed in 1763 that formally ended the French and Indian War.
What was the Proclamation of 1763?
A decree by the British government that forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian MTs in order to minimize violence between Colonists + Indians + French
What was the Sugar Act of 1764?
An act that lowered the duty on French molasses to 3 pence and raised penalties for smuggling molasses for Rum.
What is Impressment?
The act of British soldiers going onto Colonist ships and searching and seizing contraband.
What was the Stamp Act?
Act that imposed taxes on all paper used for official documents and required an affixed stamp as proof that the tax had been paid.
What was the Stamp Act specifically designed to do?
Raise money for Britain
Who were the first Terrorist group of America?
Sons of Liberty
What were the Virginia Resolves?
A series of resolutions passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses in response to the Stamp Act of 1765
What were the first 3 resolutions of the Virginia Resolves?
1. Virginians were British citizens
2. they enjoyed the same rights and privileges as Britons
3. self-taxation was one of those rights
What was the 4th Virginia Resolve?
Virginians had always taxed themselves through representatives in the House of Burgesses
What was the 5th Virginia Resolve?
The Virginia assembly alone had the right to tax Virginia
What was the 6 and 7th Virginia Resolves?
6th denied legitimacy to any tax law originating outside Virginia and the 7th called anyone who disagreed with the resolved an enemy of Virginia
What was the Declaration Act of 1766?
Act that repealed the Stamp Act but still said the British had the right to set laws for America
What was the Revenue Act of 1767 (also called the Townshend Duties)?
Act that put taxes on EVERYTHING from tea to painters colors imported into the colonies
What was the precursor to the Boston Massacre?
3000 British soldiers sent to occupy Boston in 1768
Who was John Hancock?
Biggest smuggler of Dutch Tea
What was Virtual Representation?
The notion that the House of Commons represented all British subjects regardless of where they lived or whether they directly voted for their representatives.
What were the four Coercive Acts?
1. Closed Boston Harbor to all shipping
2. Any British soldier accused of a crime would be tried in England
3. Quartering of officers in a colonists home whether they liked it or not
4. Shut down ALL assemblies
What was the fifth Coercive Act?
Quebec Act - confirmed the continuation of French civil law and government form
What acts was a main reason for the Colonists fear?
The Coercive Acts (later known as the Intolerable Acts)
What was the first Coercive Act? Why is it important?
The Boston Port Act which closed the Boston Harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for
Who was Lord Dunmore?
The royal governer of Virginia who threatened to arm slaves to ward off attacks by colonists.
What did Lord Dunmore say he would do in an official proclamation?
He promised freedom to defecting slaves who would fight for Britain
How many slaves ended up joining forces with Lord Dunmore? What were they called?
~1500 slaves called his "Ethiopian Regiment"
What were the two goals of the Second Continental Congress?
1. To raise and supply an army
2. To explore reconciliation with Britain
What message did choosing George Washington as the general of the Continental Army send? Why?
Sent the message that there was widespread commitment to war beyond New England because GW was a Virginian and NOT a New Englander
What were Continental Dollars?
Merely paper, not backed by gold or silver, to pay for the military buildup for the Revolutionary War.
Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?
The British!
What happened in the Battle of Bunker Hill?
Americans took over hilly terrain of Charlestown and fought the British 3 times until running out of ammo and retreating thus costing them the battle. The British chose not to pursue the Patriots.
TRUE OR FALSE: The British ALWAYS pursued the Patriots.
FALSE! They always REFUSED to pursue
Why is Thomas Paine's Common Sense important?
Because it discussed the illogical argument of having a Monarchy and the benefit of having a Republican government.
According to Thomas Paine, what was the best form of government?
A government that relied on frequent elections to achieve the most direct democracy possible.
What was the Olive Branch Petition?
Petition to the Crown that affirmed loyalty to the monarchy and blamed all the troubles on the king's ministers and on Parliament if the Crown gave back rights to the colonies.
What were the 2 goals of the Americans in the Revolutionary War?
1. Repulse and defeat an invading army
2. Win the War
What were the goals of the British in the Revolutionary War?
1. Put down a rebellion
2. Bring back loyalty of the people
3. Restore monarchical power
What was the cause of the Seven Years War?
Trading rights and land ownership infringing upon French territory
What did the Proclamation of 1763 limit?
It limited trade between Indians and Colonists to only licensed trader.
What did George III believe about Britain's war debt?
It needed to be paid and that the Colonists, British subjects, should help pay it off.
Who was Samuel Adams?
A Son of Liberty who said to boycott British goods
What were the non-consumption agreements?
Agreements calling for a boycott of all British-made goods made in Boston
TRUE OR FALSE: Non-consumption agreements were very hard to enforce.
Why do they choose George Washington?
Because they want to show UNITY in the colonies
TRUE OR FALSE: The Declaration of Causes and Necessity to Take up Arms was a declaration of WAR and NOT independence.
What 3 things led to the downfall of the British in the RW?
1. Lack of supplies
2. Disintegration of loyalists
3. French Aid to Americans
What 3 groups of people make up the Margins?
1. Women
2. Blacks
3. Native americans
Were Blacks originally allowed to join the Continental Army? What happened?
No! But then they needed the man power and thus allowed blacks to serve in segregated units.
Why did the French ally itself with the Americans?
A reason to defeat its arch rival: the British and perhaps result in acquiring the British West Indies.
France allied with America after what battle?
Battle of Saratoga