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23 Cards in this Set

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what causes upper GI bleed

nonspecific mucosal abnl

peptic ulcer = MC

esophageal inflm/varices

mallory-weiss tears



what is important in the hx of a pt with UGI bleed

prior hx (bleed from same spot)

liver disease, alcohol abuse: varices

retching, coughing: mallory-weiss tear

prior H. pylori infx, NSAIDs: PUD


meds: ASA, anticoagulants, bisphosphonate

what do you find on PE with UGI bleed?



blood loss

rectal exam: color, guaiac

what labs are affected with UGI bleed

CBC- blood count can be nl in acute

increased BUN to Cr ratio = >20-100:1

PT/PTT, chem 8, LFT, CK (MI)

dx of UGI bleed


tagged RBC scan


esophageal capsule

NO barium- interfere with endoscopy or surgery

what causes esophageal varices

-portal hypertension- MC: viral, alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic steatoheptitis (NASH)

-pancreatitis or carcinoma

-LUQ tramua

RF for varices

child class B or C cirrhosis

who to tx varices

ICU: O2 and EKG


2 lg bore IVs: bolus crystalloid, blood products


tx for acute bleed with varices (not meds)

stabilize hemodynamic (avoid over transfusion)

endoscopic band ligation


short term: balloon tamponade

long term: liver transplant

what drugs do we use for acute bleed with varices



-octreotideL inhibit vasoactive compound like glucagon and decrease portal flow

-vasopressin: decrease medenteric arterial flow

-vit K: hasnt been shown to work

sx of peptic ulcer

dyspepsia burning or hunger pain

classic duodenal ulcer: pain 2-5h pc, relief with food

visceral sensation nonspeicific

silent ulcers

what drugs can induce peptic ulcer

NSAIDs, theophylline, smoking, alcohol, caffeine

how do you test for H. pylori

always get at least 2 tests to double check

relapse common

medications for peptic ulcer

H2blockers and PPI

anatacids and sucralfate better than placebo in healing duodenal ulcers, not in gastric ulcers

tx for peptic ulcer (not meds)

remove NSAIDS, smoking, excessive alcohol

stress mamagement

avoid certain foods

what happens with prolonged use of PPI

most potent gastric acid inhibitor

C. diff, impaired Ca/iron/B12/Mg absorption pneumonia, osteoporosis in smokers

what is mallory-weiss syndrome

longitudinal mucosal laceration in distal esophagus and proximal stomach from forceful retching causing submucosal and bleed

precipitating factors of mallory-weiss syndrome


straining at stool or lifting



colonoscopy prep

predisoposing conditions of mallory weiss

hiatus hernia

heavy alcohol abuse leading to vomiting

sx of mallory weiss

acute GI bleed

usually single tear

tx for mallory weiss

-blood transfusion

-endoscopic therapy: inject epinephrine, ethanol, other sclerosants


-electrocoagulation: MC thermal therapy, contraindicated in portal HTN

what is Boerhaave syndrome

spontaneous perforation of esophagus

RF of boerhaave syndrome

caustic ingestion

pill esophgitis

barretts esophagus

infx esophageal dilation

rare but fatal