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32 Cards in this Set

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-point of entry for renal artery and renal nerves

Renal Sinus

-internal cavity within kidney

-lined by fibrous renal capsule

renal cortex
-superficial portion of kidney in contact with renal capsule
Renal pyramids

6-18 distinct structures in renal medulla

renal lobe consists of....

-renal pyramid

-overlaying area of renal cortex

-adjacent tissues of renal column

renal papilla

-ducts at apex of renal pyramid that discharge urine into minor calyx

major calyx

-formed by the merging of 4 or 5 minor calyx

renal pelvis

-large funnel shaped chamber

-consists of 2 or 3 major calyces

sympathetic innervation

-adjust the rate of urine formation by changing blood flow and blood pressure at nephron

-stimulates release of renin

blood supply to kidneys

-20-25% of total cardiac output

-1200 mL of blood flows through each minute


-consist of renal tubule and renal corpuscle

-proximal convoluted tubule

-distal convoluted tubule

proximal convoluted tubule
reabsorption of water, ions, and all organic nutrients
distal convoluted tubule

-secretion of ions, acids, drugs, and toxins

-variable reabsorbtion of water, sodium ions, and calcium ions


-consists of 50 intertwining capillaries

-blood delivered via afferent arteriole

-blood leaves via efferent arteriole


-occurs in renal corpuscle

-forces water and dissolved solutes out of glomerular capillaries into capsular space

3 functions of renal tubule

1. absorbs useful organic nutrients that enter filtrate

2.reabsorbs more than 90% of water

3.secrete waste products

Collecting system

each nephron empties into a series of tubes that carry tubular fluid away from nephron

Collecting ducts

-receive fluid from many nephrons

-begins in cortex, descends into medulla, carried fluid to papillary duct

Cortical nephrons

-85% of all nephrons

-perform most reabsorbtive and secretory functions of the kidneys

juxtamedullary nephrons

-15% of nephrons

-produce the most concentrated urine

Filtration membrane consists of....

-fenestrated endothelium

-dense layer

-filtration slits

filtration slits

-narrow gaps between adjacent pedicles

-material passing out of glomerulus must be small enough to pass through slits

Nephron Loop

-renal tubule turn toward renal medulla

-Descending limb-fluid flows downward toward pelvis

-ascending limb - fluid flows up towards renal cortex`

3 processes of distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

1.active secretion of ions, acids, drugs, and toxins

2. selective reabsorption of sodium and calcium ions from tubular fluid

3.selective reabsorption of water

3 organic waste products



3.uric acid

Glomerular Filtration rate

-amount of filtrate kidneys produce each hour

-averages 125 ml/sec


-angiotensin system that increases blood pressure by increasing reabsorption of Na+

-converts angiotensinogen to angiotensinogen I

-angiotensinogen I in converted to II by angiotenison converting enzyme

natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP)

-decreases blood pressure by increasing secretion of Na+
3 stimuli that cause the release of renin

1.decline in BP at glomerulus due to increase in blood volume, fall in systemic pressures, or blockages

2.stimulation of juxtaglomerular cells by spmpathic innervation

3.decline in osmotic concentration of tubular fluid


-stimulated by angiotensinogen II

-accelerates sodium reabsorption in DCT

-this increases sodium reabsorption increases osmotic pressure

Natriuretic Peptides

-ANP- arterial

-BNP - ventricular

released by the heart in response to stretching walls due to increased pressure

5 functions of PCT

1.reabsoption of organic nutients

2.active reabsorption of ions

3.reabsoption of water

4.passive reabsorption of ions
