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31 Cards in this Set

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The new federal government under George Washington established precedents that would later serve as examples for the US government. What are precedents?
an action or decision that later serves as an example
Why did Congress create departments in the executive branch?
to deal with national policy
Why did George Washington pass the Judiciary Act of 1789?
the stability and success of the national government depends on the interpretation and execution of its laws by an independent judicial branch.
How were Abigail Adams and Judith Sergeant Murray different from Martha Washington?
They wanted women to take a more active role in government than Martha.
How were farmers characterized in 1790?
Farmers were independent people who didn't want government interfering in their daily lives.
Alexander Hamilton's vision for a growing economy depended on who?
business people and manufacturers
Thomas Jefferson's vision for a growing economy depended on who?
Alexander Hamilton stood for loose construction, what is loose consruction?
the federal government can take REASONABLE action that the Constitution does not forbid. (do stuff not written in the Constitution)
Thomas Jefferson stood for strict construction, what is strict construction?
the federal government should only do what the Constitution specifically states.
How were farmers characterized in 1790?
Farmers were independent people who didn't want government interfering in their daily lives.
What is a protective tariff? What is this type of tariff is suppose to protect domestic goods from what type of competition?
An added tax on imported (foreign) goods.
Protects US products from foreign competition.
How did Alexander Hamilton convince southerners to pay for the war debt?
Convincing Congress to move the Capitol to Philadelphia.
What is the Neutrality Proclamation, and who issued it?
Stated the US would not take sides with any European countries at war.
Issued by George Washington
Why did some members of Congress criticize George Washington's decision to stay out?
He needed the approval of Congress. Proclamation should come from Congress
Why did Thomas Jefferson criticize US Policy toward France?
Jefferson felt US should support France ---- because they helped us during Revolutionary War.
What was Jay's Treaty?
Settled the disputes that grew between US and Great Britain in 1790's.
How did George Washington feel about Jay's Treaty?
Washington DID NOT like the treaty, but believed it was the best that could be done.
What were the causes of the Whiskey Rebellion?
Congress passed a tax on American-made whiskey. Farmers could not afford the tax.
Why did President Washington lead the militia against the Whiskey Rebels?
He wanted the people to understand the Constitutional right of Congress to pass tax laws.
According the Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, why couldn't Alexander Hamilton create a national bank?
It was unconstitutional.Contstitution did not give government the right to create a national bank.
Why were the Presidential elections of 1796 different from other elections?
For the first time, more than one candidate ran for office.
Who became the Vice-President in 1796? and why?
Thomas Jefferson became VP because he was second.
Which two political parties were involved in the first political party division in the US?
The Federalist Party
Democratic-Republican Party
Why did the Federalist support the Alien and Sedition Acts?
They wanted to stop people from criticizing the governrment.
Republicans main criticism of the Alien and Sedition Acts was that they gave too much power to the Federal government and interfered with State government.
Gave too much power to Federal Government and interfered with State government
What was the XYZ Affair?
Three French agents demanded a bribe in order to meet with US officials.
What did President Adams think about going to war with France?
Adams did not want to go to war. He was worried about the costs!!
Electoral College
a body of electors who represent the people's vote in choosing the President
National debt
Money owed by the US to foreign countries and US citizens.
Certificates of debt that carry the promise to buy back the bonds at a higher price.
People who buy items at a low price in the HOPE that the value will rise