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45 Cards in this Set

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City where charter for United Nations was drawn up

San Francisco

Branch where decisions are recommendations and don't have to be obeyed

General Assembly

Branch has 15 members and 5 permanent

Security Council

Person who oversees the work of the United Nations

Secretary General

United Nation troops fought in this war

Korean War

Branch where all nations are represented

General Assembly

Branch responsible for keeping peace

Security Council

Helps other branches with their duties


Branch that works with human rights and raising peoples standards of living

Economic and Social Council

Branch settles disputes between nations such as fishing rights

International Court of Justice

United Nations headquarters is located in...

New York

United Nations wants to prevent what


Organization was replaced by the United Nations because it could not keep peace

League of Nations

UNICEF stands for...

United Nations Children's Fund

Statue takes his hammer to shape his sword into what


When was the UN organized

1945- End of WW2

How money countries belong to the UN today

over 100

Is the UN responsible for increasing trade


Does the UN encourage respect for Human Right


Organization that deal with health matters and provide emergency food aid

World Health Organizations and Food and agriculture organizations


ideas spread to support its own side and criticize the other.

Free world

Made up of countries with non- communist governments


countries that got control of the soviet union after WW2

Radio Free Europe

broadcasts that support democratic principles


Time of improvement between the United States and Soviet Union

Aimed at preventing the spread of communism in the middle east

Eisenhower Doctrine

soviet Union Tried to establish a missile base where


Shot down over soviet union causing more tension

U-2 Spy plane

Statement that an "iron curtain" had descended around eastern europe

Winston Churchill

US supported this country in the middle east during a 6 day war


How did the Soviet Union Start the war

They refused to pull troops from eastern europe

Policy US used during the late 1940's to prevent the spread of communism

Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan

What war did the UN forces fight against North Korea and China Forces

Korean War

What alliance was formed by 12 countries

North Atlantic Treaty Organzation

war that Southeast Asia lost many servicemen

Vietnam war

wall built to divide communist sector and the democratic sector

Berlin Wall

Civil war fought in what country


Event broke the soviet blockade

Berlin Air lift

What country started the space race ans launched "Sputnik l"

Soviet Union

Signed in 1972 by the superpowers limiting the production of nuclear weapons


alliance in 1954 to oppose communist expansion in the far east


president during Cuban Missile Crisis

John Kennedy

Country first to land a man on the moon

United States

Policy helped countries rebuild factories and etc.

Marshall plan

When did the cold war begin

End of WW2