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10 Cards in this Set

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Why are plates important?

What creates mountains in southwest Asia?

What is an example of something the ancient Egyptians did to their dead?

What ancient society is responsible for making mummies?

What was the governor called in Persia?

The does the satrap do?

What religion are madrasses associated with?

What are Islamic religious school called?

What ancient society created their first alphabet?

What did the phoenicians accomplish?

What language did the arabs speak?

Who spoke the Arabic language?

Why are millets different from other cities?

Communities that self-govern themselves by religious ways are...?

Chemistry was first made by what group of people?

Why was the muslims numeral system important?

Mandates are controlled by who?

When powerful nations take control of smaller one they become what?

Why does Armenian genocide not get attention?

Turkey denies that what happened?