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24 Cards in this Set

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Admitted to the union as a free state under the Missouri Compromise


Percentage that a slave was counted according to the slavery compromise


According to the great compromise, this branch of Congress is made up of two representatives of each


Term used to describe the U.S. after War of 1812

Era of Good Feelings

Emerged as a national military hero after War of 1812

Andrew Jackson

Signified America's final defeat of the British and earned America international respect

War of 1812

What was the slavery compromise

Where they counted a slave as 1/5 of a person

What is the Manifest Destiny?

God's plan for U.S to expand (specifically to the Pacific Ocean)

Who was Napolean?

a man that wanted to take over the world

But he is now giving up the idea for a world empire - France is broke

What is the Louisiana Purchase?

Where the U.S purchases the Louisiana territory for $15 million.

-It doubles the size of the U.S overnight.

Who are Lewis & Clark?

Two men sent by Jefferson to explore and map new territory + 50 men called the "corps of discovery"

What was the War of 1812?

It was our 3rd war with the Bristish.

Great Britain tries to surrender but U.S is still attacking.

What is the Era Of Good Feelings?

After the War Of 1812

We had 9.6 million citizens and we are now 40 years old.

Won 3 wars and had 22 states.

What is the Great Compromise?

Forming the constitution.

The Senate is divided as 2 per state by votes & the House Reps. are based on population.

What is the Slavery Compromise?

Where they needed representation for taxation so they did 5/3 person=1 slave.

Another word for it is 3/5 compromise.

What is the Missouri Compromise?

Alabama is the 22nd state, they needed to equal out slaves and people.

11 free-11 slave.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?

GB decides to be our friend.

What made Oregon become a state?

The Oregon Trail.

Where did the Gold Rush occur?


What is an Abolitionist?

A person who wants to abolish slavery for religious reasons.

Some denominations were split over slavery.

Abolitionist targeted and persecuted.

What were Slave Codes?

They were state/local laws that varied for runaway or disobedient slaves.

No rights for slaves.

Who was Frederick Douglas?

A slave who escaped and was educated. An author and speaker-auto biography.

Who was Nat Turner?

A slave minister who got a 'vision' from the Lord to begin a revolt. He recruited other slaves and murdered 55 whites. Turner and others were hung.

Who was the Mexican dictator?

Santa Anna