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50 Cards in this Set

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(facial expression)
O - Galea aponeurotica
I - Skin superior to supraorbital line
*A - Draws scalp forward, elevates eyebrows, & wrinkles skin of forehead
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
Orbicularis Oris
(facial expression)
O - Muscle fibers surrounding opening of mouth
I - Skin at corner of mouth
*A - Closes & shapes lips (i.e., kissing muscle); forms words
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
Zygomaticus Major
(facial expression)
O - Zygomatic bone
I - Skin at corner of mouth & orbicularis oris
*A - Draws angle of mouth upward as in smiling (smiling muscle)
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
(facial expression)
O - Alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible
I - Orbicularis oris
*A - Movements of blowing & kissing (blowing muscle)
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
**cheek muscle
(facial expression)
O - Facia over parotid gland
I - Skin at angle of mouth & orbicularis oris
*A - Draws angle of mouth laterally as in grinning or tenseness (grinning muscle)
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
(facial expression)
O - Fascia over deltoideus & pectoralis major muscles
I - Muscles of mandible around angle of mouth & skin of lower face; mandible
*A - Draws lower lip down & backward (pouting); depresses mandible
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
Orbicularis Oculi
(facial expression)
O - Medial wall of orbit
I - Circular path around orbit
*A - Closes eye lids
*N - Facial nerve (VII)
**sphincteral muscle surrounding muscle
*I - Sternum & clavicle
*O - Mastoid process of temporal bone
*A - Turns head from side to side & flexes head
*N - Spinal accessory nerve (from C3,C4)
O - Maxilla & zygomatic arch
I - Angle and ramus of mandible
*A - Involved in chewing; elevates & protracts mandible
*N - Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V)
O - Temporal fossa of parietal bone
I - Coronoid process of mandible
*A - Involved in chewing; elevates & retracts mandible
*N - Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
Medial Pterygoid
O - Medial surface of lateral pterygoid lamina of sphenoid
I - Angle & ramus of mandible on medial side of mandible
*A - Involved in chewing; elevates & protracts mandible & moves mandible from side to side
*N - Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
Lateral Pterygoid
O - Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid lamina & greater wing of sphenoid
I - Condyle of mandible & temporomandibular articulation
A - Protracts mandible & moves mandible from side to side
N - Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
Pectoralis Minor
(anterior pectoral girdle)
O - Anterior surfaces of 3rd - 5th ribs
I - Coracoid process of scapula
A - Protracts & depresses pectoral girdle
N - (Medial) pectoral nerve
(anterior pectoral girdle)
O - First rib (anterior surface)
I - Clavicle
A - Depresses clavicle & acts as a dynamic splint
N - Nerve to subclavius (C5,C6)
Serratus Anterior
(anterior pectoral girdle)
O - Lateral surfaces of 1st - 8th ribs
I - Medial border & inferior angle of scapula
A - Most powerful protractor of pectoral girdle; important fixator of scapula
N - Long thoracic nerve
**Has a jagged-like appearance; "boxer's" muscle; "winged" scapula occurs when serratus anterior is weak
(posterior pectoral girdle)
O - External occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T12; ligamentum nuchae attaches to higher cervical vertebrae
I - Acromion end of clavicle, acromion process of scapula, & the spine of the scapula
A - Elevates, retracts, & upwardly rotates pectoral girdle, extends head
- Upper muscles - elevate
- Clavicular head - retracts
- Spinous head - upwardly
N - Spinal accessory (C3,C4)
Rhomboid Major
(posterior pectoral girdle)
O - Spinous processes of T2-T5 vertebrae
I - Medial border of scapula
A - Retracts pectoral girdle, rotates scapula downward
N - Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid Minor
(posterior pectoral girdle)
O - Spinous process of C7-T1 vertebrae
I - Medial border of scapula
A - Retracts pectoral girdle, rotates scapula downward
N - Dorsal scapular
**Only difference w/ rhomboid major is O
Levator Scapulae
O -
I -
A -
N -
O -
I -
A -
N -
(shoulder joint)
O -
I -
A -
N -
(shoulder joint)
O -
I -
A -
N -
O -
I -
A -
N -
Teres Minor
O -
I -
A -
N -
Teres Major
O -
I -
A -
N -
Pectoralis Major
O -
I -
A -
N -
Latissimus Dorsi
O -
I -
A -
N -
Biceps Brachii
O -
I -
A -
N -
O -
I -
A -
N -
O -
I -
A -
N -
Triceps Brachii
O -
I -
A -
N -
Pronator Teres
(anterior/flexor superficial)
O -
I -
A -
N -
Flexor Carpi Radialis
O -
I -
A -
N -
Palmaris Longus
O -
I -
A -
N -
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
O -
I -
A -
N -
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
O -
I -
A -
N -
Flexor Pollicis Longus
(anterior/flexor deep)
O -
I -
A -
N -
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
O -
I -
A -
N -
Pronator Quadratus
O -
I -
A -
N -
(posterior/extensor superficial)
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
(posterior/extensor superficial)
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Digitorum
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Digiti Minimi
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
O -
I -
A -
N -
(posterior/extensor deep)
O -
I -
A -
N -
Abductor Pollicis Longus
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Pollicis Longus
O -
I -
A -
N -
Extensor Indicis
O -
I -
A -
N -