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219 Cards in this Set

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putting interests of native-borns first


a policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs


an economic and political system based on a single-party government ruled by a dictatorship


people who opposed any form of government

Sacco and Vanzetti

Italian immigrants and anarchists who were charged with robbery/murder and executed

Quota System

established the maximum # of people who could enter the US from each foreign nation

John J. Lewis

leader of the United Mine Workers of America, got mine workers 27% pay increase

The Klu Klux Klan

wanted to Keep America for Americans, racist group

The Emergency Quota Act

cap on immigration, keep out Eastern and Souther Europeans

Immigration Act

amended version of The Emergency Quota Act by Coolidge, lowers nationality rate


ban on sale, production, etc. of alcohol which later failed due to the corruption of government, difficulty to enforce, crime increase, need for revenue


a place that illegally sold alcohol


someone who illegally sold alcohol





Alchohol's role in US

root of nation's problems, supposedly cause of corruption, unemployment... unpatriotic or rather German to be pro-alcohol

Progressive movement

believers that alcohol was cause of US problems


you woman who embraced new fashions

Double Standard

stricter standards of behavior for women, housework for women, inequality but new opportunities

1920's Family Changes

birth-rate drop, technology household innovations, marriage based on love, social adaptions

Harlem renaissance

artistic and literary movement celebration African-American culture

Marcus Garvey

believed blacks should form a separate society

Langston Hughes

black poet

Paul Robeson

black actor

Louis Armstrong

black jazz musician

Duke Ellington

black pianist and composer

Bessie Smith

black female blues singer, highest paid

Price Support

government would buy surplus of goods then sell it on world market


consumers buy now and pay later, reason for Great Depression

Alfred E. Smith

Democrat who rang against Herbert Hoover in 1928 Election

Dow Jones Industrial Average

barometer of stock market's health


buying stocks at chance of quick profit while ignoring risks

Buying on Margin

paying small % of stock's pice (down payment) then borrowing rest

Black Tuesday

October 29th, 1929 day the stock market crashed

Great Depression

1929-1940 when economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed, world wide crisis because all nations were effected by America's inability to import/trade

Hawley- Smoot Tariff Act

protect American farmers from foreign competition, highest tariff, world trade fell

Herbert Hoover

Republican, urged Americans to remain optimistic about economy, didn't believe in direct aid but charitable acts "too little too late" believed government should encourage cooperation, not control it


little towns of shacks made of junk

Soup Kitchen

of free or low cost foods

Bread Line

people waiting for food from charitable org.

Dust Bowl


region hit hardest by droughts and high winds of Great Plains

Direct Relief

food/cash provided to poor from government


immigrated back to Mexico because they suffered most from unemployment

Psychological effect

family emphasized unity, men lost pride, some lost will to survive, achieving financial stability became sole purpose

Boulder Dam

Hoover's project which provided electricity, flood control, water supply, CA agriculture economy +

Federal Home Loan Act

lowered mortgage rates and allowed farmers to get loans

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

$2 billion for emergency financial for banks/large corporation to help average citizens

Bonus Army

WWI vets went to D.C. to support Patman Bill and get bonuses early, supposedly criminals in Hoover's eyes and had them gassed --> outrage to America

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Democratic candidate who beat Hoover, 2 term governor of NY, "can do"

New Deal

Roosevelt's program to alleviate the Great Depression

Glass- Steagall Act

provided insurance for individual banking accounts to $5000, reassured bankers that their money was safe

Federal Securities Act

required corp. to provide complete info on stocks

Agricultural Adjustment Act

raise crop prices by lowering production, farmers were paid to not grow

Civilian Conservation Corps

put men 18-25 to work so they could send wages to their family at home, food/lodging paid for

National Industrial Recovery Act

provided money to states to create jobs, failed to help unemployment

Deficit Spending

spending more money than government receives in revenue

Huey Long

against FDR/ New Deal, part of American Liberty League

Hundred Days

period of intense activity, 15 pieces of legislation passed, expanded government's role in nation's economy

Fireside Chats

Roosevelt's relatable talks about nation's economy and how it's important to have public support

Home Owners Loan Corp

government loans to homeowners facing forclosure

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

provided directed relief to needy in direct contrast to Hoover's views

court packing bill

Roosevelt wanted to turn court pro-New Deal and hired Hugo S. Black (justice)

Eleanor Roosevelt

social reformer of humanitarian and political things

Works Progress Administration

created jobs quickly, especially art based

Dorothea Lange

photographer who documented American life during GD/ ND

National Youth Adminstration

provided education, jobs, counseling, and recreation to young people

Wagner Act

re-established the NIRA provision of collective bargaining, protected rights of workers to join unions, prohibited unfair labor practices

