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42 Cards in this Set

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The role of the National Intelligence Council is

Conduct analytic studies as directed by the Director if National Intelligence

If asked to prepare a report on the US Government stance toward the status of the North Atlantic (NATO) vs the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) a FSo should emphasize what?

NATOs mission now includes more partners over a wider geographical-area and the OSCE allows for cost sharing and non duplicating efforts

If a child of a US Citizen is abducted and taken to another country, the parent can file a request for the return of the child with what international entity?

The Hauge convention

How many parents consents are required for a child under 14 to obtain a passport in the US?


The US Counterterrorism Team is led by who?

The Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism

The National Counterterrorism Center reports to who?

The Director of National Intelligence

How many non permanent members are on the UN Security Council in addition to the 5 permanent members?


So 15 seats total

Who was the first African American Supreme Court Justice?

Thurgood Marshall

What is a sunshine law?

Legislation guaranteeing access to information held by the state

What can a Super Political Action Committee not do?

It can raise funds for a campaign and support the campaign but not coordinate directly with the campaign

What is a 527 Group?

Nonprofit that promotes political agenda

What did the War Powers Act if 1973 do?

Limited presidents use of troops abroad (most presidents ignore this act and question it's constitutionality

What does GATT and WTO stand for? How are they related? Tell me even more!

GATT- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

WTO- World Trade Organization

GATT turned into WTO

What was the significance of Gideon v. Wainwright?

1963 All government including States must provide an attorney for defendant

What is the significance of Escondido vs. IL


Any defendant who asks for a lawyer must be granted one

What is the significance of Miranda vs. AZ?

All defendants must be informed of their legal rights (1966)

What is the significance of Griswold vs. CT?

Establishes right to privacy through 3;4;9 Amendments

What was the significance of U.S. vs. Nixon?

Upheld executive privilege except in criminal cases

What was the Lilly Led better Fair Pay Act?

2009- Closed loopholes on suits on discriminatory pay

What was Scheme vs. US?

Established"Clear and Present Danger" in limiting free speech

When was the National Security Act passed? What did it do?

1947- provided for a single Department of Defense to replace the three independently run services, gave statutory status to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, established a National Security Council to advise the President, and created a Central Intelligence Agency to gather information and to correlate and evaluate intelligence activities around the world.

What was the Boland Amendment?

Ordered a ban on supporting the Contrasin Nicuragua

Maybury vs. Madison (1803)

Established Supreme Court ability to strike down legislation as unconstitutional

Fletcher vs. Peck (1810)

First decision declaring state legislation action was unconstitutional

McCulloch vs. Maryland (1816)

created doctrine of implied federal powers

expanded Congress' legislative ability

exploited ,"necessary and proper" clause of Article 1

Gibons Vs. Ogden (1824)

defined broad range of commerce that congress could legislate

Scott vs. Sanford (1857)

attempt to settle the Slavery controversy

declared MO Compromise unconstitutional

Roger B Tanney Chief Justice

Brown vs. Board of Education (1954-1955)

Seperate but equal unconstitutional

Warren Court

Earl Warren appointed Chief Justice in 1953

ruled on Brown vs Board of Ed.

Made bill of rights more explicit

expanded meaning of freedom of speech, Press

required States to follow all procedural guaruntees in Amendments 4-8

Burger Court

1969 Warren Burger appointed by Nixon

Mostly conservative

weighed balance between Society and individual rights (Society usually won)

ruled on Roe v. Wade

Gave freedom of speech Protection to commercial advertising

Defeated Parochial School attempts toget funding

Abstention Doctrine

requires Fed Courts to avoid intruding into ongoing state judicial Proceedings or duplicating litigation a leady in State courts

Rights vs. Entitlements

Rights- constitutional basis; restricts only gov't

EntitleMent- federal law or action of state/local gov't

impose duties and responsabilities on people and private institutions

Who is on the National Security Council (NSC)?


Vice president

Secretary of defense

Secretary of state

Director of the CIA

Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .

about a dozen other government officials

headed by the National Security Advisor

What was the Helms-Burton Act (Libertad)?

Passed in 1996

Strengthend U, S. embargo against Cuba

The act extended the territorial application of the initial embargo to apply to foreign companies trading with Cuba, and penalized foreign companies allegedly "trafficking" in property formerly owned by U.S. citizens but confiscated by Cuba after the Cuban revolution. The act also covers property formerly owned by Cubans who have since become U.S. citizens.[

What was the goal of the The Telecommunications Act of 1996 ? List Some unintended consequences.

To promote competition in the broadcast media.

It eased the restrictions on the number of television stations a single company could own

Lifted all limits on radio station ownership except to prevent control of a market or geographic area.

The legislation led to more concentration in the industry.

What act setup tlie original radio regulations? When? What were they?

The Federal Radio Act (1927) set up licensing procedures to allocate frequencies under the premise that the airwaves belong to the public.

What act regulates most broadcast Media? And established the FCC?

The current regulatory framework was established by the 1934 Federal Communications Act, which established the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

What act created the FDA?

Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

What Program did the Welfare Reform Act (1996) eliminate? What did it replace it with?

Eliminated the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

Created Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

What act gave the president power to submit the budget to Congress? What Office did it create?

Budget and Accounting Act of 1921

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which was created in 1970 in the Executive Office of the White House,

What was decided in Loving v. Virginia?

U.S. Supreme Court finds the state anti-miscegenation laws are unconstitutional, ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage.1968

What is the significance of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson?

U.S. Supreme Court finds that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination.