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31 Cards in this Set

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Native Americans
Nomads who crossed a land bridge to reach America from Asia, and their ancestors
Land Bridge
Exposed land between Asia and America brought by the Ice Age
Mississipian and Mound Builders
Midwest societies that thrived with the cultivation of corn
Greatest North American civilization wth a strong government and military

Rivaled Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas for years
Incas, Mayans, Aztecs
South American civilizations who brought huge technological, scientific, and agricultural advacements to create perfect Native American societies

Thrived on corn

Sacrifice was big part of culture
Brought about new culture and ways of thinking in Europe
Printing press- spread information around much quicker

Compass- finding directions at sea
Portugal and Spain
European centers of trade and exploration

Sent explorers to Africa and Asia

Set up slavery system in Africa
Muslims from Portugal who left the nation after the Islamic- Christian War in Spain
Ferdinand and Isabella
Leaders of Portugal after Moors left

Wanted to rival neighbor Spain

Funded exploration
moved Europeans into Africa and Asia and Americas

lead to expansion
Henry the Navigator
Portuguese prince that sent out many explorers on trips around Africa

Started the age of exploration and spread Christianity
A group of people who share culture and beliefs and live in the same geographical area under one government
Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who sailed to West Indies from Spain

1492- Meant to find Asia, found a different continent
New World
Island in the Bahamas found by Columbus

Thought to be Asia, really was America
Amerigo Vespucci
Italian explorer and cartographer that proved that America was not Asia by drawing maps of the land
Papal Line of Demarcation
An invisible line in the Atlantic that divided Spanish and Portuguese lands

Spain got all land to west,Portugal to the east
Treaty of Tordesillas
Created the papal line of demarcation

Gave Spain claim to discovery and right for the riches in America to go to mostly Spain and some to Portugal
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
The first person to ever discover the Pacific Ocean

Claimed for Spain all land that touched it
Ferdinand Magellan
The leader of the first ever voyage that went all the way around the world
Hernan Cortes
Took a small Spanish army with him from Cuba to Mexico that, after being welcomed by the Aztecs, overtook and destroyed their capital
Francisco Pizzaro
Defeated the Incas

Started the influx of silver in Europe
Spanish explorers that controlled the exploration race in the 1500s
Encomienda System
A form of slavery where the natives would be sold or given in return for christianizing them
John Cabot
English explorer that was sent to explore northeastern America in the late 1400s
Giovanni de Verrazano
Sent by French to explore the east coast of America in the early 1500s
Samuel de Champlain
French explorer and cartographer that drew the first map of the coast of Canada and founded New France
Father Jacques Marquette
French Jesuit missionary who founded the first European settlement in Michigan
Robert de la Salle
French explorer that threatened the Spanish by sailing miles into the Mississippi River
Henry Hudson (chapter 3)
Dutch explorer who sailed into America

Went up Hudson River to find a shortcut to the other side of the continent
Father Junipero Serra
Established 21 missions up and down the coast of California in the mid 1700s