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40 Cards in this Set

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Form of government in the US. It had two house legislatures. Georgia and Pennsylvania were excluded
it was made to free the black slaves. Every state north of Maryland agreed to free slaves. The southern states wanted to keep the slaves. it led to the civil war
Land Ordinance (1785)
Law passed by congess to provide an orderly method for settling public land north of the ohio river. Everytownship was to contain 640 acres each. it cost $1.00/acre
Articles of Confederation
1787. a plan developed by congess to unite the states and establsih a legal authority. it had to be ratified. (7 out of the 13)
Shay's Rebellion
took place in massachusetts. it was the first revolt in the US. Farmers were losing their land because they couldnt pay their taxes
Federalists Convention (1787)
Took place in Philidelphia. they reviewed to articles of confederation and decided that a constitution needed to be created. the most intelligent people attended.
Virginia Plan
Based on population for voting. proposed by Madison. it drafted three equal branches
New Jersey Plan
they were small states. it was developed so all of the states could have an equal vote
The Great Comprimise
it set up a bicameral system. each state had equal number of senator. two from each state. House of reps. went according to population
Bill of Rights
It was the first 10 amendments. they were made in 1791. they ensure basci rights. more amendments were added later on
Branches of Government
there are three branches.
Executive- president
Legislative- congress
Judicial- supreme court
checks and balances
to create an equal power of control among the three branches of govt. no one branch could over power the others.
Federalist papers
written by federalists. they were letters to convince congress for a strong central govt
electoral college
each state chooses electors equal to its representaion in congress. they would meet to vote for the pres. the winner is decided by the majority rule. there are 100 senators and 435 house of reps.
electoral college failed twice
the electoral college failed twice. 1. 1800 thomas jefferson vs. Aaron Burr 2. 1824 Andrew Jackson vs Quincy Adams
George Washington
1st pres of the US. took office on April 30th, 1789. great military leader. ran for two terms
John Adams
First vice pres of the US. became 2nd pres of the US. he was with the Democratic-Republican party 1747- 1801
Rubber Stamp
the farmers devised the electoral system to be cautios. the electoral college usually reflect the peoples wishes. there was a case where jimmy carter won the popular vote but not the electoral vote, so Ronal Regan won the election.
The Federalis Era
1789-1824. the govt was managed by those who had drawn the constitution document. few anti federalists were elected to the govt. lost control in election of 1800s
Whisky Rebellion
1794. it was a revolt of farmers against the tax on whisky. it was put down by washington.
Branches of Government
there are three branches.
Executive- president
Legislative- congress
Judicial- supreme court
checks and balances
to create an equal power of control among the three branches of govt. no one branch could over power the others.
Federalist papers
written by federalists. they were letters to convince congress for a strong central govt
electoral college
each state chooses electors equal to its representaion in congress. they would meet to vote for the pres. the winner is decided by the majority rule. there are 100 senators and 435 house of reps.
electoral college failed twice
the electoral college failed twice. 1. 1800 thomas jefferson vs. Aaron Burr 2. 1824 Andrew Jackson vs Quincy Adams
George Washington
1st pres of the US. took office on April 30th, 1789. great military leader. ran for two terms
John Adams
First vice pres of the US. became 2nd pres of the US. he was with the Democratic-Republican party 1747- 1801
Rubber Stamp
the farmers devised the electoral system to be cautios. the electoral college usually reflect the peoples wishes. there was a case where jimmy carter won the popular vote but not the electoral vote, so Ronal Regan won the election.
The Federalis Era
1789-1824. the govt was managed by those who had drawn the constitution document. few anti federalists were elected to the govt. lost control in election of 1800s
Whisky Rebellion
1794. it was a revolt of farmers against the tax on whisky. it was put down by washington.
Farewell Address
the last speech given by washington as president. he warned against political parties and attachment to foreign nations.
XYZ Affair
the French dispatched three individuals asking for bribes for the privilege to meet the foreign minister. the US sent John Marshall. they gave him no respect
Quasi War
1798-1799. US was in rage. Ready for war with France. the french backed out.
Election of 1800
Republicans- Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
Federalist- John Adams and Charles Pinckney. Votes go to the Hous of reps. Jefferson wins. resulted on the 12th amendment
Benjamin Banneker
After L'Enfant left, he took over in designing the white house. he was a free balck man
Thomas Jefferson
3rd pres of the US. served two terms. 1801-1809. had an affair
an indian girl who was the guide in the exploration. translator for Lewis and Clark. married a French Canadian
A black slave who helped Lewis and Clark in their expedition. he was very skilled in hunting and fishing. he was treated equally.
Louisiana Purchase
May 1803. Thomas Jefferon wanted to buy that land. Napoleon sold it for $15 million
Barbary War
N ASfrican countries had many pirates that stole merchendise. jefferson sent out naval ships to stop them. it was our first victory outside of US