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198 Cards in this Set

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urine forming structure of the kidney

renal medulla

region of the kidney deep to the cortex; contains collecting ducts

renal columns

extensions of the renal cortex found between renal pyramids

papillary ducts

urine flowing through this structure drains into the MINOR calyx

adipose capsule

located between the renal fascia and renal capsule

renal papilla

apex of the renal pyramid

major calyces

urine flowing through this stucture drains into the renal pelvis

renal hilus (hilum)

vertical fissure in the concave surface of the kidney through which blood vessels and ureters pass

renal capsule

covers outer surface of kidney

renal fascia

dense irregular connective tissue that covers the adipose capsule and attaches the kidney to the abdominal wall

renal pelvis

receives urine from the MAJOR calyces

renal sinus

space within kidney that is adjacent to the renal medulla; contains calyces and renal pelvis

minor calyces

cup like structures located in renal sinus that receives urine from openings of papillary ducts

renal pyramids

cone shaped structures located within the renal medulla

renal cortex

outermost region of the kidney; contains renal corpuscles

urinary bladder

detrusor muscle is the main muscle for this structure

prostatic urethra

region of male urethra that passes through the prostate glad

ureteral openings

two openings in posterior wall of urinary bladder

spongy urethra

region of male urethra that passes through penis


area bounded by ureteral openings and internal urethral orifice

external urethral oriface

urine is excreted through this opening


carry urine from renal pelvis to bladder

external urethral sphincter

voluntary skeletal muscle in urogenital diaphragm that allows passage of urine to exterior of body

internal urethral sphincter

circular smooth muscle that involuntarily controls passage of urine from bladder to urethra

internal urethral oriface

anterior opening in bladder that leads to urethra

membranous urethra

region of male urethra that passes through urogenital diaphragm

afferent arteriole

blood vessel that delivers blood to glomerulus

peritubular capillaries

blood from the efferent arteriole flows into this capillary bed

bowman's capsule

structure that surrounds glomerulus and collects filtrate

Descending/Ascending loops of Henle

section(s) of renal tubule that descends into medulla


capillary network within the renal corpuscle

renal corpuscle

includes glomerulus and bowman's capsule

efferent arteriole

blood vessel that drains the glomerulus

Vasa Recta

capillary loop(s) that brances from the efferent arteriole and run along the loop of Henle

Flow of filtrate through urinary system

glomerulus, bowman's capsule, prox conv tubule, desc loop of Henle, acs loop of Henle, dist conv tubule, collecting duct, papillary duct, minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, ureters, urinary bladder, external urethral oriface

blood flow through kidney

renal artery, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus, peritubular capillary, renal vein

descending loop of Henle

reabsorption of and additional 15% of water by osmosis; impermeable to solutes.

collecting ducts

Area for last reabsorption of Na and Cl and secretion of K; hormones determine if urine is concentrated.

renal corpuscle

filters blood and forms filtrate

proximal convoluted tubule

area for reabsorption of majority of water and solutes from filtrate (by active and passive processes); secretion also occurs here.

distal convoluted tubule

area for more reabsorption of Na, Cl, and 10-15% more water.

ascending loop of Henele

area for reabsorption of Na and Cl that decreases the osmolarity of filrate; nearly impermeable to water


hormone that increases Na and Cl ion reabsorption and K secretion

tubular reabsorption

process of moving substances from renal tubule into peritubular capillary/ Vasa recta. Water and solutes cross wall of renal tubule, go through interstitial fluid, and return to blood by entering peritubular capillaries.

collecting ducts

ADH acts mainly of this portion of the nephron

tubular secretion

process of moving substances FROM peritubular capillaries/vasa recta INTO renal tubular

glomerular filtration

1st step of urine production; water and solutes pass through wall of glomerulus and through wall of bowman's capsule


voiding the bladder


Vasopressin; hormone that increases water reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct

seminal vesicles

secretes 60% of semen volume; alkaline pH; prostaglandins


organ that produces sperm

membranous urethra

part of urethra within the urogenital diapgragm


site of storage and maturation of sperm

prostate gland

secretes 25% of semen volume; increases viability and motility of sperm

ejaculatory duct

located in prostate; formed by union of ducts of the ductus (Vas) deferens and seminal vesicle


covers and protects testes

cremaster muscle

contracts to pull testes closer to body; located in spermatic cord

spongy urethra

section of urethra in penis

ductus (Vas) deferens

tube in the spermatic cord and pelvic cavity used for transporting sperm

Dartos muscle

smooth muscle; contracts to wrinkle scrotum; located in scrotal wall

prostatic urethra

ejaculatory duct opens into this part of urethra


copulatory organ; passage for urine and semen

bulbourethral glands

secretes mucus for lubrication of glans; alkaline pH

nucleus in head

part of sperm tat contains chromosomes


haploid cells that are formed when secodary spermatocytes under meiosis II.

