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55 Cards in this Set

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the Gilded Ages

the last decades of the nineteenth century; New ideas introduced

Homestead Act 1862

law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and grow crops on it for five years

Pacific railway act 1862

provided Federal subsidies in land and loans for the construction of a transcontinental railroad across the United States.

Results in Cities from industrial Growth

Overcrowding, poverty, and crime. Also new buildings and products.

Purposes of the American Federation of Labor

craft union, a loose organization of skilled workers from some 100 local unions devoted to specific crafts or trades.

Horizontal integration & John D. Rockefeller

Rockefeller bought up rival businesses in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York to gain more control over the oil-refining industry. Horizontal integration is when a business crates one giant company with lower production costs.

Andrew Carnegie & New methods of steel production

steel tycoon who increased his power by gaining control of steel businesses. He also found new ways for better production of steel to be made.

Purposes of the Farmers Grange Movement

Providing education on new farming techniques, and calling for the regulation of railroads and grain elevator rates

Robber Baron

Capitalist able to take advantage of the poor; able to deprive poor of money and possessions.

Social Darwinism

Wealth was a measure of ones inherent value and those who had it were the most "fit".


a belief that native- born white americans were superior to newcomers

Advice of Brooker T. Washington to African Americans

To move slowly toward racial progress. By working hard and being patient, African Americans would be able to gain respect from the white and exercise their full voting rights and citizens ship.

Advice of W.E.B Dubois to African Americans

Urged african americans to demand immediately all the rights guaranteed by the constitution

What was bad about trusts and monopolies?

Monopolies and trust take away any kind of competition, so a company could lower or higher their prices as they pleased.


companies assign their stock to a board of trustees, who combine them into a new organization


when corporations tried to gain complete control of a products or service.


socially conscious journalists and other writers who dramatized the need for reform

Upton Sinclair

wrote the jungle; lack of health safety with the meat packing process

Ida Tarbell

Wrote an article about Monopolies; her fathers company was bought out by Rockefeller

Jacob Riis

wrote How the other half live; shows those who aren't wealthy or middle class live, how the working class live.

Meat Inspection Act

provided federal agents to inspect any meat sold across the state lines and required federal inspection of meat processing plants.

Pure food and Drug act

banned the interstate shipment of impure food and the mislabeling of food and drugs


the practice of never drinking alcohol

Carrie Chapman Catt's method to women suffrage

organized campaigns, mobilize volunteers and deliver effective speeches. Shortly before the suffragists celebrated victory with passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, Catt founded the League of Women Voters.

Jane Adams settlement houses

became a leading figure in settlement houses; settlement houses were used as a way to improve the life of the poor

Reason for 16th Amendment graduated income tax

wealthy people would pay more of their income towards the tax than the poor people would because they have the luxuries and the money they need, while the poor have just enough or none at all to get by.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Mobs of white workers attacked the Chinese workers say that they had stolen the jobs of the americans, to the congress responded to the attacks by prohibiting Chinese laborers from entering the country.

Interstate commerce commission

was a regulatory agency in the United States

National reclamation act

is a United States federal law that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West.

Define 'rational use' as a method to manage forests

Gifford Pinchot, the first head of the U.S. Forest Service, founded the conservation movement in the United States.

Recall/ Referendum/ initiative all allow voters what?

is a general term which refers to a measure that appears on the ballot. Legislative referenda may appear on the ballot in all 50 states. The popular referendum is a device which allows voters to approve or repeal an act of the Legislature.

Laissez- faire economics

the less the government is involved in free market capitalism, the better off business will be, and then by extension society as a whole.

Anthracite coal strike- result? who assisted the resolution?

Miners struck for higher wages, shorter workdays and the recognition of their union. Theodore Roosevelt

President who was assassinated, vice president Roosevelt became the president

William McKinley

President Roosevelt's square deal

conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

President wilson's New freedom & what 3 progressive amendments he signed

platform for change. Wilson signed the UNDERWOOD-SIMMONS ACT into law in 1913, which reduced tariff rates. The banking system also pinched small farmers and entrepreneurs. Wilson signed the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, which made the nation's currency more flexible.The CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT OF 1914 clarified the Sherman Act by specifically naming certain business tactics illegal


a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Seward's Folly

purchase of Alaska

Hawaiian Annexation

means of joint resolution, called the Newlands Resolution.

Yellow journalism

journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.

Spanish American war When? Why? Results?

The United States emerged as a world power. The United States gained possession of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. April 25- August 12, 1898

Panama Canal How did the U.S. acquire the land for the canal?

They caused a fight between the people there to distract them enough to take advantage of it and then took over the land.

Roosevelt Corollary to the monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine had been sought to prevent European intervention in the Western Hemisphere, but now the Roosevelt Corollary justified American intervention throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Causes of WW1

was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. also, Germany bombed one of their submarines killing many people and ruining materials they needed.

Who was assassinated & caused the start of WW1?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Allies at the beginning of WW1

Britain, France, Russia, U.S.

Germany, Italy, Austria- Hungary

Central Powers of WW1

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria


a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.

reasons for U.S. entry into WW1

Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico, asking Mexico to engage in war with US. Allied forces borrowed over 2 billion from U.S. Exports to Allies increased from 825 million to 3 billion. Dock explosion in July of 1916. Unrestricted German u-boat warfare May 7th, 1915 of the Lusitania 128 Americans dead. The boat was also carrying ammunition.

How did U.S. Citizens help fund WW1

They bought liberty bonds, they loaned money to the government .

schenck v. U.S. and espionage and sedition act

Schenck: The Espionage Act was unconstitutional. ... The Espionage and Sedition acts, by contrast, were legitimate and appropriate in a time of war. Decision and Rationale. The Court's unanimous (9-0) decision was written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Leaders from Britain, France, and the U.S. that negotiated peace at Versailles

Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, and Georges Clemenceau.


the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.

League of Nations and Explain U.S. refusal to join

The League of Nations was thought up by Woodrow Wilson, the American President during the First World War. It was to be a group of nations that worked together to keep peace. One of the reasons for its downfall was that, after a vote, the American public refused to join.

14 points goals and author

President Woodrow Wilson discusses the aims of the United States in World War I and outlines his “14 Points” for achieving a lasting peace in Europe. The peace proposal called for unselfish peace terms from the victorious Allies, the restoration of territories conquered during the war, the right to national self-determination, and the establishment of a postwar world body to resolve future conflict.