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27 Cards in this Set

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What does the Urinary system remove from the blood stream?
by-products of metabolism and toxins
What does the Urinary system conserve?
salts, glucose, proteins and water
What does the urinary system regulate?
blood pressure, hemodynamics and acid-base balance
What does the urinary system activate?
Vitamin D
What covers the kidneys?
capsule of dense irregular collagenous ct
What structures make up the kidneys?
Cortex and the medulla
What structures make up the medulla of the kidney?
renal pyramids
What seperates the renal pyramids?
cortical columns
What smaller structure makes up the renal pyramids?
Renal Lobule
What does a renal lobule consist of ?
A medullary ray with surrounding cortical labyrinth
What are uriniferous tubules?
Where urine is made and modified
nephron is the functional unit of kidney
What are the parts of the uriniferous tubules?
renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, connecting tubule, collecting tubule, papillary duct of bellini
What is renal corpuscle made of?
Bowman's capsule
glomerulus- capillaries
What is the visceral layer of bowman's capsule formed by?
Podocytes- have filtration diaphragm
What is the liquid called that passes through the filtration of podocytes?
glomerular ultrafiltrate
What does the distal tubule pump from lumen and what do cells make?
chloride and make Tamm-Horsfall protein
What makes up the justaglomerular apparatus?
macula densa
juxtaglomerular cells
extraglomerular mesangial cells
What does the macula densa cells do?
send signals for other cells to produce renin
What are juxtaglomerular cells?
Modified smooth muscles cells
contain renin
Where are extraglomerular mesangial cells found?
between macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells
What are the cell types of collecting tubules?
principal cells, intercalated cells
When are collecting tubules not impermeable to water?
Presence of ADH
What do intraglomerular mesangial cells do?
provide structural support and also have phagocytic activity
What do ureters do?
Conduct urine from renal pelvis to posterior bladder wall
What is the detrusor muscle?
Internal sphincter for urethra
contraction forces urine into urethra
What is the sympathetic innervation for in bladder?
innervates vessels
What is the parasympathetic innervation for in bladder?
micturition reflex