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60 Cards in this Set

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Thomas Paine
author of common sense
George Washington
President, federalist, not military leader but a good man, continental congress, war leader
Thomas Jefferson
Demo-republican, love of fine foods, president for the people(common), sec. of state
James Madison
Anti-federalist, government in the hands of the people, co-author of the federalist papers
Alexander Hamilton
Federalist, sec. of treasury, assessed the nations economy, NY born, power with wealthy and elite
John Adams
federalist, President, deaf to growing factionalism, XYZ affair, Alien and Sedition acts, "midnight" judges
leader of Shawnee tribe and Iroquois confederacy
James Monroe
When pres, Era of good feeling- one party rule, Monroe doctrine- no European interference
Henry Clay
Leader of War hawks, American system, important politician- corrupt bargain
John Marshall
Chief justice, leans toward federal thinking, first to rule judicial review, Marbury v Madison judge
John Quincy Adams
Federalist>Demo-repub, Ghent, corrupt bargain, battled own party in congress
Andrew Jackson
Jacksonian democracy, led the battle of New Orleans>hero, Imperial pres, Vetoes everything, sends economy down the toilet, lassez-faire
Martin Van Buren
Selected by Jackson to succeed him, follows Jackson
Nicholas Biddle
Bank pres, Jackson blamed him for all of Americas debt
war hero of 1812, pres for 30 days, got sick and died
strong central government, economic development, National bank, paper currency, ex. Webster, Clay and Harrison
strong central government, nation over state, loose interpretation of constitution, power with wealthy and elite, pro-British, mob-fearing. Washington, Adams, Hamilton
Government controlled by the people, Strict interpretation of constitution, pro-French, farmers, local trade. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe
navigation acts
England controlling the movement of goods in and out of the colonies
proclamation of 1763
England limits settlement east past a certain point
Grenville acts
Stamp act: taxes of documents requiring a stamp. Quartering act: colonists required to house and provide for British soldiers
Townshend acts
small tax on tea and other things that the colonists are hyper aware of, colonists turn to violence and smuggling
Intolerable Acts
England trying to get more power with more taxes, it is taken as attempted slavery
Land ordinance 1785
survey before settlement, 6 miles square for township, 1/16th of town for school
Northwest ordinance 1787
federal government in charge of initial settlement on nationally gained land, ex. Louisiana purchase
alien and sedition acts
stifle acts against the government, detention of alien enemies
non-intercourse act
allows trade with only non-enemies
forbids exportation from america
Tariff 1828, 1832, 1833
high protective tariff that hurts southerners, SC responds and it is reduced twice
Paris 1763
after colonial wars, achieved colonial expansion
Paris 1783
after Revolution, England recognizes American independence, gain land, colonists agree to leave loyalists alone and to pay debts, French dont get anything
Jays treaty
facilitated peaceful trade between America and Britain
Louisiana purchase
$15mil, doubled American territory without war
Treaty of Ghent
negotiations are dropped, an indefinite suspension of hostilities
Constitutional "great" compromise
2 house legislature, house of reps(people vote, 2 yrs) and senate(state vote 6 yrs)
3/5ths compromise
African Americans count as 3/5ths person for voting, not taxed though
Missouri compromise
anything past Missouri is a free state, below is slave
indentured servitude
trade servitude for passage to america
lifetime hereditary slavery
makes slavery self-renewing
England controlling commercial interest in the colonies to keep the wealth within the empire
committees of correspondence
colonies come together with a network of revolutionary activity
checks and balances
3 branches of government, each with the power to check over the others
loose vs. strict interpretation of the Constitution
how the federalists vs. the anti-federalists applied the constitution
war hawks
Men that encouraged war with Britain in 1812, specifically Henry Clay
clay's american system
a tariff, a national bank, and federal subsidies, economic plan
monroe doctrine
no more European interference with America
jackson bank war
Jackson breaks down the "strong edifice" of the 2nd national bank and distributes the money to private banks
opposing federal law
Bacon's rebellion
Turned indentured servitude into full fledged slavery
Albany Congress
Join or die, first time the colonies came together, getting the Iroquois to abandon neutrality
Stamp act congress
congress to decide what should be done about the acts, sent petition to England with grievances and rights
Boston tea party
east india trade sells tea to america for cheap, colonists think its a trick to pay more taxes so they dump the tea into the harbor
Battle of Saratoga
victory here reassures the french, our support, that we have a chance at winning the war,
Shay's Rebellion
confirms the need for a stronger central government, farmers were losing farms to taxes so they became violent
Whiskey Rebellion
established that violent resistance to laws will not be tolerated, the government changed with the constitution. excise tax on whiskey affected farmers, got angry.
Election of 1800
represents the shift in two very different political philosophies, Adams>Jefferson, federalist>anti-federalist
Hartford convention
federalist convention, they ask for a reconsideration of the constitution, federalists die away
Nullification crisis
SC nullifies fed law and tariff, push for the right of states to oppose fed law, Jackson nullifies the nullification, tax reduced.