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124 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the deltoid muscle?
1. abduction of the arm.
What is the anterior part of the deltoid and what does it do?
2.anteversion, medially rotates the arm
What is the middle part of the deltoid and its function?
2. abducts the arm, helps in anteversion
What is the posterior part of the deltoid and its function?
2. retroversion, lateral rotation of the arm
What innervates the deltoid? Where does the nerve come from?
Axillary nerve. Brachial nerve C5-C6
Where is the deltoid located? 3 origins.
1/3 lateral part of clavicle, acromion process, lower border of the spine of scapula.
What is inserted on the deltoid tuberosity on the lateral part of humerus?
deltoid DUH
Where is the supraspinatus?
deeper to the trapezius and deltoid muscle.
Where does the supraspinatus attach?
1. supraspinatus fossa of scapula
2. the upper facet of the greater tubercle of humerus.
What does the supraspinatus do for us?
1.abductor of the arm
2.rotator cuff muscle
What controls the supraspinatus?
1.suprascapular nerve
2. brachial plexus C5-C6
Where is the infraspinatus?
1.inferior to the spine of scapula
2. deeper to the spinal fibers of deltoid muscle
Where does the infraspinatus attach?
1. infraspinatus fossa of scapula
2. middle part of greater tubercle of the humerus.
What does the infraspinatus do and what controls it?
1.lateral rotator of the arm
2. rotator cuff muscle group
3.suprascapular nerve C4-C6
Where does our teres minor attach?
1.lateral border of the scapula
2. the lower facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus
What does the teres minor do for us and what controls it?
1. lateral rotator of the arm
2. rotator cuff muscle
3.axillary nerve C5-C6
Where does our teres major attach?
1.lateral, inferior angle of the scapula.
2. inferior to the lesser tubercle of the humerus.
What controls the teres major to adduct and medially rotate the arm?
1. lower subscapular nerve C6-C7 brachial plexus
What are the 5 major terminal brachial nerves?
4.axillay or cicumflex
What is the Latissimus Dorsi purpose for us?
1. medial, extension, adduction of the arm
2. coughing and force expiration
Where does the latissimus dorsi attach?
1.T7-T12, thoracolumbar fasicia
2.illiac crest, lower ribs 10-12
3. inferior angle of scapula
What controls our Latissimus dorsi?
1. thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8
2. only the posterior cord comes from brachial plexus
Where is the subscapularis muscle?
1. anterior of scapula
2.along the ribs and intercostal muscle
Where does the subscapularis attach?
1.Scapular fossa (anterior)
2. lesser tubercle of humerus
What does the subscapularis muscle do and what controls it?
1. Arm adduction and medial rotation.
2. subscapular nerves C5-C7
Where does our pectoralis major attach?
1.medial clavicle
2.sternum & upper costal cartilage
3. rectus sheath (abdominal portion)
4.insert into crest of greater tubercle
What is the purpose of our pectoralis major?
1. adduction & medial rotation of arm
2. assists in respiration by expanding the thoracic cage
What does the clavicle portion of the pectoralis major do?
1. anteversion of upper arm
What nerves control pectoralis major?
1. lateral & medial pectoral nerves C5-T1
2. Brachial plexus
Where does our pectoralis minor attach?
1. beneth the pectoralis major
2. upper ribs 3-5
3.coracoid process of scapula
What is the pectoralis minor's job?
1.pulls scapula forward and downward
2. makes glenoid cavity face downward
What controls the pectoralis minor?
1. medial pectoral nerve C8-T1
What are the attachments of our coracobrachialis muscle?
1. coacoid process
2. medial surface of upper part of humerus
What does and controls the coracobrachialis muscle?
1. anteversion of arm
2. adduction of the arm
3. musculocutaneous nerve C5,C6,C7 lateral cord of brachial plexus
Where does our Serratus anterior muscle go?
1. 1st 8-9 ribs muscle takes a backward course around chest toward the scapula.
2. medial,superior,inferior angle of scapula
What does our serratus anterior muscle do?
1. elevates arm above 90
2.protracts scapula holds it against thoracic wall
3. glenoid cavity faces upward-lateral rotation of scapula
4. accessory muscle in respiration while lifting ribs.
What innervates the serratus anterior muscle?
1. the long thoracic nerve C5-C7
2. proximal nerves of brachial plexus
3. injury to this nerve occurs in removal of lymph nodes
Where does the biceps brachii muscle originate?
1.short head-coracoid process of the scapula.
2. long head-supraglenoid tubercle
What tendon passes through the shoulder joint andintertubercular (bicipital) groove?
long head tendon
What aids in anteversion of the shoulder joint?