leydig cells

cells that secrete testosterone


diploid stem cells


production of sperm

process that produces haploid sperm from diploid stem cells

stertoli cells

cells that surround spermatocyes and spermatids and provide chemical enviornment for spermatogenesis

interstitial space

space in the testes where leydig cells are found

primary spermatocytes

diploid cells that undergo meiosis I to form two haploid secondary spermatocytes


transforms spermatids into sperm

mitochondria in midpiece

part of sperm that produces ATP


propels the sperm


domed portion of uterus

uterine tubes

transports secondary oocytes toward uterus

ampulla of uterine tube

usual site of fertilization


finger-like projections on end of uterine tubes; found on end of infundibulum of uterine tubes

internal os

opening between uterus and cervix


largest portion of uterus


narrower portion of uterus; connects with vagina


implantation of zygote and development of fetus occurs in this organ


produces secondary oocytes and hormones


middle layer of uterus

broad ligament

sheet like ligament attaches uterus to lateral body wall

stratum funtionalis of endometrium

layer of uterus that sheds during menstration

round ligament

ligament attaches uterus to labia majora


area between the labia minora with openings of urethra and vagina


folds in vagina


erectile tissue


tissue that pads mons pubis

alveoli of mammary glands

milk producing glands

lactiferous duct openings

openings in nipple


organ for intercourse; canal for childbirth and menstration


another name for female external genitalia

development of ovum

histology of ovary

primordial follicle

primary follicle

secondary follicle

mature (graafian) follicle

corpus luteum

corpus albicans

pathway of secondary oocyte


fimbriae of uterine tube

infundibulum of uterine tube

ampulla of uterine tube

isthmus of uterine tube

fundus of uterus

body of uterus

secondary oocyte

the name of the ovulated structure prior to fertilization


the blastocyst structure that becomes the embryo

ampulla of uterine tube

the anatomical structure where fertilization normally takes place


the stage of the embryo that implants in the uterine wall

day 7

after fertilization, implantation normally occurs on this day


membrane that forms the embryonic side of the placenta


formed after morula stage

zona pellucisa

structure blastocyst sheds before implantation

deciduas basalis

structure that forms on the maternal side of the placenta

amniotic sac

the thin, protective membrane that encompasses the embryo


the side of the placenta that is smooth and shiny

number of umbilical arteries in cord; number of umbilical veins



has placental vili

number of primary germ layers that form all body organs

3 layers


sustains embryo with nutrients and removes wastes

secondary oocyte

name of female gamate

The Bilaminar Embryonic Disc is made up of what two (2) layers

Hypoblast and Epiblast Layer

What are the three (3) germ layers that make up the Trilaminar Embryonic Disc
Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm
Involves the use of epiblast and hypoblast cells


Gives rise to:

~Epithelium of the gastrointestinal track

& Respiratory system

~Many organs


Gives rise to:




~Connective Tissue


Gives rise to:

~all nervous tissue

~outer skin

The endoderm is produced by which type of cells from the bilaminar disc?

hypoblast cells

The Mesoderm and Ectoderm is produced by which type of cells from the bilaminar disc?
Epiblast Cells

male gamate


membrane that forms the embryonic side of the placenta

chorionic vili

inner layer of uterus where implantation occurs


name of fertilized egg


bag of water that breaks at birth

amniotic sac

fetal period from week _ to week _

9 to 38

by what week are all organs present

week 9

at what week does the fetus look human


the fetus FIRST doubles in size between weeks _ and _

12 and 20

the fetus doubles AGAIN between weeks _ and _

16 and 24

the fetus more than doubles between weeks _ and _

20 and 38

the term renal tubule includes the

prox conv tublue

loops of Henle

dist conv tubule

the greater the BP the ____ the filtration rate


glomerular filtration

water and solutes in blood pass THROUGH glom. capillary walls & visceral layer of bowman's capsule wall, and INTO bowman's capsule

tubular reabsorption

water and solutes more FROM prox/dist conv tubule wall, INTO peritubular caps/ vasa recta

tubular secretion

solutes move FROM peritubular capillaries, INTO "renal tubules" and are eliminated in urine

cortex of kidney includes

renal corpuscle

proximal & distal convoluted tubules

medulla of kidney includes

descending & ascending loops of Henle

collecting ducts, papillary ducts

renal corpuscle is made up of


bowman's capsule

reproductive cascade

hypothalamus: GRH

Ant. Pit. gland: LH and FSH


~ovaries- progesterone, estrogen, inhinbin, relaxin

~testes- testosterone, inhibin

Vasa Recta provides...

