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40 Cards in this Set

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George HW Bush
forty first president; successes abroad overshadowed by a mixed record at home
Opening of Berlin Wall (1989)
the soviet union collapses and the berlin wall is torn apart as German's celebrate their reuniting since 1945
Nukes in USSR
US began to keep careful track of the thousands of nukes that were now split between the countries that made up the USSR
US Invasion of Panama
Bush invades Panama to capture Manuel Noriega who was convicted of drug trafficking
Nelson Mandela
civil rights activist in south africa who was released from prison in 1990 and then was elected president of south africa
Tiananmen Square China
Chinese troops brutally crush a pro-democracy demonstration killing several hundred unarmed students and workers
Clear Plan w/ Kuwait
Bush tried to avoid the Vietnam problem by entering Kuwait with a clear plan and sticking to it
Persian Gulf War
a US led coalition army ousted Saddam Husseins's Iraq army from Kuwait in 1991; some urged Bush to finish Saddam off but Bush thought that would lead to another Vietnam
Collapse of the S&L
the savings and loan industry collapsed which caused a lot of people to lose their life savings
Auto Industry under Bush
the auto industry suffered greatly as people began buying Japanese cars instead of American cars
Rodney King (1992)
King was beaten to a pulp by four police officers during a pullover for no reason
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
barred discrimination against disabled persons in hiring and education
Environmental Protection Agency (1991)
beginning of global warming movement
Clean Air Act (1990)
government regulation of carbon emissions to prevent the deterioration of the ozone layer
Clarence Thomas
ultraconservative Bush appointee to the Supreme Court, challenged on grounds of alleged sexual harassment
Planned parenthood v. Casey
affirmed the Roe. v Wade but upheld a PEnn. law restricting abortion rights to a 24hour waiting period
Albert Gore, Jr.
Tennessee senator and noted expert on environmental issues who served as Clinton's vice president
H. Ross Perot
Texas billionaire who ran for president as third party candidate
Bill Clinton
42nd president; controversial 2 term presidency marked by a surging economy at home
Madeleine K. Albright
Clinton's secretary of state; then the highest government office ever by a woman
"Don't Ask, don't tell"
way to get around the homosexuality issue in the military
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
agreement to create a free trade community including the US, Canada, and Mexicon
Crime and Welfare Reform
ban on assault weapons; required the able to work; job training and childcare; forced absent fathers to support their offspring
Rush Limbaugh
won fans for his jeering attacks on liberals
Christian Coalition
conservative evangelical lobbying group with growing influence over Republican party in 1990s
Newt Gingrich
republican congressman from Georgia who helped bring his party to power; elected Speaker in 1994
Welfare Reform Act of 1996
Clinton joined Republicans to end AFDC and move thousands off of welfare
Enter the Personal Computer
more job opportunities and more businesses opening up
AOL buys Time-Warner
$182 billion; first huge IT deal
the removal of barriers to flow of capital, goods, and ideas across national borders
Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing (1991-2)
Bosnian Serbs were slaughtering Muslims
province of former Yugoslavia victimized by a Serbian ethnic-cleansing campaign
focused on the safe disposal of nuclear weapons in the former Soviet Union
Non-Proliferation Treaty
made between the middle eastern countries to limit the number of nukes; India and Pakistan didn't sign and went on to test their own nukes
"Blackhawk Down"
Osama Bin Laden
radical Islamic terrorist who masterminded murderous attacks against US military and civilians
States Sue Tobacco Industry
states try to sue the tobacco industry for $368 billion to limit the amount of advertising towards young people
Monica Lewinsky
white house intern whose brief liaison with Bill Clinton was discovered by Whitewater investigators
Kenneth Starr
tried to impeach Clinton for the sex scandals; made the Republicans look bad
George W Bush
43rd president; promised to restore dignity to the white house