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7 Cards in this Set

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What are some key characteristics of epistaxis (nosebleed)?
- anterior occurs most in children, young adults. self-treated and stops spontaneously
- posterior occurs most in adults. May require treatment (cauterization, nose packing)
- First Aid: sit leaning forward, apply pressure for 10-15 min, cold packs to nose or back of neck
-Prevention: quit smoking, use humidifier if heater is on, open mouth when sneezing.
What are some key characteristics of influenza?
- 2 Types: A and B
- significant mortality rate: about 20,000 deaths/year in US
- Prevention: vaccination is best way (esp for vulnerable) and hand washing
- Symptoms: chills, fever, aches & pains, headache, cough, runny nose, sore throat, N&V, malaise and weakness
- Treatment: no cure, just tylenol, rest, increased fluids, treatment of symptoms, antivirals within 24-48 hrs, antibiotics only if secondary bacterial infection develops as result of flu
What are some key characteristics of sinusitis?
- one of most common medical conditions
- may occur in maxillary, ethmoid, frontal, or sphenoid sinuses
- Symptoms: pain, tenderness, swelling over infected sinus, yellow or green pus from nose, fever and chills Chronic: nasal obstruction d/t fluid, nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, colored discharge and decreased sense of smell, generalized malaise
- Treatment: remove cause if it is allergens, decongestants, corticosteroids, and mucolytics to improve drainage and symptoms, steam vaporizer, hot shower, antibiotics for infection, surgery if all else fails (Caldwell-Luc (maxillary sinus) or Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) through the nose)
What are some key characteristics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- blockage of airway, usually when soft tissue in rear of throat collapses and closes during sleep
- wakes up tired, irritable, cranky, with sore throat, morning headache (lack of O2 to brain), insomnia
- Diagnosis: confirmed by sleep studies, requires multiple episodes of apnea
- Treatment: CPAP, weight los, gastric bypass
What are some key characteristics of head and neck cancer?
- assess for onset and duration of symptoms, pain to the ear, difficulty breathing and swallowing, blood in expectorant
- Risk Factors: tobacco/alcohol/marijuana use, voice abuse, chronic laryngitis, exposure to chemicals/dust, neglect of oral hygiene, increase in age (men), HPV
- Symptoms: often detected early bc it can cause hoarseness
- Diagnosis: physical exam, indirect or direct larygoscopy, CT scan, biopsy
- Treatment: radiation, chemo, surgery (radical neck dissection to remove lymph nodes)
- Speech Therapy: esophageal speech, artificial larynx, tracheoesophageal speech (electrical device)
What are some key characteristics of Facial Injuries?
- ensure adequate airway
- cervical spine precautions
- control bleeding with careful direct pressure
- protect open wounds
- watch for CSF leaking from nose (rhinorrhea), eyes (otorrhea), halo sign (blood collects in center and yellow fluid encircles, damage to dura mater
What are some key characteristics of facial trauma?
- can be to nose, eyes, cheek (maxillary), jaw (mandible), and teeth
- adm. normal saline with large bore IV to prevent hypotension
- assess for leaking CSF from nose, ears, eyes (but don't occlude drainage d/t increased risk of infection)
- apply cool packs to reduce edema