Social Security Act

insurance for retirees, unemployment, and aid

Second New Deal

more extensive relief for farmers and workers

Election of 1936

African Americans vote Democratic for first time

Soil Conservation and Domestic allotment Act

paid farmers to but production

Farm Security Administration

loaned $1 billion to help tenant farmers

Fair Labor Standards Act

max 40 hrs a week/ minimum wage/ rules for under 16

Securities and Exchange Commission

prevented people w/ inside info from rigging stock market


individuals have no rights and the gov suppressed

Joseph Stalin

controller of Soviet Union, created industrial power

Benito Mussolini

established totalitarian regime in Italy


nationalism and interest of people below state

Adolf Hitler

lleader of the National German Socialist Worker's Party


German form of fascism based on extreme nationalism

Militarist in Japan

in control of Japan's gov, wanted more land, controlled Manchuria, China

Francisco Franco

led Spanish army to rebellion, civil war

Neutrality Acts

to keep U.S. out of future wars, outlawed arm sales to nation @ war

Reciprocal trade Agreement

lowered trade barriers by giving FDR the power to make trade agreements

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister, signed Munich Agreement with Hitler


giving up principals to pacify an aggressor

Winston Churchhill

Chamberlain's political rival, did not agree with Munich Agreement

Nonaggression Pact

between Stalin and Hitler


"lightning war" Hitler's military tactic

Phony War

France and GB waiting for something to happen after France attacks Poland

Charles de Gaulle

French general who sets up government in exile

Munich Agreement

Germany annexed (added Sudentenland in Czchoslovakia) GB and France signed with Hitler to avoid war

Battle of Britain

German air force drops bombs on Poland, retreats when British Royal Air Force fights


murder of 11 million people across Europe, specifically Jews


"Night of Broken Glass" when Nazi troopers attacked Jewish homes, etc


deliberate killing of population


segregated Jewish area

Concentration Camp

labor camp

Final Solution

genocide of non-Aryans

Nuremberg Laws

stripped Jew of their German citizenship and rights

Axis Powers

German, Italy, Japan

Allied Powers

US, France, GB

Lend-lease Act

president would lend/lease arms to any country whose defense was vital to US

Atlantic Charter

US and GB pledge to security, self-determination, economic cooperation, freedom of seas between 26 nations


official ban of trade, with Japan for oil

Pearl Harbor

Dec. 7th, 1941 massive destruction, two waves of Japanese planes, US's official entry in World war 2


allowed nations to buy US arms if they pay cash and transport themselves

Selective Training and Service Act

the 1st draft

Hideki Tojo

leader of Japan promised peace with US but attacked at Pearl Harbor anyways

George Marshall

General, pushed for Women's Auxiliary Army

Women's Auxiliary Army corp

women volunteers to serve in noncombat

A. Phillip Randolph

nation's respected black labor leaders

Manhattan Project

code name for research on the development of atomic bomb

Office of Price Administration

fought inflation by freezing prices on goods

War Production Board

ensured armed forces received resourced they needed to win, industries converted to war prodcution


allotments of goods in essential for military

Scientist inventions

sonar, radar, pesticides, penicillin, atomic bomb

Dwight D. Eisenhower

led Operation Torch in North Africa

Erwin Rommel

German general

tuskegee Airmen

all-black Squadron, fought Luftwaffe


June 1944 in Normandy, France, largest operation, bloodiest at Omaha Beach --> to liberate Paris

Omar Bradley

unleashed bombardment on D-Day

George patton

advanced on D-Day

Battle of The Bulge

German tanks drove into Allied territory to create expansion of borders, retreat

V-E Day

Victory in Europe Day, May 1945

Harry Truman

took over after FDR died

Operation Torch

invasion on Axis- controlled North Africa, Afrika Korps surrendered

Douglas MacArthur

Allied general in the Phillippines

Chester Nimitz

commander of naval forces in Pacific, Battle of Midway

Battle of Midway

Japanese retreat because US breaks their secrets code and defeats which leads to Allied island hopping, TURNING POINT


Japanese pilots crashed planes with bombs in Allied ships

Rober Oppenheimer

led Manhattan Project


"Little boy" city destroyed by Allied


"Fat Man" against city destroys Emperor Hirohito surrenders

Yalta Conference

FDR, Churchill, Stalin meet to talk about Germany

Nuremberg Trial

Hitler's official tried

Doolittle's Raid

raid on Tokyo, surprised Japanese

Battle of Leyte

Imperial Navy suffers heavy losses, defense of Japanese mainlands decreases

Iwo Jima

bombs able to reach Japan from this location, last obstacles preventing Allies from invading Japan


foretaste of invasion of Japan

United Nations

developed by FDR, Stalin joins while allies with FDR

GI Bill of Rights

provided edu for veterans

Congress of Racial equality

confronted urban segregation in North


forced confinement of Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor

Japanese American Citizens League

pushed gov to compensate for those to live in internment camps... ended up being $20,000 as apology

Thurgood Marshall

lawyer for NAACP

Brown V. board of Ed. of Topeka

Linda Brown denied access to white school, segregation in schooled ruled as violation of 14th Amendment