What is a flexor and strong supinator of the forearm?
biceps brachi.

biceps brachi @ elbow joint
What acts as the abductor and medial rotator of the arm?
long head
What acts as an adducter of the arm?
short head
What innervates the biceps brachii? casusing Bicep Jerks
Musculocutaneous nerve branching from lateral cord of brachial plexus.
Where is the brachialis?
lower half of the humerous anteriorly to the ulnar tuberosity.
What controls the powerful flexor of the elbow joint?
1. brachilias
2. musculocutaneous nerve C5-C6, & RADIAL nerve
1. antevertor of the arm
Triceps long head originates where?
1. infraglenoid tubercle
2. insert to olecranon process
lateral and medial triceps brachi originate where?
1. humerous
2. insert into olecranon process
What innervates the posterior muscles on the arm?
1. radial nerve C6,C7,C8

Triceps jerk C7-C8
Strong extensor of the arm and aids in 2 shoulder joint retroversion and add of arm?
1. triceps brachii
small triangular muscle between lateral epicondyle of humerus and upper ulna?
1. Common head for flexors?
2. Common head for extensors?
1. originate from anterior aspect of medial epicondyle of the humerous
2. dorsal aspect of the lateral humeral epicondyle
Where is the Palmaris longus located?
1. superficially, medial epicondyle of the humerus
What flexes the hand and tenses the palmer aponeurosis?
Palmaris longus
What innervates the palmaris longus?
median nerve C7-C8
Where is the pronator teres?
medial (ulnar) side of the elbow to lateral (radial) side of the forearm
What is the functio of the Protantor teres?
pronation of forearm and flexion of the elbow
Where and what innervates the protantor teres?
median nerve C6-C7 and passes between two heads of protantor teres
FLexor Carpi Radialis origination?
1. runs in the Carpal tunnel in a groove on the trpezium. base of the second metacarpal bone.
What are the functions of flexor carpi radialis?
1. Palmer flexion and radial abduction of hand.
2. flexes and pronation of the elbow
What innervates the flexor carpi radialis?
median nerve C6-C7
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis runs where?
3-4 bellies connected to each other, ends in 4 tendons RUNNING in Carpel Tunnel inserting into intermediate phalangeal bones
What does/controls the flexor digitorum do?
flexion of the elbow, wrist and fingers.

Median Nerve
Where is the flexor carpi ulnaris?
medial epicondyle of the humerus and the ulna

hamate and fifth metacarpal bone
What does/controls the flexor carpi Ulnaris?
1. flexor & adductor of the hand
2. ulnar nerve C7-C8
Superficial layer/ ventral muscles of the forearm?
1.Palmaris Longus
2.Pronator teres
3.Flexor Carpi Radialis
4.Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
5.Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Where is the flexor pollicis longus?
runs through carpal tunnel. radius and the interosseous membrane
what does the flexor pollicus longus do?
flexor of the terminal phalanx(thumb)
What innervates the flexor policis longus?
1. anterior interosseus branch median nerve C8-T1
Where is the flexor digitorum profundus?
4 tendons run within the carpal tunnel and insert onto the distal phalangeal bones
Where does the flexor digitorum profundus originate?
anterior aspect of ulna and interosseus membrane
Where do the flexors of the forearm originate?
medial epicondyle
where does the flexor digitorum insert?
1. second to fifth digits
2. 2 heads of the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis
what does the flexor digitorum profundus flex?
1. wrist
2.midcarpal joints
3.metacarpophalangeal joints
4.phalangeal joints
what controls the flexor digitorum profundus medially/laterally?
1.lateral-median nerver interosseus branch C8 & T1
2. Medial-ulnar nerve C8-T1
Where is the pronator quadratus?
dital part of the ulna to distal part of radius
What does/controls pronator quadratus?
pronates forearm so dos pronatos teres

