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97 Cards in this Set

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Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
In what city was the Declaration of Independence written and later signed?
What date was the Declaration of Independence formally approved?
July 4, 1776
According to the Declaration of Independence, government exist for what purposes?
Government exist to insure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
What is another term for the word liberty?
What is another term for the word jutice?
What form of government does the United States have?
The United States has a republic form of government.
What document was the first to describe the national government of the United States of America?
The Articles of Confederation
What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
1) The national government could not raise taxes.
2) The national government could not enforce laws.
3) The national government could not regulate trade among the states.
4) Required 100% approval states to make changes.
What was the main issue blocking the ratification of the Articles of Confederation?
Whether the states or the national government would control the lands west of the Appalachians.
Define the term preamble in one word.
This system gives each branch of government the ability to limit the power of the others.
Checks and Balances
This system provides for the national government to have some powers and the states to have others.
This idea was the basis for dividing the national government into three branches.
Separation of Powers
What are the parts of the United States Constitution?
1) The Preamble
2) Seven Articles
3) Twenty-seven Amendments
"We the people", starts which part of the United States Constitution?
The Preamble
In this form of government, citizens elect representatives to make laws and run the government.
In which city was the United States Constitution drafted and later approved?
What are the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution called?
The Bill of Rights
These are protected by the Bill of Rights.
Individual Rights
The phrase "form a more perfect union" in the preamble means...
Create a nation in which states work together.
The phrase "establish justice" in the preamble means...
Make laws and set up courts that are fair.
The phrase "insure domestic tranquility" in the preamble means...
Keep peace within the country.
The phrase "provide for the common defense" in the preamble means...
Safeguard (protect) the country from attack.
The phrase "promote the general welfare" in the preamble means...
Contribute to the happiness and well-being of all the people.
The phrase "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" in the preamble means...
Make sure future citizens remain free.
Article 1 of the United States Constitution describes...
The Legislature
Article 2 of the United States Constitution describes...
The Executive
Article 3 of the United States Constitution describes...
The Judiciary
The preamble describes the ...
purpose of government and the purpose of the Constitution
Article 4 of the United States Constitution describes the...
Relationships Among States
Article 5 of the United States Constitution deals with...
Amending the Constitution
Article 6 of the United States Constitution establishes...
The Supremacy of the National Government. This article also establishes the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the country
Article 7 of the United States Constitution deals with...
The Ratification of the Constitution.
According to Article 7 of the United States Constitution ____ of the states had to ratify it before it took effect.
Nine of the 13 states had to ratify the Constitution before it would take effect.
What are three branches of the United States Government?
The Legistative Branch (Legislature), the Executive Branch, the Judical Branch (Judiciary).
The legislative branch is also known as the ________.
What five rights does the First Amendment protect?
Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition
Define the term veto.
Veto is the power of the President to stop/reject a bill from becoming a law.
Which two bodies make up the legislative branch?
The legislative branch is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate
Which branch of the government makes laws, declares war, and raise armies?
Only the Legistative Branch (Congress) can make laws, declare war and raise armies.
How many members are in the House of Representatives?
The House of Respresentatives has 435 members.
The number of Representatives a state gets is based on ____________.
the state's populaiton
Who serves as the head of the House of Representatives?
The Speaker of the House
Who serves as the head of the Senate?
The Vice-President of the United States is the President of the Senate.
How many members are in the Senate?
There are 100 members in the Senate (two from each state).
In case of a tie in the Senate, _______ casts the tie-breakng vote.
The two groups that make up the Congress are _________ and the __________.
House of Representatives in the Senate make up the Congress.
What are the requirements to be a member of the House of Representatives?
25 years of age,
7 years a citizen,
resident of state representing
What are the requirements to be a member of the Senate?
30 years of age,
9 years a citizen,
resident of state representing
It takes ________ vote in Congress to override a presidental veto.
Congress exercises checks and balances on the ________ and _________ branches of government.
executive and judical
___________ can bring charges of impeachment on the President and other government officals and ________ tries the charges.
The House of Representatives brings the charges and the Senate tries the charges.
The supreme law of the United States is _________.
the Constitution of the United States
__________ has the power to make treaties with foreign governments.
The President
The ________ with a ________ vote can approve teaties with foreign governments
The Senate with a 2/3 vote can approve teaties with froeign governments.
Which offical can call a special session of Congress?
The President can call a special session of Congress.
The main duty of the executive branch is to...
enforce and carry out laws.
____________ is the head of the executive branch.
The president
__________ is the head of the Supreme Court.
The Chief Justice
What are the qualification to be President of the United States?
35 years of age,
natural born citizen,
lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years
How is the President of the United States elected?
The President of the United States is elected by the electoral college.
It takes ________ electoral college votes to win a presidental election.
The number of votes each state has in the electoral college is equal to _________.
a state's number of Representatives and Senators.
Knowing Illinois has 21 electoral college votes when then know Illinois has ____ members in the House of Representatives.
If a president approves a bill it is signed and becomes a _____, if the president wants to reject a bill it is ___.
When a bill is signed it becomes a law.
To reject a bill the president vetoes it.
Each term of office for the president is ____ years.
A person can on be elected to ____ terms as president.
Which two governmental groups may propose amendmetns to the Constitution?
Congress and state legislatures may propose amendments to the Constitution.
To introduce a constitutional amendments it requires ____ vote in both houses of Congress.
For an amendment to be ratified it requires ____ of the the states to approve it.
Members of the Supreme Court are appointed _________ and confirmed ________.
by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
The main duty of the judical branch is to ......
interpret laws.
How many judges are on the Supreme Court?
What is the term of office for a federal court judge?
The Supreme Court (Judical Branch) can check the power of the legislative branch by...
declaring a law unconstitutional
The highest court in our land is _________.
the Supreme Court
The judical branch of government forms a check on the executive branch by...
declaring executive acts unconstitutional.
To prevent a person from committing a crime in one state and fleeing to another, the process of extradition is followed. This means...
a court order is made returning the accused person back to the state the crime was committed.
Impeachment means to ...
formally acuse of wrong doing.
What office in tne national government requires a person to be a natural born citizen?
President of the United States
_______ means to make an offical count of the population. This is done in the U.S. every _____ years.
census, 10
________ allows a prisoner to be brought before a judge to make sure he/she is being held lawfully.
Which branch of government has the power to establish federal courts?
The legistative branch.
According to Amendment 26 the voting age in the United States is ____________
18 years of age.
According to Amendment 23, which territory of the country has electoral votes, but is not a state?
The District of Columbia (the nation's capital) has three electoral votes.
Can a candidate win the Presidency by winning 10 or fewer states?
No, because the candidate would not have enough electoral votes.
What is a bill?
A bill is a proposed law.
Define unconstitutional.
Means something goes against the Constitution.
What is our written plan of government?
The Constitution is our written plan of government.
What is the term of office for a Representative?
A Repesentative's term of office is two (2) years.
What is the term of office for a Senator?
A Senator's term of office is six (6) years.
What is main duty of the legislative branch?
The main duty of the legislative branch is to make and write laws.
What is an amendment?
An amendment is a change or addition to the Constitution.
When was the Constituion ratified?
The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1787.
What year did the first president take office?
The first president's first term of office started in 1789.
Who was the first president of the United States of America?
George Washington was the first president of the United States of America.