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29 Cards in this Set

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Electoral College

Article 2, Amendments 12 and 23. Electors for each state are equal to # of Senators + # of Representatives. D.C. gets 3 votes. Total=270.

Washington's Farewell Adress

Warned against alliances and political parties. Warned about how it is dangerous to have strong alliances and be dragged into war alongside them, and it's dangerous to have enemies.

Thomas Jefferson: Secretary of State

Democratic republican, favored white educated men, State's rights, agriculture that was anti tariff, strict constitutional interpretation, favors states and local banks, minimal navy and state militia, Pro-French, more room to grow.

Alexander Hamilton: Secretary of Treasury

Federalist, favored wealthy, powerful central government, limited state's rights, tariff to favor domestic industry, capitalist, loose constitutional interpretation, powerful central bank, strong navy, Pro-British, less room to grow.

Democratic Republican

STRICT INTERPRETATION, state militia and coast guard, pro French


LOOSE INTERPRETATION, wanted big government, strong navy and army, pro British.

Bill of Rights

First 10 Amendments, was added by Madison to show the rights of people that were not included in the Constitution but would not take place of it. Protected all citizens except for slaves, at the time.

Judicial Review

The courts have the power to decide whether actions of the government are in accordance with the constitution

John Marshall

Chief Justice in the Supreme Court. Strict interpretation of the constitution. Reviewed many of the Supreme Court cases.

Marbury vs Madison

Man wanted to be a federal judge but his commission papers were not brought in. He tried using the judicial act of 1789 but article 3 said the court could not issue a writ for him.

McCulloch vs Maryland (state)

Man refused to pay tax on a separate bank. The state court reviewed the tax and said it was violating the supremacy clause.

McCulloch vs Maryland (federal)

Supreme Court reviewed the creation of his bank and said it was in accordance with the implied powers of the necessary and proper clause.

Gibbons vs Ogden (state)

Reviewed New York's granting of navigation rights to O and said it violated the supremacy clause.

Gibbons vs Ogden (federal)

Supreme Court reviewed Congress's power to give him a license and determined it went with the commerce clause.

Dartmouth College vs Woodward

Supreme Court reviewed the NH law that made it a public college and said it violated the ban on interference with contracts.

Henry Clay's American System

Tariffs, Transportation, National Bank

Election of 1800

Deadlock between Aaron Burr an Thomas Jefferson. Had to be taken to the House. John Adams won on federalist side. Using article 2 , House voted, Hamilton convinced some to choose Jefferson. He won.

12th Amendment

Added after the electoral college fiasco to allow for district ballots for President and Vice President.

Revolution of 1800

First time in world history that a peaceful transition of power took place from one political party to the other.

Constitutional basis of the Louisiana Purchase

Used the treaty making clause to make this constitutional.

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Two men were sent to explore land and record discoveries to aid in Westward expansion

Hamilton-Burr Duel

Hamilton released bad personal information about Burr while B was trying to run for New York governor. He lost because of it and essentially challenged Hamilton to a duel after an exchanging of insulting letters. Hamilton purposely missed but Burr shot directly at him and killed him.

War of 1812

War Hawks pushed it, native Americans were attacking us, US trade was bad, Britain took our ships and sailors captive. We fought back and won proving american can be independent.

James Madison

Wrote constitution and Bill of Rights. Kind of a big deal I guess

Burning of Washington DC

Most humiliating thing to happen the the US. DC was invaded and Dolly Madison saved many if the important documents before leaving.

Battle at Fort McHenry

Where star spangled banner was written. Nobody expected to make it trough the night but the next morning the flag was still waving proudly


Era of Good Feelings

Nationalism was felt after winning the war on our own. Expansion and opportunity created economic growth, federal government got powerful and unified the US

Monroe Doctrine (main points)

*No further European colonization on Westward Hemisphere

*Europe can keep existing colonies

*The US has no interest in Europe unless it involves us.

Missouri Compromise (main points)

*Missouri got into Union as a slave state (1821)

*Maine was made a free state (1820)

*Land in Louisiana Purchase North of 36° 30°, except for MO, enter Union as free states