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22 Cards in this Set

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What did the Second Continental Congress make to prevent war?
Sent the Olive Branch Petition as an attempt to prevent war
Why did colonists use only American-made goods after 1767?
Colonists were protesting the Townsend Acts
What punishments did the British impose on Massachusetts for thr Boston Tea Party?
British closed the port of Boston
What did Britain do in 1776 as a result of the colonsts' boycott of British goods?
Britain repealed the Stamp Act. Colonists saw this as a sign of weakness
Where were the first shots of the Revolutionary War fired?
Lexington Mass.
What British policy made many colonists resent the presence of redcoat soldiers?
The colonists had to quarter Brtish troops
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Why was he chosen?
Thomas Jefferson was chosento write the Declaration. He was a great thinker and writer, and he also had superb penmanship
What was the Sugar Act(1764); what would it discourage?
The Sugar Act was Parliments attempt to make foreign goods too expensive for colonists; it would raise prices on Dutch, French, and Spanish goods so colonists would buy from Britain instead
What did the Second Continental Congress accomplish(Philadddelphia,1775)?
Set up the Continental Army and made George Washington the Commander
What did Britain do to raise money to pay debts from the French and Indian War?
Britain revied its mercantilists policies
What were Britain's reasons for wanting to hold on to the colonies?
Britain had invested 170 years, and millions of dollars, they were committed to the colonies, they were stubborn and proud, allowing the colonies to gain freedom would be seen as a weakness.
What did the British Proclamation of 1763 require? Why did it anger colonists?
Colonists could only settle east of the Appalachian Mountains. They wanted to expand west, and thought winning the French and Indian War would make it possible.
How did colonists protest the Tea Act?
The Boston Tea Party was staged to protest the Tea Act
What did colonists like James Otis think about taxation?
They opposed taxation without reprsentation in Parliment
What did most Patriots think about war with Britain?
Patriots believed any war with Britain would be glad to be rid of the troublesome colonies
Who was Thomas Paine, and what did he do to encourage independence from Britain?
He wrote COMMON SENSE, and in this essay/pamphlet he encouraged colonists to stand up against British "tyranny"
Who were the Loyalists?
Loyalists opposed fighting against Great Britain
What did Samuel Adams do to encourage communication among the colonists?
Samual Adams formed committees of correspondence to encourage communication
What happened at the First Continental Congress(Philadelphia, 1775)?
Delegates from all colonies, except Georiga, decided they would disobey the Intolerable Acts
Where did General Gage send his troops to seize the Patriots' war supplies?
Gage sent his troops to get war supplies at Concord Mass.
Why did the colonists place an embargo on British goods, and what was Britains response?
Colonists decided to place an embargo on British goods to fight the Intolerable Acts. Britain sent troops to enforce the acts.
The Second Continental Congress appointed a commitee to draft the Declaration of Independence. Who made resolutions before the Congress that became the basis of much of the Declaration, and what were these resolutions?
The ideas for the Declaration of Independence were proposed by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.(colonies should plan for independence and form alliances and a plan for confederation)