Rosa Parks

resistance on bus, lead to Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King

led Mont. Bus Boycott then Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

non-violent protests

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

national protest group


protestors sat down at segregated lunch counters, media covered ugliness

Plessy v. Fergsuon

"separate but equal" laws

Little Rock Nine

Arkansas tried to desegregate school, Gov. Faubus called National Guard, Eisenhower sent protection

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation

MLK inspirers

Gandhi, Jesus, A. Philip randolph, thoreau


Congress of Racial Equality

Freedom Rides

bus trip across South to test supreme court decision, hoped to provoke violence, JFK sends marshals at Mississippi

James Meredith

allowed to enroll in Ole Miss, JFK sends escorts for Meredith

Civil Rights of 1964

no more Jim Crow laws, prohibiting discrimination

Freedom Summer

gaining voting rights

Fannie Lou Hamer

speaker at Democratic Convention, wanted to gain black influence in Democratic Party

Voting Rights Act of 1966

eliminated literacy tests/ grandfather law, voting tripeled

Eugene Bull Connor

brutal police in televised Birmingham marches

De Facto Segregation

segregation that exists by practice

De Jure Segregation

segregation by law

Malcolm X

urged blacks to take control, self defense. argued whites were cause of black conition

Nation of Islam

black muslims

Stokely Carmichael

leader of SNCC, called for Black Power

Black power

blacks to define own loads and lead without whites' help, objected by MLK

Black Panthers

to fights police brutality, advocated self-defense, set up homeless shelters, etc. believed blacks shouldn't have to serve in US military

Kerner Commission

studied causes of urban violence, white racists to blame

Civil Rights Act of 1968

ended discrimination in housing

Affirmative Action

programs that made special effort to hire/ enroll minority

MLK's assasination

supporting garbage workers on strike, shot by James Earl Ray

JFK's policy

strengthening military without to avoid nuclear war

Fidel Castro

Communist leader in Cuba

Bay of Pigs

Eisenhower made plans to rain Cuban exiles, failure for Americans, JFK negotiated for release of prisoners, "losing Cuba" Cuban exiles blamed JFK


eased Cold War tensions between Soviet Union and US

Limited Test Ban Treaty

banned nuclear war testing

Cuban Missile Crisis

Khrushchev agreed to remove missiles in Cuba if US didn't attack, US secretly removed missiles in turkey

Berlin Wall

wall that divided city in 2, West Berlin becoming Communism under leadership of Soviet Union

Ho Chi Minh

Communist, North Vietnam, created Vietminh, won support of peasants

Domino Theory

falling to communism, Eisenhower's theory

Dien Bien Phu

French outpost overrun by Vietminh where French surrendered

Geneva Accords

divided Vietnam along 17th parallel called for election (north- communist & south-anticommunist)

Ngo Dinh Diem

South Vietnam's president, corrupt but gained US support because he wasn't communist, discriminated against Buddhists


Communist group in South, attacked Diem gov, supported by Ho Chi Minh

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

not declaration of war, granted LBJ military power in Vietnam

Operation Rolling Thunder

bombing of North under LBJ

Rober McNamara

US Secretary of Defense

Dean Rusk

Secretary of State

William Westmoreland

US commander in South Vietnam, requested more troops

Army of Republic of Vietnam

South Vietnam Army, weak


gasoline-based bomb that set jungle on fire

Agent Orange

leaf-killing toxic chemical

Search and Destroy Missions

uprooting civilians with suspected ties to Vietcong

Credibility Gap

rapidly growing gap between truth and LBJ

US morale

eventually decreased due to frustration of warfare, brutal conditions, failures, no reason to fight


"very manipulatable system"


opposed war



New Left

growing youth movement that demanded change

Tet Offensive

Vietcong attacked towns across South Vietnam, but US gained control, shook America's confidence and media openly criticized. LBJ'S popularity plummeted TURNING POINT

Robert Kennedy

JFK's brother

Democratic National Convention

held in Chicago, anti war protests stemmed

Eugene McCarthy

originally ran against LBJ for Democrats

Hubert Humphrey

LBJ's vice pres, ran in place of LBJ after he decided to no longer run

George Wallace


Richard Nixon

Republic, won against Humphrey, promised to restored law and order then end war... pulled out troops but continued war with NV, wanted to keep US dignity and would respond with full force action if North threatened South

Henry Kissinger

Security Advisor, negotiated with North


gradual withdrawal of US troops for SV to take more action

Silent Majority

Americans who quietly supported US efforts

My Lai

Lieutenant William Calley massacred innocent

Kent State

massive student protest which called for National Guard, four killed

Pentagon Paper

document written for McNamara from LBJ showing that he never planned to end war with NV being involved

War Powers Act

limited President's war making powers

Nguyen Van Thieu

South Vietnamese gov

End of Vietnam war

North invades South at Saigon, South surrenders and in America people become suspicious of gov.