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78 Cards in this Set

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Who controlled the sea in the 1500's? Who defeated the Spanish Armada? When?

Spanish; Sir Francis Drake; 1588

People left Europe for ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, and ____________.

Potential wealth, religious freedom, adventure, newstart, power

What colony was started when the Virginia Company received a charter to start a settlement? When was the colony started?

Jamestown Colony; 1607

What were obstacles they faced in the Jamestown colony?

Native Americans, Weather, disease, government

What helped the Jamestown Colony survive?

The colony's structure, Native americans, Tobacco, reinforcement

Describe Pocahontas and her role in Jamestown colony.

She was the daughter of Chief Powhatan. She converted to Christianity with the name of Rebecca. She married John Wolfe.

What gave the colony the right to elect its own law making body, and what year was it passed?

The House of Burgesses; 1619

What else happened in 1619?

20 Africans were brought to the colony

When the colonists were headed for Virginia, where did they land, and who were these colonists?

They landed in Plymouth, but only 1/3 of them were actually Pilgrims (People on a religious journey).

Created to establish order and made all who signed it agree to follow the rules; It was used later as a guide to constitution.

The Mayflower Compact

Who started the Massachusetts Bay Colony and in what year?

John Winthrop (1630)

Why did John Winthrop start the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

He led Puritans to establish a Christian community. (Part of the Church of England).

What led to the founding of other New England colonies?

Disagreements about religion

Discuss the New Hampshire Colony and when it was founded?

Founded by John Wheelwright when he was force to leave the M.B.C; 1638; Exports include fur, cattle, and ships

Describe the Connecticut colony and when was it founded?

Thomas Hooker led people here; They wrote the first American Constitution; Exports were iron, cattle, grain, and ships; 1636

Describe the Rhode Island Colony and when was it founded?

Roger Williams started this colony for religious freedom; Anne Hutchinson tested female boundaries and was forced to leave the M.B.C.; Exports are Iron and rum; 1636

King Phillip's War was fought between the ____________ and the ____________ ____________. Why was it fought?

Puritans, Native Americans; to stop European Expansion

____________ led to the confederation of indigenous peoples.

Metacom (Called King Philip by Europeans)

What was the only colony to have true religious freedom?

New Hampshire

Which colonies make up the Middle Colonies?

New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Describe the New York Colony? When was it founded?

Originally called New Netherland, a Dutch colony that was occupied by patroons; English took over and named it New York; The first proprietary colony; 1624

Describe the Delaware colony? When was it founded?

Became an English colony when they took New York; initially part of Pennsylvania in 1704 and became a separate colony; 1638

Describe the New Jersey colony? When was it founded?

Originally part of New York, but broke off to make money; proprietary colony and then became a royal colony; 1664

Describe the Pennsylvania colony? When was it started?

Started by William Penn for the Quakers religiously tolerant settlement; Against slavery and women were treated as equals; Freedom of religion and peace with Native Americans; 1682

What is the most important features of Middle colonies?

The most diverse population of the 3 regions and helped expand British trade in the colonies.

The ____________ ____________ ____________ is a line that was formed after the American Revolution that divided the slave states where slavery had been abolished.

Mason Dixon Line

Who was hired to settle the boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland?

Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon

Which colonies make up the Southern Colonies?

Virginia, Maryland, Georgia

Describe the Virginia Colony and when was it founded?

Originally started by Smith (Jamestown); Where Bacon's Rebellion occurred; 1607

____________ ____________ occurred when a wealthy planter led raids on Native American Villages and Jamestown.

Bacon's Rebellion

Describe the Maryland Colony and when was it started.

Started by Cecil Calvert as a Catholic refuge and brought indentured servants and slaves; 1634

Describe the Carolina colonies and when were they started.

Crops and slavery was important to these areas; 1663

Describe the Georgia Colony and when was it started.

Proprietary colony owned by James Oglethorpe; Created for religious freedom and a fresh start from debt and served as protection against the Spanish and Native Americans (buffer); 1733

Why were the Southern colonies created?

To sell and profit from the land.

