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16 Cards in this Set

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Macon's Bill No. 2
The first country that leaves the US alone will get exclusive trading rights
-France responds first when Napoleon lifts the Milan decree
-just after that British lifted the Orders in Council
-Due to a slowness in communication, the British ships continued to seize American ships and sailors
What type of leadership did President Madison Provide?
Weak leadership style
What Native American leader died at the Battle of Thames in 1813?
Missouri Compromise- author, results?
Author- Henry Clay
Maine would be offered into the Union as a free, MO would be a slave state.
No slavery N of 36*30 (OK)
Results- the South feared it might lose it's influence in National Govt.
-extremists from both sides were obviously not happy
1824 Presidential Campaign.
In 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected President. There were four candidates that received a substantial number of electoral votes, so that no one candidate received a majority. Therefore, in accordance with the US Constitution, the House of Representatives chose the president. Jackson got the most electoral votes and also won in popular votes but with some political maneuvering mostly by Henry Clay, Adams prevailed. Adams made Clay his Secretary of State
Corrupt bargain
Treaty of Echota
- the Cherokees were paid 5.6 mill for their lands and forced to migrate West.
-Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Bourdinot all signed without tribal approval.
US declared the treaty was still valid anyway and the removal began
-All 3 would be killed in separate incidences
-1835-38 16K Cherokees moved to Indian Territory
-Trail of Tears 1200 miles
Spoils system
A spoil system (also known as a patronage system) is a practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party--referring to the victory of the Jackson Democrats in the election of 1828,
Doctrine of nullification
State has the right to reject federal law if they deem it unconstitutional and that if it is not repealed, they can secede from the Union. John C. Calhoun did this in 1828 in response to the Tariff of 1828, anonymously writing an essay and including this doctrine along with threats that SC would secede.
Webster-Hayne Debate of 1830
The Webster-Hayne debate was a famous debate in the United States between Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina. It happened on January 19-27, 1830. It was about protectionist tariffs
The first scandal of the Jackson administration
The scandal surrounded rumors that President Jackson's wife Rachel's first marriage was not over
Pet banks
“Pet banks” is a term most commonly used in reference to the economic operations of the United States in the 19th century. This term may also be used in any government where certain banks have a favorite status. In general, finance professionals don’t often refer to specific banks as pet banks in today’s financial world.

The original pet banks were also called wildcat banks. They resulted from a banking policy that involved a veto of the Second Bank of the United States by then president Andrew Jackson. Between 1816 and 1837, pet banks were given special status, and allowed to receive government surplus funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Whigs-who were they?
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
General Winfield Scott
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
1840 Presidential election campaign slogan
“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"
Whig President William Henry Harrison and John Tyler as his VP
-Harrison died shortly after election
Dorthea Dix
was an American activist on behalf of the indigent insane who, through a vigorous program of lobbying state legislatures and the United States Congress, created the first generation of American mental asylums. During the Civil War, she served as Superintendent of Army Nurses.
Neal Dow- Maine Law of 1851
Beginning of the temperance movement- prohibited the sale of all alcoholic beverages except for "medicinal, mechanical or manufacturing purposes,"
Who wrote Civil Disobedience?
Henry David Thoreau