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28 Cards in this Set

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Postdam Conference
(1945) overseas meeting attended by the U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union that laid the foundation for Germany's postwar status
huge corporation run by single families that had monopolized the Japanese economy prior to WW2
Nuremberg trials
trials of Nazi war criminals by the Allies that began in 1945.
United Nations
(U.N.) International organization formed in 1945 to work for world peace
GI Bill of Rights
(1944) servicemen's readjustment Act, which provided pensions and government loans to help veterans start their own businesses, buy homes or farms, and attend college
Employment Act
(1946) Post-WW2 law that established the Employment Act of 1946 to counsel the president on economic policy
Taft-Hartley Act
(1947) Federal law that extended government regulation of labor unions and included a provision allowing courts to end strikes
Committee on Civil Rights
(CPI) agency established in 1917 that waged a vigorous propaganda campaign to convince Americans to support the war effort
State's Rights party formed by Southern Democrats in 1948; supported continued racial segregation
Fair Deal
President Truman's proposed reforms after the 1948 election; for example, a national health insurance program
Cold War
competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union for global power and influence
Satellite Nations
countries under the control of the Soviet Union
Cold War strategy proposed by George Kennan to stop the spread of communism
Baruch Plan
(1946) Proposal submitted to the UN Atomic Energy Commission for international control of atomic energy
Atomic Energy Act
(1946) Federal law that placed the Atomic Energy Commission under civilian control to oversee nuclear weapons research and to promote peacetime uses of atomic energy.
Truman Doctrine
U.S. policy of giving military and financial aid to those countries resisting communist rule
Marshall Plan
(1948) U.S. program that provided some $12 billion in economic aid to Western Europe after WW2; also called the European Recovery Act
Berlin airlift
(1948) Joint effort by U.S. and British air forces to deliver food and supplies into West Berlin after the Soviets blocked all routes into the city
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Alliance formed in 1949 whose member nations agreed to protect one another in the event of attack
Warsaw Pact
(1955) Alliance formed by the Soviet Union and other communist countries in Eastern Europe
National Security Council
(NSC) Organization created in 1947 by Congress to advise the president on strategic matters.
Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) Federal agency created to gather information overseas
House Committee on Un-American Activities
(HUAC) Congressional committee established in 1938 to investigate anti-American propaganda
Hollywood Ten
group of film directors and writers who went to jail rather than answer questions from the House committee on Un-American Activities
Internal Security Act
(1940) Federal law that required Communist party members and organizations to register with the federal government
movement, originally intended to promote the founding of a Jewish national state, that called for a Jewish homeland in Palestine
Long March
Exodus of 1934-35 when Communist Chinese marched nearly 6,000 miles to northern China, helping cement Mao Zedong's leadership of the party
38th parallel
Border between North Korea and South Korea set by the Allies in 1945