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23 Cards in this Set

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What was the name of the war between the British and the French and who was it fought against.
French & Indian War (British vs French)
What year did the French and Indian War take place.
What created a united 13 colonies to defend themselves against the French.
Albany Plan of Union
Who made the albany plan of union
Ben Franklin
Who was victorious in the French and Indian War and what did they get.
Britan and they got the original 13 colonies.
1/3 colonists supported ____.
1/3 did not support revolution. Who?
Wealthy people
This 1763 act stated that colonists cannot move west of the Appalachian Mountains until British soldiers are placed there.
Proclomation Act
Tax on molasses and other sugar products.
Sugar Act
(1765) Direct tax on paper products.
Stamp Act
Shut down harbor until tea is paid for.
Coercive Acts
A new quartering act (colonists must have British troops).
Coercive Acts
Martial Law (curfew, can be arrested for being on the street).
Coercive Acts
Sent letters to colonists
Committee of Correspondence
As North American Indians threw barrels of British tea into the Boston harbor costing thousands of dollars.
Boston Tea Party (December 1773)
Who made the coercive acts and in what year.
King George III in 1774
When was the Declaration of Independence signed.
July 4, 1776.
When are the British troops confronted at Lexington, Massachussets- shots fired- the war had begun.
April 19, 1775
What are the 3 natural rights (God Given) Inalienable rights (cannot be taken away).
Life, Liberty, Property (Happiness)
1. First Part "Right of Man"
2. (Body) Grievances against King
3. Final Part - "Declaration of Idependence"
3 Parts of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Paine's pamphlet on why we should fight.
Common Sense
Offering of peace by the colonists.
Olive Branch Petition
Colonial farmers turned soldiers.