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22 Cards in this Set

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Detrusor Muscle
smooth muscle layer of bladder. relax = urine expand, contract = eliminate
triangle area that marks the opening of the ureters and urethra at base of bladder
problem of school age children where its an involuntary control of voiding
medication that increases urine formation via preventing neprhons to produce urine. ex. furosemide, chlorothiazides
aka diuresis, produce abnormal amount of urine via kidneys
excessive thirst
decreased urine output: 30ml/ hr or 500ml/day for an adult
lack of urine production
urinary frequency
voiding more than 4-6 times a day. drinking too much, UTI, stress, pregnancy can cause this
voiding 2 or 3 times at night
urinary urgency
a sudden strong desire to void. not a normal finding, person might have psychological stress and trigone and urethra irritation
painful or difficult voiding. cause ex via stricture (narrowing) or urethra, UTI, bladder/urethra injury. will feel burning sensation when voiding
urinary incontinence
A health symptom and NOT a DX, an involuntary leakage or loss of bladder control. females can have UI from having shorter urethras or trauma to pelvic floor during childbirth, or menopause.
urinary retention
urine accumulates as bladder is impaired and ultimately over distended. overdistention impairs detrusor muscle contraction. ex. get urinary retention from prostatic hypertrophy, surgery, medications
Blood Urea Nitrogen
Protein metabolism: protein => ammonia => urea.
evaluates kidney function
neurogenic bladder
nervous damage to bladder resulting in person unable to perceive bladder fullness therefore no control of urinary sphincters.
residual urine
the remaining amount of urine after voiding. around 50-100ml
creatinine clearance
produced by muscles in constant amounts. test for kidney. uses 24hr urine and serum creatinine level to determine GFR.
suprapubic catheter
inserted surgically through abd wall above pubic symphysis intro urinary bladder. maybe permanent for pelvic or urethra trauma or temporary for urethra, vagina, bladder surgery.
when renal failure, blood filtering done via dialysis technique where fluids and molecules pass through semipermeable membrane. common are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
ileal conduit
aka ileal loop, common urinary diversion where sgement of the ileum is removed and intestinal ends are reattached. forms a stoma and a pouch, where the ureters are attached to the pouch. bladder is removed.
diverts urine from kidney to stoma