nutrients, gas exchange, waste removal for nephron (desc/asc loops of Henle)


As the osmotic pressure in the glomerulus increases, filtration


As the hydrostatic pressure in bowman capsule ______, filtration decreases


ADH promote the reabsorption of whatb


Is a by product of amino acid metabolism

Uric acid

Results from the metabolism nucleic acid

46 chromosomes/23 pairs

Spermatogonia have _____ chromosomes


How do primary spermatocytes divide

Secondary spermatocytes

Primary spermatocytes divide by meiosis to form 2 secondary spermatocytes

2 spermatids

2 secondary spermatocytes divide into ____ That each have 23 chromosomes


The combined process of meiosis and spermiogenesis


Development of spermatids into mature sperm

Tunica albuminea

Tough, white fibrous capsule surrounding each testis

Meiosis is necessary because

Otherwise the fertilized ovum will have too much genetic material

During the first meiotic division

Homologous chromosome pairs separate

Urinary bladder muscle

The detrusor muscle is in the

Layers of the ureter

Outer fibrous coat, middle muscular, inner mucous

If glucose is not reabsorbed in tubular fluid _____ increases

The osmotic pressure (if glucose isn't reabsorbed)

Increase in urine volume is called


Glomerular filtration produces about how many liters of fluid in 24 hours

180 liters of fluid produced in 24 hrs

Differences between plasma and filtrate

Filtrate has same substances except for larger protein molecules

A decrease in bowman capsule hydrostatic pressure will ___ the rate of glomerular filtration

Increase the rate of glomerular filtration

Micro villi in wall of proxy conv tubule

Adaptation in PCT for reabsorption

The juxtaglomerular apparatus regulated the filtration rate by

Renin-angiotensin II vasoconstricting both eff and aff arterioles

Vasoconstricting od eff and aff arterioles

Increases filtration rate in glomerulus

An increase in glomerular osmotic pressure ___ the rate of glomerular filtration


The number of sperm cells that form from a primary spermatocytes

4 sperm cells

The structure the sperm enters upon exiting the Vas deferens is the

Ejactulatory duct

The egg or ovum is more correctly called a

Secondary oocyte

The Zona pellucida consists of


Group of cells in the zygote responsible for forming placenta

Trophoblasts form

Hydrostatic pressure

Pressure of h2o in blood

Drives filtration

Hydrostatic pressure

H2o goes to region with less water

Renin angiotenson system

Decreases glom. Filtration rate

Increases blood pressure

Increases ADH and aldosterone secretion

Excretion pathway

Collecting ducts

Renal papillae

Minor calyx

Major calyx

Renal pelvis




Sertoli cells secrete

Secrete hormone inhibin

Leydig cells secrete

Cells that secrete testosterone


Creates 4 haploid spermatids with 23 single chromosomes


Fertilization to implantation


Implantation to 8 weeks


12 weeks to birth


Birth to 1 year

Stratum functionalis

Layer of uterine wall that sheds during menstruation

Stratum basalis

Layer of uterine wall that is made of stem cells to replace strat. Functionalis each month

Cascade effect

GRH to LH & FSH to estrogen progesterone inhibin relaxin


Stimulates follicle development


Stimulates development of follicle

Graafian follicle

Mature follicle; blisters that ruptures to release secondary oocyte


When sperm fuses with egg


When sperm DNA and egg DNA join

3 parts of blastocyst

Trophoblasts- placenta

Embryologic- embryo area

Blastocyst cavity

Endometrial layers INCLUDING zygote

Decidua basalis- bet zygote and stratum basalis

D. Capsularis - capsule around zygote

D. Parietalis- lines inside of uterine cavity


Fertilized oocyte.

12 to 24 hours after ovulation


To 3rd day, mitosis


To 4th day, solid ball of cells


Thru 2nd week. Hollow ball


End of 2nd week, germ layers present