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95 Cards in this Set

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What are two mnemonics that can be used to remember the parts of an admission order?
What population is most at risk for cholelithiasis (gallstones)?
Females, 60 years of age or older
What quadrant would a patient with cholelithiasis have pain in?
Right upper quadrant
Back pain in between the shoulder blades and pain in the right shoulder may indicate what?
Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
When is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy indicated?
Patient symptomatic
Gallbladder calcified
Stones over 3 cm
What location is commonly thought of as the position of the appendix?
McBurney's point
What structure supplies the blood for the appendix?
Mesoappendix - separate mesentery
Appendiceal artery
What immunoglobulin is secreted by the submucosa of the appendix?
What mechanism causes the pain in appendicitis?
Distention of lumen walls
What mechanism leads to inflammation of the appendix?
Impairment of lymphatic/venous drainage, causing mucosal ischemia
Appendicitis occurs most commonly in what age population?
10-30 years of age
What are the 4 most common symptoms of appendicitis?
Reflex anorexia
Visceral pain
Pain is experienced in what quadrant during appendicitis?
Right lower quadrant
What is known as pain in the right lower quadrant with compression of the left lower quadrant?
Rovsing sign
Psoas sign is what?
pain elicited by extending the hip with the knee in full extension
Psoas sign is positive in what?
Psoas inflammation
Obturator sign is what?
Pain increased by internal rotation and flexion of the right thigh
Acute hypotension, tachycardia, a tense distended abdomen, and absent bowel sounds are indicative of what?
Appendix perforation
What is remarkable on a CBC of an appendicitis patient?
Elevated WBCs
Elevated neutrophils
Red blood cells in the urine are usually a sign of what?
What cells are contaminants in a urinalysis?
Epithelial cells
Which cast is a normal finding in concentrated urine?
Fatty casts in the urine are indicative of what?
Heavy proteinuria
What antibiotics can cause sulfur crystals in the urine?
Sulfa antibiotics
What is the normal range for alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in a CMP?
30 to 120 U/L
What is the normal range for chloride in a CMP?
98 to 106 mEq/L
A fever of over 101 and a WBC count over 18,000 in an appendicitis patient indicates what?
Appendix rupture/perforation
What is the recommended daily intake for calcium?
1000 to 1500 mg/day
What is the daily absorption of calcium?
600 mg
What 3 substances regulate calcium levels?
Parathyroid hormone
Vitamin D
What hormone is secreted in response to low serum calcium?
Hypercalcemia is a serum calcium level over what?
12 mg/dL
90% of hypercalcemia cases are caused by what two conditions?
What is the most important thing to remember in treating hypercalcemia?
Treat the underlying condition
What four things should you remember about the presentation of hypercalcemia?
Groans (constipation, malaise, abd pain)
Moans (behavioral changes)
Bones (bone pain)
Stones (kidney stones)
What test involves the patient standing with knees straight, raising onto the toes, and then dropping onto the heels - all this causing abdominal pain?
Markle's (HeelJar) Test
(test for peritoneal irritation)
What is the most common GI disorder?
What GI disorder is characterized by inappropriate relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter?
What is the most common symptom of GERD?
In what region do congenital hernias most often occur?
What is the most common type of abdominal wall hernia?
Inguinal hernia
What is the overall efficiency percentage for water absorption?
What type of diarrhea results from ingestion of a poorly absorbed, osmotically active substance?
Osmotic diarrhea
What type of diarrhea results from disordered electrolyte transport or reduced electrolyte absorption?
What is the most common cause of secretory diarrhea?
What enzymes are responsible for chemical digestion in the mouth?
What enzyme is involved in the immediate breakdown of starches?
What enzyme is involved in the breakdown of triglycerides?
Lipase is activated when?
When it comes in contact with the acidic environment of the stomach
What are the four sections of the stomach?
What are the 3 sections of the small intestines?
Absorbing monosaccharides, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, electrolytes, and water are functions of what?
Small intestines
Completing absorption, producing vitamines, forming feces, and eliminating feces are functions of what?
Large intestines
A mutation in the gene NOD2/CARD15 on chromosome 16 is associated with what disease?
Crohn's disease
What bacterial organism is found in the blood and interstitial tissue of many people with Crohn's disease?
Mycobacterium avium
The abdominal wall is innervated by what nerves?
T7 - T12
What nerve serves the umbilicus?
What abdominal muscle originates in the pubis and the pubic symphysis?
Rectus abdominis
What abdominal muscle originates at the lower 8 ribs?
External abdominal oblique
Which type of gangrene is caused by insufficient blood supply?
What causes the black coloration of gangrenous tissue?
Hydrogen sulfide produced by bacteria, resulting in black iron sulfide that remains in the tissues
What bacteria most often causes wet gangrene?
S. pyogenes
What bacteria is responsible for gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringes
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and an adnexal mass are indicative of what in a female?
Ectopic pregnancy
What is the length of a normal adult appendix?
6-15 cm
What is the diameter of a normal adult appendix?
0.3 - 1.0 cm
Mean 0.7 cm
What is a fecalith?
A hard mass consisting of thickened feces
What is the wall thickness in a normal adult appendix?
Less than 0.3 cm
Mean 0.15 cm
What is the name of epithelial cells that secrete mucus?
Goblet cells
What are the two layers of the abdominal fascia?
Camper's (superficial fatty layer)
Scarpa's (deep membranous)
What nerves serve the intestines, rectum, & anus?
L1, L2
What nerves serve the kidney & adrenal gland?
T10, T11
What nerves serve the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, & spleen?
What are the layers of the abdominal musculature that a surgeon must cut through to get to the appendix?
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominis
Cholecystitis presents with pain in what quadrant?
Hepatitis could present with pain in what quadrant?
Pancreatitis could present with pain where?
Epigastric region
What infection is often associated with peptic ulcer disease?
H. pylori
What is the name for a sharp increase in tenderness with a sudden stop in inspiratory effort?
Murphy's sign
What sign is associated with cholecystitis?
Murphy's sign
A patient's abdominal wall pain increases when they raise their head and shoulders while laying in a supine position. What sign is this?
Carnett's sign
What is the most common cause of left lower quadrant pain in adults?
Ureterolithiasis is most likely to present with pain in what quadrant?
Acute cholangitis presents with pain in what quadrant?
Cholangitis is what?
Inflammation of the bile duct or the entire biliary tree
Clay colored stools are associated with what liver disease?
Salpingitis is what?
1) Inflammation of the uterine tube
2) inflammation of the pharyngotympanic tube
What are 3 symptoms of diverticulitis?
What is the normal range of daily urine output in adults?
750 - 2000 mL
Constipation is fewer than how many stools per week(for women and men)?
Less than 3/week for females
Less than 5/week for males
What is the greatest risk factor for an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
For ATP to be biologically active, it must be bound to what electrolyte?
Parathyroid hormone affects what 3 electrolytes?
Increased magnesium and phosphorus can be indicators of what?
Chronic renal failure
What hormone is a regulator of potassium?