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20 Cards in this Set

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How are the needs of minorities met?
By having both ends meet, like making policie for First Nations like having their precious land preserved
What roles do citizens have in the legal system and what responsabilities?
When you are 18 years old u can vote. It is your responsability to have a say in the government
What are Francophones?
People who's first language is french
What are Anglophones?
People who's first language is english
Rights and Freedoms in the Charter are what?
That every Canadian is treated with fairness and equity
What is the role of the media in political issues?
The role of the media is to tell everyone what is going on in the issue
How do citizens participate in the justice system?
We participate in how long the criminal is sent to jail for
Who are Metis and how do they participate in the government?
Metis people are a mixture of F.N. and cocassian, they participate with the government by being apart of congress and vote like everyone else
Definition of inherit rights?
When a person in your family dies, if you are mentioned in that persons will, you will recieve all their belongings that belonged to that person
What are Lobbyists?
Lobbyists are people who persuade the government to change theri minds on a certain perspective
Definition of Propaganda
information that is spread for the purpose of promoting a cause
Definition of Identity
a person's personality and who they are as a human being
Definition of Accountable
liable for one's actions
Definition of Apathetic
showing little or no emotion
Definition of Citizenship
the status of a citizen with rights and values
Definition of Consitution
fundamental law, law determining the polices principales of the government
Definition of Quality of life
how well you live
Definition of Assimilation
forced to be apart of the majority ethnic group
Definition of Affirm
to confirm
Definition of Culture
a particular group in a particular period of time