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45 Cards in this Set

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What are 4 legged animals called


What helped in evolution of prehensile activity of upperlims in humans

1. Opposible thumb

2. Clavicle that prevents us from turning into dogs

3. Supination and protonation activity of uppperlimbs

4. Free movement of fingers and thumb of hand

What are the type of grips

Hook grip

Power grip

Precision grip

What is pectoral limb girdle

The set of clavicle and scapula which connect appendicular skeleton to axial skeleton

Why is the pectoral girdle not regarded as a complete girdle

Because it is connected to axial skeleton only anteriorly

What is the primary function of pectoral girdle

To provide site of attachment for various muscles.

For ease of study how is the upper limb divided


Arm (brachium)

Forearm (antebrachium)

Hand (Manus)

What does the shoulder region include

Axilla (Armpit)

Scapular region (shoulder blade)

Pectoral region (Brest region)

What are the bones of the shoulder region



The joint between acromian and clavicle is called

Acromioclavicular joint

The joint between sternum and clavicle is

Sternoclavicular joint

What type of joint is sternoclavicular joint

synovial joint

The Sternoclavicular Joint (SC joint) is formed from the articulation of the medial aspect of the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum. It is one of four joints that compose the Shoulder Complex. The SC joint is generally classified as a plane style synovial joint, and has a fibrocartilage joint disk.

What type of joint is acromioclavicular joint

synovial joint

The Acromioclavicular Joint, or AC Joint, is one of four joints that compride the Shoulder complex. The AC Joint is formed by the junction of the lateral clavicle and the acromion process of the scapula and is a gliding, or plane style synovial joint

What is the scientific term for elbow


What is the scientific term for arm


What is the scientific term for forearm


What are the bones of hand proper


The naming of metacarpals as 1-5 is medial to lateral or lateral to medial

Lateral to medial

Thumb first and pinky last

Remember it as that pissiform is located near to pinky and the mnemonic is

She is too pretty

try to catch her

What is the number of phalangeal bones

14 (2+3+3+3+3)

What type of joint is interphalangeal joint

hinge joints (synovial joint)

Interphalangeal Joints. Interphalangeal joints are formed between the phalanges. These are uniaxial type of hinge joints where only possible movement is flexion and extension.

What type of joint is the elbow joint

The elbow joint is a complex hinge joint formed between the distal end of the humerus in the upper arm and the proximal ends of the ulna and radius in the forearm. The elbow allows for the flexion and extension of the forearm relative to the upper arm, as well as rotation of the forearm and wrist

What type of joint is the inter carpal joint

Ellipsoid joints (synovial)The intercarpal joints are synovial joints formed between the individual bones of the proximal row of the carpal bones, between the individual bones of the distal row of carpal bones, and between the proximal and distal rows (the midcarpal joint).

When does the development of limbs start in the intrauterine life

In the 4th week

What is direction of rotation of preaxial border of upper and lower limb

Upper limb (laterally through 90 degree)

Lower limb (medially through 90 degree)

They rotate such that the flexor compartment of muscles is located anteriorly for upper arm where as it is located posteriorly for lower limb.

The strongest ligament of upper arm

Corrococlavicular ligament

The muscles of anterior compartment act as flexor or extensor?

Upper limb flexor

Lower limb extensor

The nerve supply to the upper limb is derived from the

Brachial plexus

How is the brachial plexus formed

It is formed by the ventral Rami of C5-C8 and T1

C5,C6- superior trunk of brachial plexus

C7- middle trunk of brachial plexus

C8-T1- inferior trunk of brachial plexus

Name the first bone to ossify in the body


Artery commonly used to take arterial pulse

Radial artery in front of wrist on lateral side just below the thumb

Artery commonly used for ausculation

Brachial artery in front of the elbow

Most preferred muscle for tendon graft

Palmaris longus

Muscle most commonly used for intramuscular injection


Strongest ligament in the upper limb

Corrococlavicular ligament

Joint with maximum type of movement

Shoulder joint

Most mobile joint of the body

Shoulder joint

Most important digit of the hand


Part of the upper limb having largest representation in the brain


Most important feature of the hand

Opposition of thumb to execute precision grip

Only point of body contact between upper limb and chest

Sternoclavicular joint

What is the most common dislocation surgery

Dislocation of shoulder

Give certain unique features of clavicle

It keeps the shoulder strut

Transmits force from appendicular skeleton to axial skeleton

It provides site for attachment of various muscles

Namely: subclavius

Pectoralis major




And various ligaments like corrococlavicular

Costoclavicular etc.

Name the peculiarities of the clavicle

1)It has 2 primary center of development

2)It has no medullary cavity

3)It is the only long one that is horizontal in anatomical position

4)It is the only ariculation of arm to thorax

5)It is the first bone to start ossification and last to complete ossification at 25

6)It is the only bone with membranocartilagenous ossification


It may be pierced by cutaneous nerve (intermediate subscapular nerve)

Explain the destinguishing features for defining anatomical position of clavicle

Conoid tubercle

Trapezoid line

Subclavius groove

Nutrient foramen

Describe the position of connoid tubercle and it's function

It is located on lateral and inferior aspect of clavicle, medial to the trapezoid line and lateral to the nutrient foramen and subclavian groove