____________ became an important part of colonial society in the South.


Life in the South was based developing ____________.


French colonies mostly traded with the ____________ ____________.

Native Americans

The French followed the lead of the ____________.


Spanish colonies.....

bordered the new French and British colonies.

____________ was the 1st permanent European settlement in North America.

St. Augustine

____________ ____________ bordered the new French and British colonies.

Spanish colonies

____________ played a key role in colonizing the borderlands.


What were the missionaries' goals in the colonies?

To spread Christianity to the Native Americans.

When was the Magna Carta signed?


What did the Magna Carta state?

King John was forced to agree that he had no right to demand their property without their consent, and he must now get the consent of the people.

What were 2 important aspects of the Magna Carta?

There must be a set of laws governing (precedents) how the King and his subjects will deal with each other, and the King is not the highest authority and that he is bound by a higher law.

What is the first elected representative government that imposed taxes and ran the colony and when was it founded?

Virginia House of Burgesses; 1619

What is the Mayflower Compact and when was it written?

Pilgrims contract that allows for self-government and every adult male would vote for the Governor and his advisors on a yearly basis; 1620

Describe the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and when was it written?

First written constitution in North America, outlined for self-government of the colony, elected an assembly to make laws and their own representatives; 1639

What could representatives do under the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

Impose taxes, fines, and managed the colony.

Occurred when the English overthrew the last Catholic monarch and stated Parliament could take away many powers from the monarchy.

The Glorious Revolution

Explain the English Bill of Rights and when it was written.

Parliament agrees on laws, raises taxes, okays the raising of an army; Parliament and public has free speech against the government; trial by jury, elections and debate; King appoints the governor, who has final say on laws; 1689

What could assemblies under the English Bill of Rights do?

Make laws, pass laws, pay governor's salary

What was Freedom of the Press started from?

John Peter Zenger Trial of 1735 who was arrested for exposing the governor's corruption. Zenger won freedom of press.

An official document that gives special rights to its holder.


Who claimed land for England?

Sir Walter Raleigh

Describe the Roanoke colony and when it was started?

Founded by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585 to expand England's territory and search for gold and other riches. The colony failed because colonists left and returned to England because of lack of supplies; It became known as the lost colony.

Harsh treatment for their religious beliefs


Someone who makes a journey for religious reasons


Contract with the church


Someone who uses power cruelly and dictates the rules.


To allow something to be or be done without trying to stop it.


What happened during the Pequot War?

The Puritans needed more land and competed with the Pequot Native Americans for more land. The Connecticut settlers attacked them in 1637 and defeated them in 1638. The Native Americans moved to what is now New Hampshire.

Describe King Phillip's War.

Metacomet called King Phillip by colonists, became leader and the colonists started taking their lands; They convinced other Native Americans to join them and fight the colonists. Metacomet was trapped and killed by rival Native Americans that helped the settlers. When he died , the war ended Native American power in the region.

Business owners


Condition of having people who are different in some way living or working together in the same place.


The rest of the Middle Colonies were founded by ____________ ____________.

William Penn

Describe the Quakers.

Religious group that was tolerant of other religions; they believed others equal. They were persecuted in England.

How did Penn get land in North America?

The king owned his father money, and Penn asked him to pay his debt in land. He earned A piece of West New Jersey and Southwest New York. He named this land Pennsylvania, which means Penn's Woods. Everyone here could worship freely.

What was the capital of Pennsylvania?

Philadelphia which means the "city of brotherly love." It was the busiest city in the colonies.

Was formed from land hanging off of the square shaped Pennsylvania where colonists were allowed to make their own laws.


The edge of land settled by colonists


Colony founded by George Calvert where Catholics could have religious freedom.


Money left over after a business has paid all its bills


Founded by 8 proprietors; Had large plantations that grew tobacco and rice.

North and South Carolina

Debtors were sent to this colony to work off their debts


What other people came to Georgia and why?

People from Germany and Switzerland for religious freedom.

Who was the only person who kept peace with Native Americans while obtaining land?

James Oglethorpe