median nerve anterior interosseous branch C8-T1
What are some characteristics of the carpal tunnel?
1. 7 tendons
2. palmarcarpal tendon sheath for protection against friction
3. nutrition is supplied via synovial fluid
What passes through the carpal tunnel?
1. flexors digitorum superficialis
2. flexor digitorum profundus
. median nerve
4.flexor pollicis longus
5. flexor carpi radialis
what passes through the canal in the grooove of the trapezium (carpal bone)?
flexor carpi radialis
Posterior muscles of the forearm generally do what?
extensors- dorsiflexors of the wrist and hand.
what muscle group is located posterolateral aspect of the forearm?
radial group muscles
What keeps the extensor retinaculm connected to the bones around the carpel area through extensions?
where do the extensor muscles of the posterior forearm pass?
several pass through the tendon compartments.
where do the extensor muscles of the posterior forearm pass?
several pass through the tendon compartments.
what muscles are part of the radial muscles group?
1. brachioradialis
2. extensor carpi radialis longus
3. extensor carpi radialis brevis
Were is the brachioradialis located?
lateral supracondylar ridge(crest) of the humerus.

Lateral aspect of styloid process of raduiud
what does the brachioradialis do?
1.protanate & supinate forearm
2. mid position of forearm
3.forearm flexor at elbow joint
what innervates the brachioradialis?
radial nerve C5, C6,C7
Where does the extensor carpi radialis longus insert?
second metacarpal bone
what does the extensor carpi radialis longus do?
1. extension & radial abduction of hand at wrist joint.
2.WEAK flexor of the elbow
3. aids in protanation and supination of forearm
what innervates extensor carpi radialis longus?
radial nerve C6 C7
Where does the extensor carpi radialis brevis insert?
3rd metacarpal bone
What innervates the extensor carpi radialis brevis?
deep branch of radial nerve C7
what does the extensor carpi radialis brevis do?
1. extensor and abductor of the hand at the wrist joint
2. weak flexor of the elbow
What nerve is damaged by honey moon pulse or saturday night pulse?
radial nerve
what is a charcteristic of the lateral epicondyle?
extensor muscles of forearm attach here
Where does the extensor digitorum insert?
distal phalangeal bones. NOT the thumb.
What is the responsibility of the extensor digitorum?
1. extends the four medial fingers NOT the thumb
2. dorsiflexion of the hand at the wrist
What innervates the extensor digitorum?
posterior interosseous branch of deep radial nerve C7-C8
what are between the tendons of the extensor digitorum on the hand that form dorsal aponeurosis?
dorsal digital expansion
where does the extensor digiti minimi insert?
base of the distal phalanx of 5th digit
what is the responsibility of the extensor digiti minimi?
extension of 5th digit and dorsiflexion of the hand
what innervates the extensor digiti minimi?
posterior interosseus branch of deep radial nerve C7 C8
Where does the extensor carpi ulnaris insert?
base of 5th metacarpal bone
what is the function of the extensor carpi ulnaris?
extends and adducts the hand at the wrist
what innervates the extensor carpi ulnaris?
posterior interosseus branch of deep radial nerve C7-C8
What does and controls the supinator?
1. supinate the forearm
2. deep branch of radial nerve C5-C6
What does and controls the supinator?
1. supinate the forearm
2. deep branch of radial nerve C5-C6
Where does the abductor pollicis longus insert?
1st metacarpal bone
what does the abductor pollicis longus do?
abduction of the thumb and extension at the carpometacarpal joint
Where is the extensor pollicis brevis?
dorsal surface of ulna and radius and interosseous membrane. inserting to base of proximal phalanx of the thumb.
What is the responsibility of the extensor pollicis brevis?
extension of the proximal phalanx at the metacrpophalangeal joint
Where is the extensor pollicis longus?
dorsal surface of the ulna and interosseus membrane inserting into the base of the DISTAL phalanx of the thumb
What does the extensor pollicis longus do?
extends the thumb at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

crest on radius as a fulcrum
where is the extensor indicis?
dorsal surface of the ulna and the interosseous membrane insert to base of the distal phalanx of the index finger.
what does the extensor indicis do?
index extension and hand dorsiflexion
What innervates the abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus & extensor indicis?
posterior interosseous branch of the deep radial nerve C7-C8
What extensor passes through the 1st compartment of extensor retinaculm?
abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
what extensor passes through the 2nd compartment of the extensor retinaculum?
extensors carpi radialis brevis and longus
WHat runs through the 3rd compartment of the extensor retinaculum?
extensor pollicis longus
what runs through the 4th compartment of E.R.?
extensor digitorum and extensor indicis
WHat runs through the 5th compartment?
extensor digiti minimi
what runs through 6th compartment of E.R?
extensor carpi ulnaris